The film king seeks favor: The screenwriter loves me a lot

Chapter 329: 2-year-old parent after 6 years

12 years later.

"Luo Luo, come and save me!" Murong Niannian was lying on her big bed, holding her mobile phone and was complaining to her best friend. It was the depression in her heart that made her extremely aggrieved.

Yan Chuluo, Murong Niannian's best friend, a very steadfast best friend and best friend.Although Yan Chuluo is five years older than Murong Niannian, there is no generation gap between the mature Murong Niannian and her, and this year-end friendship is more harmonious than friends of the same age.

"Okay, my eldest lady, sister, I can't take care of you now, I'm too busy to take care of myself now!" Yan Chuluoton was on the toilet in the bathroom, flipping through the latest issue of the military newspaper in his hand.

Yan Chuluo really can't take care of her little genius friend now, because she is in love!Perhaps it is more accurate to fall in love with a man at first sight and embark on the hard road of secret love.

"Oh, you just went to the army for training. Speaking of which, your grandfather is really perverted. He needs military training to find a job. I really don't understand! If I beat you to death, I wouldn't go to work in this kind of company. Abnormal!" Murong Niannian began to complain about Yan Chuluo's grandfather, in her way of getting along with Yan Chuluo, there were almost no mutual secrets, and there was no need to estimate when talking, Murong Niannian usually had something on his mind Just say something.

"Murong Niannian, shut up! You are not allowed to speak ill of my grandpa! No matter how bad my old man is, I am the only one who can complain!" Yan Chuluo immediately sat up straight, his eyes widened, like this For a moment, it was as if Murong Niannian was really opposite her.

"Okay, okay! You are here again, you crazy guardian devil, I really can't stand you, be careful not to find a boyfriend in the future, just stay with your grandpa for the rest of your life!" Murong Niannian finished speaking, the corners of his mouth twitch With a sneering smile, this Yan Chuluo was brought up by her grandfather, and she could be said to be her god-like existence to her grandfather, and she would not allow others to say otherwise.

"Hey, don't tell me, boyfriend... I think I will have one soon!" Speaking of this, Yan Chuluo's mouth raised a sweet smile, and a handsome and handsome face appeared in his mind.

"What, what! Yan Chuluo, tell me clearly, did you have an affair? Did you have an affair after military training?" Immediately, Murong Niannian also forgot his current troubles for the time being, and was so shocked by Yan Chuluo's words Jump up on the bed.

"Hey, Miss Murong, what do you call that? What is Aventure? Do you understand what they call love!" Speaking of this, Yan Chuluo changed the subject and couldn't help laughing at Murong Niannian: "Oh, yes Oh, I forgot that you are just a doll under the age of 17, how do you know what love is!"

Yan Chuluo's words immediately irritated Murong Niannian, and she complained dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter with a baby who is not yet seventeen, he will be 17 years old in a few months, and in terms of age, he is already 17 years old! Besides, even though I'm young, there doesn't seem to be much difference between us now, okay?"

Murong Niannian's words are actually not false at all. Although the two are five years apart in age, what they are doing now is almost in sync. It can be said that Murong Niannian started much earlier than Yan Chuluo!This is also the reason why Murong Niannian complained about Chu Luo early today.

All of this has to be attributed to her father who dotes on his wife too much, and her mother who is really generous.Now her 36-year-old mother Murong Yunxi is pregnant again, and her belly is pregnant with her second brother. Gong Yu, the doting father, claims that Murong Yunxi is already an advanced mother and can no longer serve the company. Things are busy, and her mother actually said that she will have to endure hardships sooner or later, so it is better to start adapting as soon as possible and leave such a big Murong family to her.

She had to talk about why her life was so hard, who made her the boss so hard, her brother Gong Xi was only 11 years old.And who made her so immortal that she inherited the dual wisdom of her father and mother, and she has a genius-like mind, making her better than blue and smarter than her parents.

Then it's time for her to lose her youth so early and get caught up in business?

But when she suddenly thought that Yan Chuluo was no better than her, and had joined the company just after graduating from university, and was about to accept the Yan Group that her grandfather had handed over to her, she burst into laughter.At least she is just an agent now, and that girl has now been pushed to the successor position.

And what makes her feel secretly refreshed is that the girl's grandfather, who doesn't know what kind of stubborn old mind, actually has an unwritten rule in the group, that is, all employees who join the company must undergo a one-month military training. Becoming a member of the company, and the girl wanted to go to the grassroots level to practice incognito because of her own crimes, and to experience the people's feelings by the way, and finally jumped into the pit of military training by herself.

