Ace Sniper: My Husband Gets Down

Chapter 808 The Old Man

With such thoughts, Feng Xuelan's attitude towards Commander Ji is naturally different.Feng Xuelan answered all the questions Commander Ji asked her. Whether it was about Tomorrow's Day or about herself, Feng Xuelan did not hide anything.

The two talked like this for a long time, and Commander Ji's attitude towards Feng Xuelan gradually eased.

"Feng Xuelan, you have to be clear. Before you appeared here, Tomorrow's Day didn't come into our sight. Chief of Staff Qiu even thought that your appearance might be related to Tomorrow's Day's activities here. Regarding this One point, what do you think?"

Feng Xuelan couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

"Commander Ji, since you know a lot of things, I don't think you should ask me this. Tomorrow's day didn't launch an operation here before because there was no target for them here. And the purpose of tomorrow's day's operation here is ours. It is speculated that it is for that rare mineral soil. The origin of that rare mineral soil and the research on that rare mineral soil are all here, of course they will come. As for the occurrence of those things, and my appearance here, the time point There is an inevitable relationship."

Feng Xuelan said, "In order to develop that new type of weapon, Tomorrow Day captured that genius little boy Chris. As Alza, I was originally responsible for transporting Chris back to the Black Island. I rescued Chris. Rees, therefore violated the wishes of the organization, was chased and killed by the organization, and was later framed, and met He Yaoshi. Later, I became Feng Xuelan, and Tomorrow Day also got Chris. A new weapon developed by Chris It may be that the rare mineral soil must be used, so Tomorrow will start operations here. Isn't the timeline of this incident clear enough?"

Hearing what Feng Xuelan said, Commander Ji nodded.

"The timeline of this incident is indeed very clear, but what I'm asking you is, after you became Feng Xuelan, didn't you think about doing something for that organization again?"

Feng Xuelan was taken aback when she heard the words, but then she laughed again.

"So you thought I might be a traitor."

Commander Ji did not deny Feng Xuelan's words, but only looked at her with sharper eyes.

Feng Xuelan breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Commander Ji, "Tomorrow is a hell from which Alpha cannot escape. But to Feng Xuelan, it is just a hell."

Her gaze became cold, and she said quietly, "If one day you crawled out of hell, would you still want to crawl back?"

Looking at each other, Feng Xuelan found that Commander Ji was not only a calm and resolute person, but he must have seen strong winds and waves, and he was not afraid of her at all.

Such a person is rare, Feng Xuelan immediately admired him a little.

"Then what do you think about your own growth from the recruit company to the present?" Commander Ji changed the subject and asked Feng Xuelan again.

Feng Xuelan remembered what Qiu Qisheng had said before. He said that her previous achievements might have been fraudulent, and that Zong Mingzhe and the others were protecting her.

This statement is simply ridiculous.

"I used to be the only Alpha in Days of Tomorrow, the world's top killer. Even if I change my person, the training I have undergone has not disappeared because of it. My physical condition has also been gradually adjusted in the military camp. "

Speaking of this, Feng Xuelan paused, remembered something, and said to Commander Ji, "During this process, many people have helped me. From the squad leader and company commander when I was in the recruit company, to when I entered the guard company The company commander at that time, the special forces unit, and many of my comrades in arms...these people didn't know my real situation, and they only provided me with the help they could within their ability. Qiu Qisheng said There is absolutely no deceit. If he wants to make trouble, let him come and make trouble for me, and don't bother those people. "

Commander Ji is still noncommittal about this.

"About you and Zong Mingzhe, are you two in a relationship now? What are your plans for the future?"


Feng Xuelan was stunned when he heard the words, and it took him a long time to tell Commander Ji, "I am not very good at thinking about the future. Mingzhe and I are doing well now, and we will probably always be like this in the future."

"It's always been like this?" Commander Ji finally frowned, looking dissatisfied with Feng Xuelan's answer, he asked, "Have you ever thought that Zong Mingzhe may succeed He Yaoshi's current position in the future?" , become the captain of the owl wolf brigade. Then, what should you do?"

Feng Xuelan was even more puzzled.

What else can she do?Continue to be her owl wolf team member, continue to fight side by side with Zong Mingzhe.

Seeing Feng Xuelan's reaction like this, Commander Ji guessed that she might not have understood the question.He simply said it clearly.

"The tasks performed by the Owl Wolf Brigade are usually accompanied by huge risks. Every mission is a life-and-death test for the Owl Wolf Brigade. Because of this situation, we do not agree with your team. Members become each other's love objects. Emotional problems are likely to cause problems in the mission execution process, which I think you should understand."

Feng Xuelan didn't quite understand.

"You mean, if we are wise together, it will affect our execution of the mission?" She couldn't help snorting, "How is this possible! How many times have we performed missions together, and we have never had any problems!"

"That's because He Yaoshi is in charge of the overall situation now, not Zong Mingzhe."

Commander Ji said to Feng Xuelan in a deep voice, "A person's position is different, and the angle of view of the problem will be different. Now Zong Mingzhe only needs to complete the task assigned to him by He Yaoshi, and the same is true for you, so you The two can get along harmoniously. But when he becomes the decision maker and you become the executor, there will inevitably be conflicts between you. If the day comes when Zong Mingzhe becomes the team leader, you can guarantee that you will stand completely Do you accept his command from the perspective of a soldier?"

Feng Xuelan was stunned.

What Commander Ji said, she hadn't really thought about it before.

Indeed, now that He Yaoshi is here, they basically listen to He Yaoshi.But if Zong Mingzhe became the role of He Yaoshi in the future, always whispering "don't cause trouble" in her ear, would she really be able to deal with it as calmly as she is now?

Not necessarily.

Feng Xuelan thought for a long time, frowned and looked at Commander Ji and asked, "Then what do you think should be done?"

Now Commander Ji was stunned.

He thought that Feng Xuelan would swear to him that he would listen to Zong Mingzhe, he thought that Feng Xuelan would try his best to convince him that they could handle the situation well, he thought that Feng Xuelan would at least try to confuse this issue .

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