In the past, everyone in Shenghua knew that Young Master Gu had an extremely handsome, unruly and naughty assistant by his side.

To his surprise, Young Master Gu actually gave up his fiancée, who is both talented and beautiful, to be with this assistant.

After a mysterious shipwreck, the assistant was buried at sea.Shenghua's economy is changing with each passing day, and this assistant has gradually become a rumored figure, gradually disappearing from people's memory.

However, the former Young Master Gu, now the GM Group President Gu, received shocking news.

The assistant actually came back from the dead, returned to Shenghua, and appeared beside Mr. Gu.

What is even more shocking is that this extremely handsome assistant is actually a woman.
Gossip news flooded the entire Shenghua, everyone was full of curiosity about this assistant's legendary life, all kinds of gossip rumors sprung up like mushrooms after rain, this Mu Xiaonan children's shoes caused great pressure.

She specially picked a suitable time, and euphemistically mentioned this matter: "I do secret work, if someone finds out my identity, how can I mix black and white in the future?"

Gu Yuze contemplated for a few seconds, his delicate phoenix eyes swept across Mu Nan's pretty face, and slowly rubbed her hair: "You need an upright identity so as not to arouse suspicion. Who would have thought that my fiancée Will it be a fierce Chinese special boss?"

Mu Nan felt that what he said made sense, but he was speechless.

However, Mu Nan squinted his eyes with a half-smile, his eyebrows curved: "Who is your fiancee, I haven't agreed to this matter yet."

Gu Yuze didn't speak, Mu Nan's clear eyes full of smile fell on his heart.

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Nan regretted it the next day.

The online news pages of all major newspapers in Shenghua published the news that the president of GM was engaged to his mysterious girlfriend
A few of the subordinates around him who didn't mind the trouble made a fuss, and even the Chinese side got the news, and the call from the head of Xia Lang was another crackling reprimand

"Brother~ Have you read today's news?"

In Shenghua Central Hospital, Lu Shishi clumsily holds a fruit knife and peels the big red apples one by one.

Lu Han didn't pay attention to today's news, all his nerves were tense looking at the fruit knife in Lu Shishi's hand, the sharp blade was spinning dangerously between her fingers and the fruit, Lu Han was afraid that there would be trouble in the next moment murder.

"Okay, I said that I only love bananas. Apples are so unpalatable, I won't even eat them if you peel them!" Lu Han said deliberately.

Sure enough, Lu Shishi frowned pretty, as if throwing a fruit knife into the fruit bowl in anger.

"If you like to eat or not, I don't bother to talk to you!" Lu Shishi angrily twisted a banana on the side and threw it on the bedding of the hospital bed, "If I take care of you again, I won't be your real sister!"

Lu Han saw Lu Shishi's pretty face through the slits of his eyes that hadn't subsided, his big eyes sparkled and sparkled, it was so cute.

Unable to stand the mood, he peeled a banana by himself, smashed his mouth and asked, "By the way, what's so special about today's news, did Ze buy another company for fun?"

Lu Shishi muttered, and turned to the mobile webpage, the first news was about Gu Yuze.

"Let me read it to you: [GM Mr. Gu held a press conference to announce the fiancée]. Brother Yuze has already announced the existence of his fiancée, and now it is widely spread. However, Brother Yuze has strongly controlled public opinion, and outsiders only I know about Xiaonan's existence, but I can't know the specific information."

Lu Han was not surprised. He had always admired Gu Yuze's efficiency in handling affairs. From childhood to adulthood, as long as Gu Yuze liked him, he would take care of everything, whether it was people or things.

Mu Nan broke into Gu Yuze's steel heart, so don't try to get out.

I used to think that Mu Nan's maverick nature could not adapt to life in this circle, and would become a stumbling block for Gu Yuze.

However, after eight years of precipitation, Gu Yuze has almost completely become a business machine.Only then did Lu Han realize that these two people are each other's sun, they only live for each other, this world is completely out of their eyes, why should they care about the worldly eyes.

Over there, Lu Shishi chattered endlessly, her eyes couldn't hide her envy.

"Brother, how did fate come to be like this by coincidence? After going around for a long time, they are still together." Lu Shishi smiled longingly, and then sighed quietly, "It's not like me, I will definitely marry well in the future The person you like, live a noble life wearing a mask."

Not everyone can meet someone like Gu Yuze who can control their destiny.

Even Gu Yuze couldn't prevent the shipwreck eight years ago and Mu Nan's departure.

Not to mention, an ordinary noble girl like Lu Shishi grew up day by day and was destined to walk on the paved road.

"Brother, wait until I get married. Help me watch over my husband, and don't allow him to find other people outside." Lu Shishi tilted her head, pulling her golden curly hair with her fingertips, "If you marry Brother Yuze That's good, he will definitely not find anyone else. It's a pity that he only loves my Xiaonan."

Lu Han especially doesn't like to see the worry on Lu Shishi's face, she should only show a pure smile and not be polluted by the world.

Light heartache, deep pity.

Lu Han gritted his teeth and couldn't help but said: "Girl, don't worry, if you really can't get married, you can marry me—"

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door of the ward, and a nurse's voice came: "Mr. Lu Han, Mr. Gu has come to visit you."

Lu Shishi looked up to the door, Gu Yuze's tall figure was standing there, dressed in simple everyday clothes, like a sculpture occupying all the surrounding air.

Gu Yuze frowned, and said to the door: "Don't hide it, without my permission, who would dare to report the photo of my fiancée?"

