"Mr. Gu, it's like this. The school celebration is about to be held. The dean of our design institute hopes that you can go back to the school to have a look." Tang Yuxin's tone was very gentle, and she was a completely different person than usual.

When Gu Yufei was told this, he immediately turned on the social mode to chat with Tang Yuxin. Seeing this, Lin Ziyan immediately shrank his head, stepped back a little cautiously, and planned to run away immediately.

Who knew that Gu Yufei seemed to have eyes behind him, and immediately saw the direction of Lin Ziyan's escape, stretched out his arms to hug him, and pulled him back into his arms, Lin Ziyan looked at Gu Yufei in embarrassment.

"That's fine, you can just send me the detailed itinerary when the time comes." Gu Yufei readily agreed to Tang Yuxin's request.

Hearing this, Tang Yuxin gently brushed her hair and said, "Mr. Gu, thank you."

Seeing this, Lin Ziyan could only slightly roll her eyes. It seemed that Tang Yuxin thought she was extremely charming.

However, Gu Yufei didn't give Tang Yuxin this face, and immediately gave Lin Ziyan a doting look, and said to Tang Yuxin: "It's okay, since Ziyan is your assistant, of course I will help with this."

Sure enough, Tang Yuxin's complexion changed immediately upon hearing this, and then she had to say a few more polite words with Gu Yufei, and then went to work on other things.

At this time, Gu Yufei was free and wanted to settle accounts with Lin Ziyan, so he said, "You recruited me, and you want to get away?"

Lin Ziyan glanced at Gu Yufei, then looked elsewhere, and said with a guilty conscience: "Who told you, President Gu, to say that I am your fiancee? Now everyone knows, and they all come to me for help." , I still have trouble to express!"

Immediately, Lin Ziyan took two steps forward, turned his back to Gu Yufei, and looked around, planning to find a breakthrough and slip away. Gu Yufei walked behind Lin Ziyan, and his breath sprayed on Lin Ziyan.

"What are you doing?" Lin Ziyan immediately covered her face, the other's breath was so hot that it made her face itchy.

Gu Yufei saw some shimmering eyes suddenly turning here, then raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Are you so sensitive?"

If these words were understood seriously, there would be no problem, but after all, Lin Ziyan slept with Gu Yufei, and when he heard this, he only felt that the other party was hinting in that direction, and his face turned red all of a sudden, feeling deeply molested.

"Shameless!" After Lin Ziyan finished speaking, she immediately ran back to the exhibition hall belonging to their company, helping one of the staff members to take care of the showcase.

That person was Xiao Luo, and since he was related to Manager Chen, he was not very serious about his work. He was lazily leaning against the side of the display cabinet, as if he liked to look at it or not.

"This jewel..." Lin Ziyan frowned when she saw this, feeling a little familiar.

When Xiao Luo saw Lin Ziyan approaching, he immediately moved Lin Ziyan to his side and said, "Ziyan, since you are here, you can watch for me!"

Hearing this, Lin Ziyan shrank back, a little confused: "I have some diarrhea today, I don't know when it will start, I can't fix the time..."

Hearing Lin Ziyan's words, the face that was still smiling immediately collapsed. Ronaldinho let go of Lin Ziyan's hand and rolled his eyes.

I saw Lin Ziyan looking at that person speechlessly, thinking that this person is really funny, and thinking that it is only natural for others to help you?
At this moment, Tang Yuxin walked over, Lin Ziyan quickly grabbed Tang Yuxin and walked towards the display cabinet.

"Why do I feel like I've seen the design draft of this jewelry before..." Lin Ziyan looked at the finished product in doubt, and then said with certainty: "But I'm sure it's not in your design draft."

"I didn't design this in the first place!" Tang Yuxin curled her lips indifferently.

Lin Ziyan looked at the other party in disbelief. If this was not Tang Yuxin's design, but it bears Tang Yuxin's name, it would be considered plagiarism or plagiarism!This Tang Yuxin is really courageous, so wouldn't the original designer go all out with her?

"It's not yours... why did you write your name?" Lin Ziyan felt aggrieved for the anonymous designer.

But Tang Yuxin looked at Lin Ziyan's expression and could only explain: "What Manager Chen said, let me change it and write my name."

After finishing speaking, Tang Yuxin saw Gu Yufei talking with designers from other companies, so she hurried up to brush up her presence, but Lin Ziyan frowned when she heard this.

No matter how you look at it, it seems like you have seen this design somewhere, and it was mentioned by Manager Chen, so Manager Chen must know who the designer behind it is?
The pictures of the past suddenly flashed through her mind quickly, and she recalled the scene of Manager Chen tearing up her design draft.

Afterwards, Lin Ziyan immediately took out her mobile phone and opened the photo album.

Every time the manuscript she designed is finished, she will take a photo and save it, so as not to copy the manuscript after it is lost. Now it seems to be very useful.

