Although Jiang Luyao felt that these three people looked a little weird, he didn't care too much. After walking down the stairs, he asked casually, "What happened? Everyone was silent."

Aunt Gu secretly winked at her, signaling her not to talk too much, and then glanced at the newspaper in Qiao Mucheng's hand, as if she meant something.

Jiang Luyao didn't quite understand what she meant, and wanted to continue asking, so Qiao Mucheng raised his hand and handed the newspaper to her.

"Is there anything to explain?" he asked.

Jiang Luyao took the newspaper in doubt and was dumbfounded.

The headline of the newspaper was impressively written with a big line: "The wife of the CEO of the Empire Group cheated on the CEO of the Thunder Group, and went in and out of the hotel hand in hand in broad daylight."

There are also several very clear photos on it, the most difficult to explain one is the picture of the two of them walking out of the room together, in addition, there are several pictures taken on the way out of the hotel.

She subconsciously argued: "They wrote it scribbled! There is nothing between me and Brother Zixiao!"

After finishing speaking, even she herself felt that this explanation was not convincing at all.

Because judging from those photos alone, the relationship between the two of them does look very ambiguous.

She glanced at Qiao Mucheng, and saw that he was looking at her deeply, as if he was thinking about something.

This incident came so suddenly that she was a little caught off guard and completely confused.

It seemed that her intuition was not wrong yesterday, there was indeed someone following her behind and took these photos.

As for who sent those people, she didn't have the extra energy to think about it yet. The most important thing right now was to explain clearly to Qiao Mucheng that she and Lei Zixiao were innocent.

After this idea came up, she was surprised for a moment, why did she explain to him?
Then she found the reason, her plan hadn't been achieved yet, and she couldn't lose her identity as Mrs. Qiao. If Qiao Mucheng really misunderstood something, and then became angry and divorced her, all the previous efforts would be in vain.

After thinking about this point, she was ready to abandon the car to protect the handsome man, and told the whole story about Jiang Wanxia's meeting with her, even if she let him know that her second sister was behind her, it didn't matter.

However, before she could speak, Qiao Mucheng said, "Don't be so nervous, I know."


How could he believe that he was innocent so easily?This is not the same as the plot development she thought!

No matter how you look at those photos, they all look serious. She felt that she had to spend a lot of time to explain the scene of her and Lei Zixiao walking out of the hotel room together.

And Qiao Mucheng didn't need her to explain a word at all, so he believed it?

"Why?" she couldn't help asking.

Qiao Mucheng hooked the corner of his mouth, "Although you are stupid sometimes, you are not so stupid. You went to have a room with someone else in broad daylight, and you just happened to be photographed."


Jiang Luyao's face darkened, and the slightest touch he had just had because of his unconditional trust in him disappeared in an instant.

Is this guy praising her or scolding her?

But she still couldn't refute it, because what he said seemed to be correct...

Ah Qi, who had been nervous for a long time standing aside, was also relieved at this time, his tense expression finally relaxed, and he said in a happy tone: "Let me just say, my wife is not such a person. These media are really disgusting. They are chasing wind and shadow all day long, lest the world will not be chaotic!"

Qiao Mucheng sneered, "The media will certainly not let go of the opportunity if there is such a shocking news. But the premise is that someone sends this piece of fat to the door."

With a thought in his mind, Jiang Luyao asked, "You mean, someone deliberately planned this?"

Qiao Mucheng raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise, do you think it was a reporter from the newspaper who happened to pass by and took the photo?"

Jiang Luyao frowned and thought about it. There seemed to be an idea in his heart that gradually became clear, but he instinctively wanted to escape.

Qiao Mucheng took a look at the newspaper again, but his eyes fell on Lei Zixiao's face in the photo.

"Shouldn't you explain first, what did you do in the hotel yesterday?"

Jiang Luyao curled his lips, this guy really cared about the fact that he and Lei Zixiao went in and out of the hotel together.

But because he didn't believe the nonsense in the newspaper, she decided not to hide it from him.

"Yesterday I went to the hotel for an appointment with my second sister, and she asked me to get something. As for Brother Zi Xiao, I just met by chance. As for why they came out of the room together, this matter is more complicated. I'll tell you alone."

She was still a little embarrassed to tell her that she was almost molested yesterday in front of Ah Qi and Aunt Gu.

Qiao Mucheng glanced at her thoughtfully, as if thinking about the authenticity of her words.

Jiang Luyao met his gaze without hesitation, his eyes were calm.

After a while, Qiao Mucheng nodded, but made a phone call instead of saying anything.

"Within half an hour, remove all the Chaoyang Daily from the shelves today, and try to recover those that have been circulated, including other newspapers with similar content to the headlines of the Chaoyang Daily, all of which are not allowed to be published today. In addition, find out the source of the photos. "

After a word of instructions, his staff immediately went to do it.