A disdainful snort came from the door: "What a broken fiancee, wishful thinking. Next time you want to release news without my permission, believe it or not, I will go back to China to settle down."

When Lu Shishi heard the familiar voice, she was relieved of her boredom, her pearly eyes lit up instantly, and she jumped over in surprise.

"Brother Xiaonan?"

Before the man rushed over, he was stopped by Gu Yuze's iron-like arm. Gu Yuze squinted at this reckless girl in displeasure.

Lu Shishi's heart is full of Mu Nan now, she couldn't care less about Gu Yuze's face, she waved her hand excitedly towards Mu Nan, Mu Nan walked in from the door with a smile.

She is still as handsome as ever, and the years have polished the once stubborn and unruly girl into a shining diamond, she is a dazzling existence wherever she walks.

Simple jeans, a slim-fit long T-shirt, and a black jacket. A pair of bright and sharp eyes fell on Lu Shishi. The starry eyes were brilliant, and deliberately restrained the cold and murderous aura that she was used to, giving people a very close feeling.

Lu Shishi jumped over and slipped past Gu Yuze's arm wall, the koala seemed to be keeping Mu Nan, chattering happily like a brother and sister reunion.

"Xiao Nan, I miss you so much~~ Without you, the sky would not be south, the water would not be green, and the air would not be fresh~"

"Alas, you are getting more and more handsome, let me take a closer look~"

"Wow, your breasts have finally developed. I was always worried about your poor development~~"

"Come, come, tell me, what happened to you back then? I also set up your clothes tomb at home, and every year on your death day, I burn paper money for you according to Chinese customs."

Gu Yuze was not happy anymore. Looking at Lu Shishi's paws touching Mu Nan's body, he thought to himself that my woman is also something you can touch?

Without Gu Yuze's reminder, Mu Nan automatically removed Lu Shishi's hand on his chest, and was pulled back by Gu Yuze in the next second.

Over there, Lu Han is not happy anymore, ouch, you stinky girl, when Mu Nan was a man, you were out of your mind all day long, knowing that she was a woman, you still remember her?
"Ahem, I suddenly want to eat apples." Lu Han cleared his throat.

Lu Shishi didn't turn her head back: "I don't bother to care about you if you want to cut it yourself." After speaking, Xinqi looked at Mu Nan excitedly, trying to chat with her.

Lu Han:.
After Lu Shishi finally finished making a fuss, she was inexplicably called out by the chairman's mother on the phone, and the ward finally returned to cleanliness.

Gu Yuze walked to the side to answer an important call, and the conversation space was naturally reserved for Mu Nan and Lu Han.

Mu Nan sat down on the small stool that Gu Yuze handed him over, his eyes seemed to scan the X-ray of Lu Han who was on the hospital bed up and down, and he was amazed: "The swelling on the face has not subsided, there are signs of cracking on the brow bone, the chin has been moved with a knife, and the wrist Fractures, calf plaster, wound marks are simple and rough, without any technical content in martial arts. If you are beaten, you should protect your face anyway, this kind of injury is easy to leave sequelae on the face."

As expected of Mu Nan who had trained in the army, he knew Lu Han's symptoms at a glance.

Lu Han hummed lukewarmly: "Hey, I'm pretty accurate. Don't worry, I'm naturally handsome and won't leave scars on my face. You seem to be very experienced."

Lu Han is purely displeased with Lu Shishi's nympho behavior, and even watching Mu Nan feels a little uncomfortable.

Mu Nan nodded: "Of course I have experience, your little injury, I used to often—" Before the words came out, Mu Nan automatically stopped talking.

She was secretly annoyed that she shouldn't have exposed her previous scars in front of Gu Yuze.Every time those pains, blood, sweat, bullets and bullets are mentioned, Gu Yuze will always feel uneasy
Deliberately clearing his throat, Mu Nan secretly took a look at Gu Yuze's expression not far away. He answered the phone with a cold face, his chiseled side face was cold, and he had a standard CEO face.

Seeing that there was no abnormality in his monstrous face, Mu Nan was relieved, and said in a flash: "I will teach you some self-defense methods some other day. In case a young master from a rich family can't even protect his sister."

"That's the deal." Lu Han turned his eyes away, "I will definitely not let anything happen to Shishi in the future. By the way, Mu Nan, when did you have the sex change operation?"

Mu Nan's pretty face wrinkled, is this human?
"You just had sex reassignment surgery. I, Mu Nan, have always been a woman. It's more convenient to pretend to be a man."

"Wo Cao, you don't even look in the mirror. You are called a woman disguised as a man, and you are called a woman? There is such a good-looking and tough man like you? Wo Cao fought better than anyone else! What woman can do it like you? Hit, can carry, can withstand Ze's oppression?" Lu Han lost his balance instantly, and his unswollen face appeared collapsed, "I want to grow up to be as handsome as you, I would have hanged myself with a piece of noodles a long time ago !"

There is such a strange plot in the world, even a tomboy in Mu Nan is so handsome, do you want a pure man like him to live?

Return Nima's double harvest of career and love, and hold the great god Ze firmly,
Mu Nan really couldn't tell whether this patient was praising her or hurting her.

After chatting for a while, Lu Han sneaked a glance at Gu Yuze who was not far away, and said in a low voice, "Hey, buddy, although I'm sorry about that incident eight years ago———— Qingyu, I really can't do it for the rest of my life." spend time in prison."
[Don't, it's only been a day since it was discontinued, and it's actually dropped from the collection. .woo woo woo]

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