Lu Tianyuan, who raised his voice a lot and his tone was cold and dark, quickly got the attention of Old Master Lu. As soon as he heard it, he realized that something serious had happened, and his face darkened little by little.

About two or three minutes later, after the person on the phone had explained everything clearly, Lu Tianyuan slowly put away the phone in his hand, his face was full of sinister anger and exhaustion.

"What's going on?" As soon as he heard the mention of the company, Mr. Lu's attention was attracted. The Lu Group was his life's painstaking effort. He couldn't just sit idly by, so he couldn't even speak in tone. become deeper.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Tianyuan's face was very ugly, and the expression he looked at Mr. Lu was even more flickering. The look of hesitating to speak made Mr. Lu even more anxious.

I couldn't help urging Lu Tianyuan, and said in a very tough voice, "Hmph, I haven't seen such a big storm, tell me, what the hell are those old foxes in the side line planning to do?"

"It's not that group of old foxes from the sidelines..." Lu Tianyuan sighed deeply, and responded to Mr. Lu, his helplessness could be heard in his voice.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Lu raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he didn't understand what this sentence meant.But a bad premonition passed through her heart quickly. At that moment, he even had the idea that he didn't want to know, and almost asked Lu Tianyuan not to say this.

Lu Tianyuan, who was sunk in a helpless expression, didn't see the change of old man Lu's mood. He stretched out his hands and rubbed his temples with a bit of a headache, and said directly, "It's Lu Xunyan, he wants to use those old foxes to bring me down."

A very light and helpless sentence was read out of his mouth, but there was a particularly heavy feeling. After hearing this, Mr. Lu also had the feeling of being stabbed in the back by a close relative, and a serious expression appeared on his face.

The feeling of uneasiness in my heart just came true, and there was a very sad feeling in my heart. The grandson who has always been the most beloved is now joining forces with his enemies to deal with his life's painstaking efforts. Mr. Lu knew that Lu Xunyan did not do this. Not trying to be his enemy.

The most important reason should be Lu Tianyuan, he wanted the Lu family to be defeated by Lu Tianyuan.

"Dad, I will ask Xunyan to clarify this matter, so you don't have to worry about it." Lu Tianyuan still said these words with a gloomy expression, which shows that he is also in a very bad mood at this time.

After listening to Mr. Lu, the worry on his face still hasn't diminished in the slightest. On the contrary, there is a look of worry on his brows, his voice is obviously older and helpless than before, "You just talk to him calmly, don't worry about it. Argue."

In the past, when father and son Lu Tianyuan and Lu Xunyan met, they were like enemies meeting each other. Their words were mercilessly shot at each other, and they could never sit down and have a good chat.Mr. Lu also knew the reason for this, that is, because of those things back then.

It can only be said that Lu Xunyan did have an irreparable psychological damage in his heart, and he could only put these damages on Lu Tianyuan, so his heart didn't feel so good.

In the last sentence, Lu Tianyuan didn't give any guarantees, because he also knew that the relationship between himself and Lu Xunyan was extremely bad, and such things as tranquility would generally not happen between them.


During the three days of recuperating in Lu Xunyan's villa, Shen Yanshi felt that his life was recovering crazily, and thanks to Lu Xunyan's careful care, he took care of food and daily life in every possible way.

Gradually, an inexplicable feeling of dependence developed in Shen Yanshi, and she even had the idea of ​​wanting to stay. After she realized it, she couldn't help being startled. When she gently patted her chest with her hand, she let out a deep breath. Come.

Shen Yan, who was preparing fruit in the kitchen, raised his wrist to check the time from time to time, pinpointing when Lu Xunyan came back.Today Lu Xunyan finally returned to the team under her insistence, and didn't finish that week's vacation.

'Ding dong--' At this time, the villa's bell rang in the room, Shen Yanshi hurriedly put down the knife and fruit in his hand when he heard it, and muttered in doubt, "Why are you back so early today?"

As soon as she finished chanting, she ran towards that place very happily. She couldn't help raising a very bright smile on her face, walked to the front and easily turned the handle to open the door.

Before she could even see the person in front of her, she said directly, "Why did you come back so early today..."

Before the words fell, Shen Yanshi's gaze fell on the person standing at the door, and his voice stopped abruptly.And there was a surprised look on his face, his eyes widened little by little, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

After her sanity was pulled back a little bit, she cautiously called out to the person in front of her, her face was full of embarrassment, "Dad, you are here..."

