Diary of a Maid: Please Be Safe, Master Devil

Chapter 134: Goodbye, Gu Yuze 2

Her figure moved flexibly in the empty campus, passing through a large avenue of flaming maple leaves, and came to the teaching building.

Mu Nan ran up the stairs to the classroom, and pulled his fingers into the desk, revealing his small linen bag.

Suddenly, a sharp ringtone broke the silence, Mu Nan's heart tightened, and he subconsciously clenched the phone case tightly.

"Brother Jiang Cheng—"

"Xiao Nan, something happened to Aunt Nan. I just booked a return ticket. Where are you? I'll pick you up to the airport!" Jiang Cheng's voice was rare and hurried, and Mu Nan's heart suddenly twisted into a knot.

"My mother? What's wrong with her—I'm in the teaching building of the college."

"Go to the road west of San Hua Lake immediately."

"Wait for me, I'll be right there."

A big hole burst out of her heart, and Mu Nan's mind went blank. No wonder she has been restless recently. It turned out that there was a harbinger of the future somewhere.

Before she had time to ask more questions, she didn't know how she rushed out of the classroom, her usual composure disappeared, and she stumbled away almost subconsciously.

In the distance, a snow-white figure suddenly blocked Mu Nan's path.She seemed to be waiting for Mu Nan for a long time, seeing the rare gaffe on Mu Nan's handsome face, she laughed indifferently and jokingly.

Bai Ruyun is wearing a snow-white autumn pleated skirt, her long hair is scattered behind her waist, and the hair on her temples is slightly curled up, making her face look more like a lotus in clear water, which is so beautiful.

Mu Nan stopped in front of her, stood with his feet on the spot, his eyes were deep, and she heard herself asking coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Bai Ruyun smiled gracefully: "Watching a play, you look at a loss, it's extremely funny."

The girl smiled charmingly, her white skirt was fluttering, her eyebrows were as bright as peach blossoms, as if she was carefree, so pure that it was impossible to believe that this was a smiling evil spirit.

Mu Nan instantly understood the cause and effect of the incident, and it turned out that this was Bai Ruyun's revenge.

"You did it." She didn't ask a question, her voice was calm and unmoved, and there was a dead silence of rage.

Bai Ruyun slightly parted her red lips, glanced at the gleaming maple trees in the distance from the corner of her eye, and saw the silver sports car rushing towards her.She lowered her voice and replied coldly: "Munan, as I said, there are a thousand ways to get you away from Shenghua. I heard that your mother has a heart attack? Hehe, I just sent someone over to make a little threat, but she actually Heart attack, it's—it's too scary, don't you think?"

Seeing the dead silence on the young man Qingjun's face, Bai Ruyun felt relaxed and happy, the depression that had accumulated in his heart for many days dissipated, and his heart was filled with the joy of revenge.

After Bai Ruyun's natural pride made her unwilling, when the "relationship" between Mu Nan and Gu Yuze was exposed, that kind of endless hatred spread everywhere, and she wanted to use the most piercing revenge to hit this sunny boy.

Mu Nan's ten fingers slowly eased, and her knuckles creaked. She stared into Bai Ruyun's eyes and said coldly, "It seems like I haven't beaten a girl for a long time."

The young man's eyes were as cold as ice, his eyes were as cold as ice, and he was as white as a cloud in a daze, as if he was surrounded by bloodthirsty beasts, and he couldn't help but take two steps back involuntarily.

"You, you dare to hit me?"

Mu Nan: "Why don't you dare." After she finished speaking, she took a step forward and slammed her palm down on Bai Ruyun's face.

A bright maple leaf crumbled down and spread quietly on the slate bricks.

Bai Ruyun didn't dodge at all, the burning pain in his right cheek.She covered her cheeks in disbelief, her eyes were watery, and she stared at Mu Nan as if watching a joke.

unexpectedly. . .Was beaten?

Joke, since she was a child, who hit her?
Bai Ruyun suddenly changed his style of painting, and looked at Mu Nan sadly: "Munan, you actually. What did I do wrong, why did you treat me like this?"

A familiar aura suddenly floated in the air, Mu Nan turned around and saw Gu Yuze's tall figure.His hand held her wrist firmly, his handsome face showed no emotion.

"What are you doing?" Gu Yuze asked coldly.

Mu Nan looked at Gu Yuze who was close at hand, and suddenly felt infinite grievances in his heart, as if a lonely traveler walking in the cold winter had finally found a warm and reliable harbor.

Mu Nan opened his mouth and pulled his wrist out of his iron pliers with great effort, as if he was a child about to confide his grievances, he muttered: "You came just in time, I—"

"You're beating someone." Gu Yuze stared at the young man in front of him, and Mu Nan realized that something was wrong with Gu Yuze today, and there was an air of air-conditioning that strangers should not enter inside and out.

Tears that were as white as clouds and crystal clear fell instantly, she lowered her head, tears slid down her red and swollen cheeks and penetrated into her collar, she stood quietly by the side, and explained in a low voice: "Brother Ze, it's not what you see, Mu Nan He and I have a little misunderstanding. Don't blame Mu Nan, blame me."

As if by magic, the aggressive girl one moment became a gentle and pitiful victim the next.The slap print on the cheek became the most direct evidence of Mu Nan's crime.

Mu Nan thought that a clever devil like Gu Yuze would not be fooled by such a cheap little girl's trick.

"Are you always like this? On the surface, you pretend to be harmless to humans and animals, but secretly you have been making cheap deals."

Gu Yuze asked suddenly, but Mu Nan didn't understand why until Gu Yuze took out the blue folder.