"Is this useful?" Jiang Luyao asked.

After all, media information spreads so fast, just recovering the newspaper may not be able to stop the rumor from spreading.

"If one less person knows, the news will spread a little slower, which is better than nothing." Qiao Mucheng explained indifferently.

It seems that even he has no better way to stop the news from spreading, and the onlookers love to talk about this kind of thing the most. No matter whether it is true or not, I am afraid that this will become the biggest talking point in S City recently.

Jiang Luyao felt a little distressed. He hadn't secured his position as Mrs. Qiao yet, and yet such a big news came out. It's been really troublesome recently.

"You just said that the person who sent you to the hotel was Jiang Wanxia?" Qiao Mucheng asked suddenly.

Jiang Luyao nodded, and then realized that he was suspicious of Jiang Wanxia.

"You think my second sister planned this? How is that possible!" She retorted subconsciously.

However, Qiao Mucheng analyzed calmly: "Yesterday, the only ones who knew about your whereabouts were me and her. I was dumped by you halfway. Is there any other possibility?"

Jiang Luyao said unconvinced: "Don't forget, this Mrs. Qiao's position is coveted by many women. Not to mention others, just Kang Yatong and Tang Jiaren, do you think they can't do such a thing?"

Although her attitude is tough, she actually has no bottom in her heart.

"Do you think the people I sent to protect you are just decorations? Will I allow others to follow you?"

Jiang Luyao curled his lips: "That's not necessarily the case. What's the use of someone who is easily dumped by me?"

Qiao Mucheng didn't intend to argue with her anymore, "I'm just telling you the most logical guess. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you."

After speaking, he got up and walked upstairs, apparently not intending to continue this topic.

Jiang Luyao was not even in the mood to eat breakfast, and sat on the sofa thoughtfully, but his thoughts were in a mess.

On the one hand, she couldn't find a strong reason to refute Qiao Mucheng's inference, but on the other hand, she was unwilling to accept that Jiang Wanxia would harm her.

After struggling for a while, he simply decided not to think about it for the time being, and see how this matter will develop. Anyway, it is related to Qiao Mucheng's face, so he will definitely find out.

When she came to the company, she didn't know if it was Jiang Luyao's psychological influence. She felt that the employees of the company looked at her a little strangely, as if they knew something.

She was relieved when she came to the office bravely.

The first thing she did when she turned on the computer was to search for her name on the largest local forum in S City, and she saw a photo that was exactly the same as the newspaper headline.

It seems that recalling the newspapers really can't stop the spread of this matter, and the dirty water can't be washed off her body.

When she first read the newspaper, she thought that the biggest trouble would be Qiao Mucheng's opinion.But now that he calmed down and thought about it, he realized that Qiao Mucheng was the best problem to solve.

Because he is a very sensible person, he doesn't even need to explain himself, he can figure out that someone deliberately framed her in this matter.

But other people may not understand it that way, they don't even use their brains to think about whether this matter is true or not, anyway, there is the excitement of Qiao's family to watch, and they can't wait for it.

If Qiao Mucheng loses face because of this, many people will be happier instead.

Jiang Luyao couldn't imagine what kind of pressure public opinion would bring, so he could only wait and see.

When I was in distress, I suddenly received a call from Lei Zixiao.

As soon as I picked it up, I heard a yelling voice from over there: "Little daughter-in-law, have you read the newspaper? Something serious happened!"

She had no choice but to reply dumbfounded: "Of course I saw it, what should I do now? Do you have an idea?"

Before Lei Zixiao could answer, she heard a deep voice shouting in the background of the phone: "I'll kill you bastard today, so you won't have to go out and cause trouble everywhere!"

She recognized that it was Uncle Lei's voice, and the curse was accompanied by the loud noise of something falling on the ground.

Lei Zixiao seemed to be running away, panting as he ran, "Little daughter-in-law, don't talk so much, come and save my life first! The old man is going to kill me!"

Hearing the chaotic voices over there, Jiang Luyao couldn't help laughing.

"Give Uncle Lei the phone first, and I'll explain it to him."

After hearing Lei Zixiao's cry of pain, Lei Guanting's angry voice came from the phone.

"Yaoyao, did this kid bully you? If there is such a thing, don't hide it for him, and see if uncle doesn't break his leg!"

Jiang Luyao hurriedly explained: "No, Uncle Lei! Thanks to meeting Brother Zixiao yesterday, I was not bullied by bad guys. You misunderstood him!"

It was only then that Lei Guanting's tone calmed down, "So, didn't that kid just make up what he said?"

Lei Zixiao complained from the side: "It's true! If I bully anyone, I can't bully my little daughter-in-law!"

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