Diary of a Maid: Please Be Safe, Master Devil

Chapter 68: Life and Death 2 Boundless 1

Mu Nan shook his arms, his eyes quietly scanned this person up and down, and then scanned the other people around him without any trace.

Any potential is exploded in extremely dangerous situations, and Mu Nan is no exception.She is very clear that these seven guns are not toys, and if she is not careful, she and Gu Yuze will become friends who "don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, the same day, but want to die in the same year, the same month, the same day".

"Ahem, what, you don't know that all Chinese people are descendants of the dragon? Although I hate this person very much, Gu Yuze must not die in the hands of you people!"

Gu Yuze narrowed his eyes dangerously, and from the corner of his vision, he saw the side face of the young man Qingjun in the faint light, so tenacious and tenacious, he was willing to guard him by his side in such a dangerous moment, Gu Yuze's heart suddenly beat.

Gu Yuze lowered his voice and was about to speak, but Mu Nan was one step ahead of him and kicked Gu Yuze behind him.

After making the classic posture of a hen guarding a chick, a cool voice sounded: "I know your identities, mercenaries. I also know that the person behind you is Wu Jincheng who escaped from prison. I also know that you have a My daughter who is seriously ill needs a sum of money urgently.”

The leading man in camouflage was stunned, and Jiang Zhu, who was about to pull the trigger, looked at the handsome young man in front of him in disbelief.

Gu Yuze raised his eyebrows, and saw a small safety talisman half-hidden on the middle-aged man's neck.It is well protected, with crooked red writing on it.

If it weren't for careful reasoning, there would be no clues to be found from this mercenary leader.Mu Nan, a so-so little slave, actually did it. Gu Yuze regretted not giving Mu Nan an IQ test.

"When you first came to Shenghua Financial District, you may not know the power of SE International Group. For example, if you kill Gu Yuze today, even if you get the money to save your daughter, I believe that the whole world will be without you in the future A place for father and daughter."

The leading man sneered, picked up the Desert Eagle in his hand again, and aimed at Mu Nan's eyebrows: "I don't know where you found out about me, but let me tell you, don't try to play tricks, today you—"

"Tsk tsk, you're dead? You mercenaries have been away from the rich area for too long, and you don't know the situation in the upper class?" Mu Nan shook his head and sighed, "Do you know why Wu Jincheng wanted to kill Gu Yuze, because Gu Yuze gave the entire Wu family to the If you go bankrupt, the so-called remuneration they give you is simply a blank check!"

"You're talking nonsense!" The man raised his eyebrows coldly, his dark and rough face was bulging with veins, and when he raised the gun, a bullet slammed towards Mu Nan.

Mu Nan narrowly escaped, his arm was scratched, and it hurt like hell.Sparks popped from the wall behind him.

Gu Yuze's pupils shrank, but Mu Nan acted as if nothing had happened, letting drops of blood drip down his left arm.

"You have been a mercenary for so many years, and you didn't even investigate the background of your employer?" Mu Nan sneered, stood up straight, stared at the mercenary leader, and reprimanded him, "Think about it, Wu Jincheng's clothes are Where is the outfit of a rich man? Does he meet you in a magnificent living room or a shabby wild house? The most important point is that he may not even have a servant by his side—you have to meet any rich man who you have met in person. Come to ask mercenaries to kill?"

"Fortunately, you are still a veteran mercenary. You dare to accept the order without even checking the basic situation of the transaction party? Let me tell you, if you kill both of us, not only will you become the most wanted criminal in the world, but you will also become the most wanted criminal in the world." The daughter can't be saved either! If your daughter dies, it will be because of you, the father, who is so stupid!"

The last sound was powerful and shocking.

His fingers trembled slightly, and the mercenary leader's majestic body stuck in place.The man in the camouflage uniform beside him asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you want to continue? I've also heard before that the Xicai Group is completely bankrupt—this business may not be paid. If Kitty's illness delays it."

The mercenary leader was silent, the morning light was faint, and a bright red sun emerged from the sea in the distance.

Complicated and confused emotions intertwined in his eyes, he was restless and fell into a temporary entanglement.

At this time, a small object was thrown over, and the mercenary leader subconsciously caught it.Opening up the palm of his hand, he saw that it was a simple and cold silver ring. The cold black gemstone shone coldly in the morning light.

"I know what you're worried about. This is my young master's treasured ring. The market price is guaranteed to exceed 1000 million. We'll use this ring as collateral—" Mu Nanba raised his voice, quietly pinched Gu Yuze's arm with his right hand, and said calmly, "You let us go today, and we will give you a reward ten times higher than Wu Jincheng as a thank you. Take this ring as proof."

Gu Yuze nodded reluctantly, not much expression could be seen on his handsome face.

The roar of the helicopter was already heard in the sky, and Gu Yuze's special guard finally arrived at the scene when the sun was rising.

The strong wind caused by the wings blew overhead, lifting the hair on his forehead.The cold eyes of the mercenary leader were erratic in the wind.

In fact, before the special guard landed, he could still shoot and kill the two of them.