Mu Nan is too familiar with the contents of that folder.After getting the Blue Bay Flower Field purchase document from Gu Shaoyan, she always felt guilty all the time.

Now, the documents that were supposed to be destroyed last night appeared in Gu Yuze's hands today.

Mu Nan's heart fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant, her pretty face turned pale, and the surroundings were densely packed with bone-chilling ice and snow, forcing her to freeze in place.

"No. That's not the case, this file it."

She suddenly found that she could not perfectly explain the source of this document.

Gu Yuze sneered coldly, no longer the cynical expression on his face, he stared at Mu Nan's pale face, and asked: "

Do you want to say that you didn't take this document with Gu Shaoyan's seal on it from Gu Shaoyan?
Or do you want to shirk responsibility, Gu Shaoyan forced you to take it?
Or, you didn't secretly talk to Gu Shaoyan to discuss this document yesterday?

Confidential documents such as the Lanwan Huatian acquisition case actually appeared in your room. Have you already figured out a plan to make me sign this document by accident?

You take this young master's tolerance time and time again as connivance in your transactions with Gu Shaoyan, what position do you put me in?Or do you think that this young master deserves to be played around by you! "

His repeated questioning hit her heart, like Mount Tai pressing on her internal organs, cold, unfeeling, distressed, with mixed feelings, Mu Nan suddenly became speechless, she knew how important Lanwan Flower Field was to him.

How should she explain that she did have a deal with Gu Shaoyan, she did not reject the document immediately, she really didn't even take Gu Yuze seriously at first.
In the beginning, she approached him with a purpose.

Bai Ruyun next to her suddenly became a passerby, and her low sobbing voice fell into Mu Nan's ears, making her already restless heart even more restless, Mu Nan stared over and sneered: "Miss Bai, if you want to act, please go to the theater another day , don’t be ashamed of yourself here.”

Bai Ruyun was dazed, as if he had been greatly frightened, subconsciously hid behind Gu Yuze, his slender fingers gently grabbed Gu Yuze's sleeve.

"Brother Ze, I'm helping you take care of the Lanwan flower fields. Don't be used by others, okay?" She begged in a low voice, and the words "inadvertently" seemed to add fuel to the flames, and the hostility in Gu Yuze's eyes deepened. .

In his life, the most important part of him is the Blue Bay Flower Field, and perhaps also Mu Nan.

So when Mu Nan was secretly hiding the acquisition case, the feeling of being deceived was like thorns crawling deep in his blood, wandering and crying in his body and soul.

Perhaps because he cared too much about Mu Nan, he almost lost control of his emotions when he was being deceived, and he returned to the days of rage when his mother died when he was a child.

Mu Nan bit her lip, but she mustered up her courage and looked at him with black and white eyes: "Believe it or not, I planned to destroy this document."

As soon as he finished speaking, his strong fingers suddenly landed on her neck, and Mu Nan was stunned, as if he was going to break her fragile neck in the next moment.

"How do you want me to believe you?" Gu Yuze heard his heart bleeding, why did she always look at him with such sincere eyes?Countless times, Gu Yuze was defeated by her clear eyes, this time, he finally sneered.

What he hates the most is cheating.

"If I had known at the beginning, I should have had someone clean you up. It's better than leaving a cancer around me." Gu Yuze narrowed his eyes dangerously. He knew that Mu Nan was cunning and smart, and he always thought that Mu Nan treated him badly. It's special, but now, the bloody facts are in front of you.

He even asked the special guard to check Mu Nan's call records. When the Blue Bay Flower Field Project was proposed, the calls between Mu Nan and Gu Shaoyan suddenly increased. Mu Nan had also been to SE International Group three times.

What does this mean. . .
It turned out that his so-called father had been learning about his actions through Mu Nan, and even used Mu Nan to achieve business interests.

And Mu Nan actually took the initiative to participate in it!
He always thought that Mu Nan was special, he could stay sober even in the vortex of interests.Gu Yuze even once thought that Mu Nan's feelings for him were also love.

Mu Nan just watched the emotions in Gu Yuze's eyes disappear inch by inch, and watched him loosen his fingers, leaving only boundless indifference in his eyes.It was like the strange and distant noble young master when we first met.

His heart seemed to be sliced ​​open bit by bit by a knife, and Mu Nan's body shook in a daze.

In this world, what is more painful than his isolated eyes?
She took a deep breath, and said calmly: "Gu Yuze, since you have seen through my disguise. Then you don't need to remind me mercifully, I'm leaving now."

In fact, she should have left a long time ago.

It's just that time has passed and the world has changed, and she has more feelings in her heart that she can't let go of.

The white car drove across the road and stopped on the road beside her.Jiang Cheng opened the car window and called anxiously: "Xiao Nan, hurry up! It's time to board the plane!"

Mu Nan glanced at the silent Gu Yuze, her heart burst open, hiding the sourness in her eyes, she simply turned around coldly.

Just two steps away, someone grabbed her arm suddenly, and his deep and hoarse voice fell behind her: "You want to go, who will allow you to leave!"

Even when he was most furious, he never thought of driving her away.
Mu Nan's turbulent emotions suddenly exploded, he flung his arms to avoid his entanglement, and cursed loudly: "Nonsense, you just pretend that I am absconding in fear of crime! Gu Yuze, you are a fucking bastard. Cheng, I tell you, I don't Done, go to whoever you like!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Nan smashed the linen backpack in his hand onto Gu Yuze, and ran towards the white car without looking back.

Jiang Cheng looked at this scene suspiciously, and didn't ask much. The white car ran over the fallen bright red maple leaves, and the wheels turned and drove into the distance.

(I always feel that something is missing. Welcome everyone who dives to leave a message)

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