Thinking of these, Murong Niannian felt a lot better, no matter how sad he was, there was always someone to accompany him.But that girl fell in love as soon as she was trained in the army, which made her curious.

"Hey, Luo Luo, tell me about your affair? Did you meet during military training? A new colleague from your company?"

"Mur-rong-nian-nian!" Yan Chuluo shouted Murong Niannian's name word by word, "It's love, not an affair! I met my true love, and my prince appeared !"

"Okay, okay, you said that love is love, okay! Let's talk about your love!" Murong Niannian couldn't help rolling her eyes, still obsessed with what she called "Aventure".

"It's just that I fell in love with a person. When I saw him, my heart would thump. When I couldn't see him, I would scratch my head. I wanted to know everything about him, and I wanted to create every opportunity to approach him. "When Yan Chuluo said these words, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly, the corners of her mouth were raised unnaturally, even the sweetness of love was revealed between her eyebrows and eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk... oh, I'm so sour! I never thought you would be so vulgar and so sour when Miss Yan was in a hurry!" Murong Niannian couldn't help teasing Yan Chuluo, but it was from the bottom of her heart. Li was also happy for Yan Chuluo. It is always a happy thing for my good friend to meet someone I like, but then I remembered another thing: "By the way, then your grandfather arranged for you What about baby? What are you going to do?"

At the mention of this, Yan Chuluo's original sweet smile suddenly collapsed and turned into a wilted flower bone: "Oh! Don't mention this, my grandpa doesn't know what he thinks, what are you talking about?" It's time, and what was said decades ago, how can it be taken seriously now! It's really..."

Just as I was talking, there was a knock on the door: "Chu Luo, are you in? Are you okay? The instructor asked me to come and see you. I've been in the toilet for so long, and I'm worried that something might happen to you!"

"Ah, Niannian, I'm at odds with you. I'll answer your call in the toilet and call you when I'm free!" After speaking, Yan Chuluo hung up the phone and shouted at the door: "It's okay, it's okay , I just have diarrhea, and it will come out in a while!"

Murong Niannian on the other end of the phone shook his head helplessly when he heard the "beep beep" busy tone coming from the phone, put away the phone, turned over and got out of bed.

Murong Niannian walked down the stairs and came to the living room, seeing Gong Xi ready to go out, she couldn't help calling him: "Xiao Xi, where are you going?"

"Oh, I went to find Murong Yu, and he said he would invite me to play squash in the afternoon." Gong Xi's young and handsome face, although only 11 years old, already has the appearance of eighth Gong Yu, just like a miniature version of Gong Yu , the current charm has been unstoppable, and there is a posture that the blue is better than the blue.

"Oh, come back for dinner early tonight. Grandpa, Uncle Ye, Mummy Xuan and Uncle Xu are all coming to eat tonight." Murong Niannian began to mutter. This brother has been loved by her since she was a child. Sister, in fact, looks like half a mother.

"Understood, you have said it no less than five times. You are only 16 years old. Why are you just like an old lady, talking endlessly." Gong Xi frowned in displeasure. Yu, then suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, sister, where are parents?"

"Oh, Dad and Mommy went to the movies. Since Mommy was pregnant again, Dad almost spoiled Mommy to the sky. Now it's like a honeymoon period. Going out on dates every day makes me wonder if they are still Our parents?!" Speaking of this, Murong Niannian began to complain, it was because the parents were too lenient, she couldn't help feeling resentful, she looked like a teenager now, she was clearly like a parent gesture.

"Well, anyway, I'm used to it! Well, sister, I'm going out, and that guy Murong Yu will bombard me after a while!" Gong Xi seemed to be gloating and ran out the door. He was very glad that he had Such a sister, otherwise, he should have assumed all these responsibilities.

At this moment, Murong Yunxi, who was watching a movie, suddenly sneezed twice, and couldn't help complaining: "Who is scolding me?"

However, Gong Yu stretched out his hand nervously to touch Murong Yunxi's little hand: "Is it cold? Is the air conditioner too cold and you have a cold?"

Murong Yunxi shook her head, today's movie was boring, she immediately lost interest, took Gong Yu's arm, and said coquettishly: "Husband, let's go, today's movie is not good at all, I want to eat Mala Tang .”

Murong Yunxi, who didn't like spicy food originally, was pregnant this time, and suddenly her taste changed drastically. She always liked to eat this kind of food. Gong Yu despised Malatang as unhygienic, but he couldn't hold back his wife, so he reluctantly compromised every time.

The two got up and left the movie theater. Just after they left the theater gate, they happened to see Lu Yang walking in, accompanied by a pretty little woman. The woman looked familiar, and immediately attracted Murong Yunxi's attention.

This, is it...

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