"Well, where's Xunyan?" Lu Tianyuan didn't expect that the person who opened the door was Shen Yanshi, and coupled with her extremely happy smile just now, the worry about Lu Xunyan finally eased a little.

Upon hearing Lu Tianyuan's words, Shen Yan quickly came to his senses, turned his body sideways to make way for a passage, and quickly explained, "Dad, come in and sit first, Xunyan went to the army and hasn't come back yet."

After greeting Lu Tianyuan to the living room, Shen Yanshi's whole body was tense.She didn't have much contact with Lu Tianyuan, because Lu Xunyan hated Lu Tianyuan so much that she was even more unfamiliar with Lu Tianyuan. Every time she saw him, she would face Lu Xunyan with a dark face and a very hot temper.

After pouring Lu Tianyuan a cup of tea very politely, Shen Yanshi sat aside very cautiously, lowered his head slightly and didn't say a word, mainly because she didn't know what she could say.

"When will he come back?" Lu Tianyuan was the first to break the inexplicable awkward atmosphere. He took a sip of the teacup in front of him and asked.

"It should be soon." Shen Yan raised his head and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was almost five o'clock, and he answered.

As soon as this question was over, the atmosphere once again fell into a strange silence. Lu Tianyuan had been in the shopping mall for so long, and he could tell the clues at a glance. The corner of his mouth curled up in a funny way and said, "Are you afraid of me?"

"Ah?" Shen Yan was caught off guard by the sudden question, and after she digested the question in her head, she immediately shook her head and waved her hands in a flustered response, "No, no..."

After the voice came out of her throat, Shen Yanshi could also sense a little panic in his voice, he couldn't help but squeeze his lips tightly, and lowered his head slightly.

Unexpectedly, a warm and friendly smile appeared on Lu Tianyuan's face. There was no trace of anger at all, and there was a hint of curiosity hiding in it and asked her, "Are you afraid of me because of Lu Xunyan?"

"I... I didn't." Shen Yanshi wanted to deny this matter confidently, but just as Naihe raised his head and opened his mouth, he collided with Lu Tianyuan's probing eyes, and the voice of denial suddenly became incapable of speaking.

In the end, all denials were replaced by a slight nod, and Shen Yanshi still didn't dare to look directly into Lu Tianyuan's eyes.

Just as she nodded, Lu Tianyuan let out bursts of hearty laughter, and the laughter lingered in the entire living room, making Shen Yan feel puzzled for a moment.

Could anyone be afraid of him and he would be very happy?Not seeing through Lu Tianyuan for a while, Shen Yan found that his brain was a little bit insufficient.

"You are very suitable for Xunyan." Before Shen Yanshi could understand Lu Tianyuan's last sentence, he suddenly said another sentence that made Shen Yanshi confused again.

When Shen Yan vaguely said that her previous perception of Lu Tianyuan was wrong, it seemed that she was not such a difficult and hot-tempered person in her impression.On the contrary, he is a very easy-going and polite person.

"Dad, what do you mean?" Shen Yan, who really didn't understand Lu Tianyuan, couldn't help asking, his face was full of curiosity and doubt.

At this time, Lu Tianyuan slightly restrained the smile on his face, and explained some things bitterly, "You know that Xunyan's mother passed away a long time ago, and she may have heard some gossip. From then on, Xunyan hated me very much, and has been against me all these years, wanting me to regret it."

"This child has suffered serious psychological injuries since he was a child, and no one has been able to enter his heart these years. But I can see now that you seem to have gradually opened up his closed world." Lu Tianyuan slowly explained , the voice is full of emotion.

What happened in those years... When Shen Yan mentioned this, she couldn't help but thump in her heart. It was true that she knew about it from Lu Wanyuan, but she didn't know the details.

Especially that letter, what is the content in it, is that the reason why Lu Xunyan hates Lu Tianyuan?

After struggling for a while, Shen Yan wanted to ask about the content of the letter, to see if he knew about it.But he didn't expect Lu Xunyan to come back when he was here, Lu Tianyuan's expression became completely gloomy when he saw it, "What are you doing here?"

"What am I here for? Can I sit idly by and ignore you doing those dirty things behind your back?!" Lu Tianyuan's face suddenly darkened, and he made a cold voice, approaching Lu Xunyan, who was standing not far away, without any hesitation. Not as approachable as before, as if the whole person is different.

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