Li Tezhu didn't expect such a thing to happen. Everyone in the company knew that the president only drank pure coffee: "President, I'll go find out the situation right away."

Three minutes later, Liu Xu was ushered into the conference room by Li Tezhu, and she lowered her head with a pitiful look: "President, I made the coffee just now, and I am willing to accept any disposal from you, or you can directly Fire me."

Those executives couldn't help but sweat for the beautiful woman in front of them, offending the president, which could be solved by being fired, they all pretended to be serious and were discussing the problem, fearing that one would accidentally get angry with themselves.

In fact, Ouyang Hao had already thought of it. Besides her, who else would want to force him to fire her, but he would not.

Not only did Ouyang Hao's expression no longer feel angry, but he smiled at him: "It turns out that you are the new secretary Liu, because you don't know the situation, I won't dismiss you for the time being, but minor punishments are still required. "

"What punishment?"

"Here, I will fine you to halve this month's salary. Also, Li Tezhu, since the new employees in your department did not teach well, everyone in the department is responsible, so I will fine each of you with a three-month bonus." All right. The meeting continues."

Liu Xu didn't expect her plan to fail and let others be involved, so she wanted to intercede for them: "President, is it unfair for you to do this? It's obviously my fault alone, you..."

"It's meeting time, Li Tezhu, how do you discipline your subordinates?" Ouyang Hao interrupted her, but only vented his anger on Li Tezhu.

Li Tezhu looked helpless, and reminded Liu Xu in a low voice: "Secretary Liu, if you have anything to say, we will talk about it after the meeting. You go back to your post first."

"Okay!" Liu Xu didn't expect that one sentence would cause others to be scolded, so she didn't dare to say anything, so she could only obediently leave the meeting room.

After the meeting, Li Tezhu immediately announced Ouyang Hao's decision to his subordinates, and specifically explained: "I brought you back from the headquarters. I thought you would do everything properly. It seems that I It was a mistake, and similar incidents are not allowed to happen again in the future. Also, this matter ends here, and private discussions are not allowed."
Having said that, after all, being fined a bonus made everyone feel uncomfortable, especially Liu Lu. She looked at Liu Xu's direction and sneered for a while: "Some people can't even do small things well, and they even hurt us. Hu is amazing!"

Liu Xu naturally knew that she was talking about herself. In fact, she didn't expect to implicate others, otherwise she would not have done it on purpose. Right now, it seems that she can only go to Ouyang Hao to intercede.

Liu Xu came to the eighth floor. The environment inside was far more exaggerated than she thought. It was obviously an office place, but there was a bar, a fitness room, a reading room, a movie room, and even a music room. No wonder Ouyang Hao enjoyed himself upstairs alone.After walking around, she finally found Ouyang Hao's office and knocked gently on the door.

"Come in!" Ouyang Hao turned off the computer screen, he knew it from the moment Liu Xu came upstairs, and he felt very happy watching her wandering around like a headless chicken.However, after she entered the door, he still pretended to be serious.

Liu Xu entered the door and saw someone leisurely leaning on the boss's chair, and stepped forward in a bad mood: "Ouyang Hao, why are you implicating others?"

"Huh? Did I handle it wrong?"

"Of course not, even if they didn't remind me of your broken rules, I was the one who did something wrong."

"Really? Let me ask, if you find out that you are already a doctor, but another doctor deliberately concealed the patient's condition and caused the patient's death, shouldn't that doctor be held responsible?"

Hearing Ouyang Hao's seemingly reasonable example, Liu Xu didn't know how to appeal to her for a while: "Well, even if it is all responsible, but the main responsibility lies with me, and I am willing to bear the responsibility alone, can you Do you want to punish others?"

"You also said that it was you who did the wrong thing, so do you think you should speak to your boss in this tone? Secretary Liu!" Ouyang Hao is not good at being a good person, but he thinks he is very good at making things difficult for others. .

"You!" Liu Xu bit the corner of her lips angrily: "Okay, President, I beg you, can you let me take the responsibility alone? And, let me be honest, I did that on purpose, just Please open your eyes!"

Seeing her showing weakness, Ouyang Hao felt more and more that the contract was signed correctly this time, he was convinced of her kindness, and it seemed that his plan was smoother than expected.He pretended to be kind: "It's not impossible for you to take responsibility alone, but you don't know if someone can bear the consequences."

"What are the consequences?" Liu Xu thought it would be fine as long as she didn't hurt others. Anyway, she even signed the contract, and the worst thing she could do was to pay a fine of several months' salary.

Ouyang Hao stood up from his seat, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Come closer, I'll tell you."

Liu Xu obediently walked to the desk and looked up at him: "Tell me, how much do I owe you this time?"

"I don't want money."

"Then what do you want?" Liu Xu just finished asking, and felt his face getting closer and closer to her, trying to dodge, but the other party controlled the back of her head.

Ouyang Hao couldn't bear the pitiful way of her biting her lip, he wanted to tell her that he was the only one to bite here, and he also did it.

"I want you!" He thought about the sweet taste of kissing her every time before, his eyes darkened, and he directly captured her lips, yawning lightly.

Liu Xu managed to spit out a few words that were a bit vague: "Ouyang Hao, don't bring such ones."

"Then is this okay?" Ouyang Hao took advantage of the gap between her words to greedily grab and snatch her breath. He has been enduring it for more than a month.With this touch, I feel unable to extricate myself.The more she tried to push him away, the tighter he clamped her down.

"Uh!" Because her shoulder was pressed against the edge of the table, the pain in the wound made her cry out.Her cry made Ouyang Hao let go of the restraint in distress. When she thought she could finally escape, her whole body was suspended in the air. When she realized it, Ouyang Hao had already placed her whole body on his office chair.

Just carried her over from across the table?Liu Xu couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off her palms. She didn't know what Ouyang Hao was going to do next, so she could only keep reminding: "I tell you, we are separated now, you can't treat me like this!"

"That's your personal opinion." Ouyang Hao licked his lips lightly: "Do you still remember the employee code?"

"Huh? Remember, isn't it that the boss does what he says, the boss...says to do..." Liu Xu suddenly realized something was wrong: "Ouyang Hao, what do you mean?"

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