However, he clenched the ring in his hand and the amulet around his neck tightly.

Mu Nan said that looking at the special guard who seemed to be flooding down, he said calmly: "I also have a family member who is sick, and I am also working hard to make money. I want to cure her illness and give her a happy old age. I have said so much today, In fact, it is to survive, I want to return to my mother alive and cure her disease."

The mercenary leader shook his head and smiled wryly. The boy's words were so sincere and true, and the sadness he occasionally showed was so similar to him.

Seven men threw their guns to the ground at the same time, and surrendered with their hands outstretched.

"Little brother, you are so sincere, I am convinced." The head of the mercenary raised his head, his eyes fell on Gu Yuze, without any timidity, "I hope you will keep your promise."

"rest assured."

It was Gu Yuze who said this, condescending, with the demeanor of a king at that moment.Behind him are heavily armed special guards, all chilly, guarding behind the master like a copper wall.

The mercenary chief's eyes froze suddenly, and an unprecedented fear welled up in his heart.All his attention was on the little assistant just now, and he actually ignored the real master.

It was only then that the mercenary leader realized that from the beginning to the end, Gu Yuze didn't make much movement, just stood there peacefully and contentedly, with a cold arrogance who examined and controlled everything in his eyes, and didn't pay attention to their black muzzles at all.

What would have happened if he had fired just now?The mercenary leader couldn't help holding the peace talisman tightly on his chest.

After the special guards captured and detained several people, Mu Nan followed Gu Yuze and jumped off the roof of the warehouse.

As soon as the footsteps landed, the familiar barking of a dog rushed over, and the huge black body of Caucasus rushed over, pressing Mu Nan onto the wooden bed last night.

"Wow woof woof woof~"

The black hound following the mercenary whimpered when he heard the dog barking, and was so frightened that he hid in the mercenary team and dared not speak out.

After several days of training, Caucasus is no longer that poor puppet in a black leather sheath. Now he has thick arms and legs, well-developed muscles, and he runs with a rustling sound, quite like a generation of dog kings.

"Haha~ Don't lick~ It's so itchy. Grass, Caucasus, you didn't take a shower yesterday? You're killing me!"


Caucasus wagged his big black tail, opened his mouth wide, and lay on Mu Nan's body affectionately, licking, licking, rubbing, rubbing with his big tongue~
"Master, are you alright? The doctor has come." Te Wei bowed down tremblingly, his voice a little hoarse.As an extraordinary top special guard team, it took them one night to find the owner, which was a serious mistake for them.

Gu Yuze shook his head lightly, watching one person and one dog having fun on the wooden bed, the scene was quite loving and warm.

Gu Yuze stretched out his foot quietly, kicking that annoying Caucasian dog away without mercy.Caucasus whimpered, turned his head to see someone, shrank his head obediently to the corner, and looked at Mu Nan pitifully.

"What did you kick the Caucasus for? Did it offend you?" Mu Nan was dissatisfied, and slowly got up from the wooden bed, "I risked my life to save you today, and after only a few minutes, you are ungrateful ?”

Gu Yuze didn't bother to pay attention to Mu Nan who was flaring his teeth and claws, and directly ordered the doctor: "This kid's arm was scratched by a bullet, treat her."

The accompanying doctor nodded hurriedly, ran over with the medicine box on his back, and said to Mu Nan: "Brother, don't move around, did you see the blood flow all over the place?"

It was only then that Mu Nan noticed that there was a burning pain in her left arm. The bullet was already hot. Although the wound had scratched the skin a little, it felt like roasting human flesh, and she grinned in pain.

Blood was running down the arm, and at first glance it looked like half the arm was useless.

The accompanying doctor said, "Take off your shirt, and I'll bandage it for you."

Mu Nan carefully glanced at Gu Yuze, and coughed dryly: "I just scratched my arm a little, it's okay, you can just cut off my sleeves, instead of taking off all my clothes."

The accompanying doctor showed displeasure, stroked the frame of the glasses, and said, "This won't work, your wound is below the shoulder, so it's not easy to bandage. It needs to be wrapped around the chest."

"I think the wound is very shallow. Why don't you wrap it up? Just stick a Band-Aid on it." Mu Nan resolutely defended his right to wear clothes, took two steps back, and resolutely refused to let the doctor approach.

The accompanying doctor was already very nervous, and the young master's orders were on his head, so how could he not listen?The patient was surprisingly uncooperative, so he couldn't help but raise his voice: "Oh, why are you so stubborn, you young man? This is the wild, and once the wound is infected, there is a risk of death! Why don't you just take off your clothes, and the big man dawdled with a Like a little girl, you are making fun of your own life!"

Mu Nan pursed his lips, thinking that he is just a little girl?Without the cover of clothes, wouldn't all the secrets be exposed?

"No problem, my wound is small, you can just bandage it casually."

Gu Yuze watched from the side. Following Mu Nan's movements, blood spewed out of her left arm again. Her handsome brows furrowed indistinctly, and she scolded coldly, "Go back and sit obediently. You're covered in blood, it's ugly."

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