After a while, she found the picture she designed, which was very similar to the finished product in the display cabinet. According to Tang Yuxin's words, this was slightly modified by her. After all, this is Lin Ziyan's design draft. It's done!
Lin Ziyan glanced at Xiao Luo in disbelief, and looked at him in a daze. She didn't intend to make such an expression to scare Xiao Luo on purpose, the main reason was that she was too shocked, and she didn't know who to talk to for a while.

It was impossible for her to go directly to Tang Yuxin. According to Tang Yuxin, even Tang Yuxin didn't know that Lin Ziyan drew the design draft, so she could only go to Manager Chen now.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziyan immediately called Manager Chen.

"Manager Chen, why did you use my design to write Tang Yuxin's name?"

At this time, Lin Ziyan did not intend to be more polite with Manager Chen. If her design draft can be exhibited, it at least shows that Manager Chen knows her ability, so why did he deny her strength that day, and even beat her when she was promoted?

"Lin Ziyan, what are you doing again? Well run this exhibition well, and I will give you a bonus when you come back!" Manager Chen didn't explain, nor did he panic at all.

It seems that Manager Chen acted confidently in this matter, which made Lin Ziyan even more depressed. Is this a problem that can be solved by adding bonuses?A bonus is added this month, but the next month will still be this meager income!I don't know how much higher the salary of the promoted designer will be!
Moreover, the most important thing is the title of designer. If she doesn't have the ability to be promoted to a designer, then she admits it and continues to work hard. Now that her design has been affirmed, of course she is not willing to be a small assistant again.

"Manager Chen, the design is mine, why did you write Tang Yuxin's name?" Lin Ziyan repeated, her tone a little impatient.

She didn't want to be taken advantage of, it was her design, and it would affect her future life and career. Now she has nothing left but a job, and the only thing she can fight for is a job. Therefore, Lin Ziyan I don't want to be unfair at work.

"Lin Ziyan, adjust your position. Since you are Tang Yuxin's assistant, Tang Yuxin's name should be written on the things you design!" Manager Chen hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

Lin Ziyan looked at the blind voice coming out of the phone in disbelief and felt bored, why everyone wanted to steal her design, why did Xiao Mo use it, and Tang Yuxin also used it, why did Manager Chen treat her like this!
"Cough...Lin Ziyan, are you okay?" Xiao Luo tentatively glanced at Lin Ziyan, after all, Lin Ziyan's expression was too scary at this time.

Hearing this, Lin Ziyan immediately raised her mouth, how could she be fine?You can try to see the child you have worked so hard to be raised by others. You can try to prepare for the exam and get full marks, but the test paper has someone else's name written on it. Go and try it!

It's just that Lin Ziyan didn't speak, all these words were held back in her heart, but Xiao Luo had already seen that the other party was in a bad mood, and she also knew that Lin Ziyan was Gu Yufei's fiancée, so she didn't want to annoy the other party, but neither did she. Intended to become the other party's punching bag.

Immediately, Ronaldinho took a few steps back and said, "Lin Ziyan, I'm going to the bathroom, please watch for me..."

Lin Ziyan was immersed in her negative emotions all the time, and didn't pay attention to Xiao Luo's words at all.

She couldn't figure out why Manager Chen didn't promote her when she had already reached her level. Furthermore, at least in the eyes of outsiders, she was now Gu Yufei's fiancée. Manager Chen complimented Gu Yufei so much and promoted her. It's flattering in disguise!

This world is too unfair, Lin Ziyan raised her head while thinking, and saw Tang Yuxin walking towards her after talking with the group of people, the smile on her face was still there.

She is very successful in this circle, whether it is interpersonal relationship or work ability, it can be said that she is very good. On the other hand, Lin Ziyan, in addition to her excellent ability, she is really not that good in interpersonal communication. It's smooth, even Lin Feifei can't match it.

"Where's Xiao Luo?" Tang Yuxin stretched out her hand and waved in front of Lin Ziyan, pulling back Lin Ziyan's thoughts.

But Lin Ziyan was still in a daze at this time, and just said listlessly: "I don't know."

"Huh?" Tang Yuxin knew that Lin Ziyan had diarrhea today, and she didn't intend to care about the other party's attitude, but when she lowered her head, she frowned: "Lin Ziyan...where is the jewelry here?"

Lin Ziyan was fully awake now, and she also looked at the showcase, only to find that there was only one bracket left in it, and the jewelry had disappeared!
Although Tang Yuxin's name was written on it, it was her design, and Lin Ziyan felt a little sad immediately.

It's fine if you don't justify your work, but now it's stolen. The fate of this jewel is really troubled.

"Lin Ziyan, is this your attitude towards work?" Tang Yuxin immediately pointed the finger at Lin Ziyan.

Lin Ziyan wasn't very diligent today, and Tang Yuxin couldn't bear such mistakes until now.

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