"Zheng Ting, haven't you received the news yet? This woman cheats on you and cooperates with outsiders to design you. What's your attitude now? You still treat her like a treasure?" Jiang Mingxiu stared at Xia angrily. In other words, as soon as I arrived at the company, I heard about her and that Ye Yunchen. Such a woman who is indiscreet and volatile, does not deserve to be with you at all. "

"Mom, have you had enough trouble?"

"Zhengting, I'm telling you the truth. Everyone in your company knows about her and that Ye Yunchen, but you don't care about it. It's better now, and you still take her with you so calmly. Do you know that you are leading wolves into the house?"

"This matter has not been investigated yet."

"Does this matter still need to be investigated? That video is the typical evidence. Zhengting, are you a piece of meat that fell from me, or my heart? I am your mother, can I still harm you?"

Lu Zhengting touched Xia Yan's cheek, and heard Xia Yan whisper, Jiang Mingxiu's slap was full of energy, and he didn't even hiccup when he slapped.Listening to Jiang Mingxiu's accusations against her, Xia Yan couldn't help being angry in his heart and body.

She pushed away Lu Zhengting's hand, took a deep breath, raised her head and looked at Jiang Mingxiu sincerely, without any timidity, "Auntie, I have never done anything that harmed the company's interests, nor did I I have done anything that is not good for Lu Zhengting. You are his mother, you love him very much, I know, but I love him too, and I will never do anything to hurt him. Never before, not now, and never in the future Will not."

Jiang Mingxiu snorted coldly, "No matter how nice your words are, it can't cover up your actions."

"Auntie, what the hell did I do? The evidence that broke out on the Internet is not true at all, and I never said a word at all, not even something similar."

"Xia Yan, let me tell you, it's useless for me to be pitiful and eloquent. This time, I don't care what the people on the Internet say or what evidence appears. I just want you to leave the company immediately and don't contact me again. my son."

Xia Yan glanced at Lu Zhengting, saw the trust in his eyes, then glanced at Jiang Mingxiu, and said firmly, "I can leave the company, but I will not leave Lu Zhengting. But all this must be done after these things are clarified, I will not That's how he left."

"What did you say?" Jiang Mingxiu turned up the volume and said angrily at Xia Yan.

Lu Zhengting put his arms around Xia Yan, stared at Jiang Mingxiu with piercing eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Mom, this is the company, and I have the final say on the affairs of the company."

"Okay, okay, you are really a good son I raised, unite people outside to oppose your mother, okay! Then I will leave my words here today. Xia Yan must leave the company and you must also leave. Also, about the family Mother Chen has packed all her things, and I don't want to see Xia Yan in Lu's house from today on!"

"Okay, I'll go back and take my luggage away later." Xia Yan said coldly. She had always been concerned that Jiang Mingxiu was Lu Zhengting's mother, so no matter what she did or said to her, she would bear it in every possible way, silently. She didn't make a sound, but judging from what happened today, the fact that Jiang Mingxiu hated herself didn't mean that she could only change her outlook by being patient all the time, and maybe it would only make her worse.

Such behavior will only make her feel wronged and will not change the status quo.

Jiang Mingxiu was taken aback by Xia Yan's straightforward answer, she thought Xia Yan would hang on, but now it seems that she has agreed.

Jiang Mingxiu looked at the only son, angry and impatient. Seeing his behavior and attitude of protecting Xia Yan regardless of his care, she was so angry that her heart was completely chilled. In her eyes, Xia Yan instantly had something to make her feel The reason she hated it, she was so disgusted that she didn't even want to look at Xia Yan, she carried her bag and left with an extremely ugly face.

The atmosphere in the office cooled down, Xia Yan blinked his sore eyes, and said quietly, "I really want to know who is plotting against me behind my back?"

"Ye Yunchen."

"Brother Ye, you said? He wouldn't do such a thing." Xia Yan said directly without thinking. On the other hand, Lu Zhengting fell into deep thought after hearing Xia Yan's words without thinking. She didn't know that the man in front of her was What do you think, but the only thing she can make sure is that he believes in herself.

The things that were exposed at the press conference could no longer be suppressed, so the people in the Lu Group started chatting again. Apart from this, there was also the fact that Jiang Mingxiu came to the company to express his attitude. It happened in Lu Zhengting's office that day There's always something that gets word out.

Those women who used to admire Xia Yan began to laugh at Xia Yan again, it seemed that this would better bring out their sense of existence.Li Ru likes to gossip, so when he has nothing to do, he will come to the tea room to sit with people who also come here to gossip and listen to gossip, and talk about the company's recent situation.

Li Ru saw Coco swaying in from the outside, cast a disapproving glance, and was about to get up and leave.

Seeing this, Coco raised her hand, revealing her slender fingers, with bright red nail polish still spitting out on her fingers. She smiled, with a trace of charm, and said to Li Ru, "Li Ru, what's wrong with you?" ? How did you see me coming and leave?”

"There doesn't seem to be anything to talk about between you and me, and I don't think you and I can sit and chat together."

"Hehe, Li Ru, what do I mean? Isn't it because I was at odds with Xia Yan at the beginning? You said you didn't see any benefit from hugging Xia Yan's thigh, did you? Now that Xia Yan can't protect herself, why don't you Isn't it okay to protect her like this?"

"Coco, to be honest, I, not only because of Xia Yan, but more importantly, because of you, I always show such a foxy smell and seduce others everywhere, do you really think I can't see it?"

"Li Ru, if you have the guts to say it again, don't think I won't dare to do it now that you are pregnant with a child."

"You heard me clearly. I said that you seduce men everywhere, and you always show such a stinky smell." Li Ru repeated this sentence and did not forget to wave his hand on the tip of his nose, looking at the man who was running away with disgust. Coco on the edge.

"Li Ru, you..."

"Coco, don't be too mean, what are you doing staring at Xia Yan all day long? Isn't it because she can easily own things you don't have, you just envy her."

"You're talking nonsense, I would envy her?" Coco said disdainfully, throwing away the people who were pulling her away.

"Yes, of course you will envy Xia Yan. Don't forget that you were in the project department when you were not transferred to the finance department. If I remember correctly, you should like Ye Yunchen, right?"

"Li Ru, shut up, when did I say I like him, don't talk nonsense, it's nothing."

"Really? Coco, self-deception really fits you." Li Ru squinted at Coco, rubbed her belly, suddenly remembered the matter of prenatal education, pouted her lips, and said silently in her heart, child, don't you Take what happened just now as prenatal education to absorb.

Coco's thoughts were uttered by Li Ru in public, seeing the way they looked at her, she couldn't hold back her face, "Don't believe Li Ru's words, she is talking nonsense."

"According to me, it's not shameful for coco to like someone. Why don't you admit it? Besides, I thought Ye Yunchen was very charming at the beginning, and his charm is not inferior to our Mr. Lu. You can be moved Reasonable things."

"What I said about Li Ru is nonsense, I don't like Ye Yunchen." Coco said seriously.

Seeing this, one of them curled his lips disapprovingly, "Okay, okay, since Coco has said that he doesn't like Ye Yunchen, then he doesn't know, it's useless to like Ye Yunchen anyway, doesn't Ye Yunchen like Xia Yan? And you guys Have you all watched the videos on the Internet? Ye Yunchen's words reveal Xia Yan's protection everywhere."

"I think you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour?"

"Where is it?"

Coco sat silently on the sofa, listening to the voices around her, Li Ru was right, she liked Ye Yunchen.She also clearly knew that Xia Yan was the only one in Ye Yunchen's heart, that's why she hated Xia Yan so much.

What happened between Li Ru and Coco in the tea room reached Xia Yan's ears. As things were getting out of control these days, she was already feeling irritable. Despite the distance, only Li Ru will stand up for her.

Xia Yan turned off the computer and was about to go to the project department to find Li Ru, but at this moment, Xia Yan received a call from Ye Yunchen and wanted to ask her to meet.For this reason, Xia Yan hesitated for a long time. The last time she went to see Ye Yunchen, she was taken advantage of by someone to make it like this. She didn't want to make any more troubles. .

Lu Zhengting found Ning Xi, and Ning Xi brought Zhan Meng along with him.Sitting on the sofa in Lu Zhengting's office was boring, Zhan Meng glared at Ning Xi dissatisfied.Ning Xi pretended not to see it at all, and looked at Lu Zhengting with a stern expression.

"I found out what you asked me to investigate. The person in the video is indeed not a composite." As soon as Ning Xi finished speaking, he felt Lu Zhengting's sinister eyes. He froze for a moment, then said, "Don't worry, I will The words have not been finished yet, although the video is not synthesized, the sound is deliberately made by humans."

"anything else?"

"Also, you asked me to investigate the person who appeared at the press conference. He just paid money to do things for others. People who believe you should have asked about it. He didn't have any important information in his mouth, but I did. It is known that the person who contacted him was a woman."


"Well, a woman. I don't know exactly what a woman is."

Lu Zhengting glared at Ning Xi sharply, and Zhan Meng, who was left alone, burst out laughing when he heard Ning Xi's words, "Ning Xi, aren't you talking nonsense?"

Lu Zhengting glanced at Zhan Meng, and asked Ning Xi, why is she here?

Ning Xi frowned and replied, she insisted on following, but he didn't withdraw because of her.

From the corner of her eye, Zhan Meng saw the silent communication between the two of them, rolled her eyes, and said amusedly, "The two big men are so boring, I don't even bother to listen."

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