After Xu Weiwei came to Qiao's Bieyuan last time, she officially stayed.

Although Qiao Mucheng was very concerned about her existence, he still didn't drive her away after all.

Ah Qi arranged for her to do some work like washing clothes in the backyard, so she didn't need to show up in the main building of the villa often.

Jiang Luyao felt that this was probably a kind of defense. After all, he was still not at ease with Xu Weiwei.

But as long as she can give her a stable job, Jiang Luyao's goal will be achieved. As for what she does, she doesn't really care.

Afterwards, Jiang Luyao spent a few days of comfortable life. When she almost thought that her life could continue to be ordinary, she was interrupted by an email.

The email was sent by Jiang Wanxia.

"I heard that you became the vice president of the Imperial Group? Why did you hide such a big news from me? Did you have other plans behind my back? Don't forget what you promised me at the beginning, and what you want to accomplish plan."

This cold questioning tone made Jiang Luyao very uncomfortable, and this was not the first time this feeling had appeared.

She never forgot the Jiang family's hatred for a moment, but what Uncle Lei said last time had aroused her suspicions and made her start to think seriously. Is it possible that someone else took everything from the Jiang family?

She vaguely remembered that Qiao Mucheng said that those things were not done by him. At that time, she still didn't take it seriously and didn't believe a word. However, thinking about it now, he has always had a daring character. Kind of weird.

But no matter what, she has already made up her mind to thoroughly investigate this matter, so she can only carry out Jiang Wanxia's request slowly.

What's more, since she received that mysterious email last time, her doubts about Jiang Wanxia have never been dispelled.

"I just took office, and I haven't had time to tell you. I know what I should do, and I don't need others to tell me what to do." She replied like this.

This was the first time she spoke to Jiang Wanxia in such an impolite tone. She didn't know what consequences this would cause, but at this moment, she couldn't control herself not to say this.

Jiang Wanxia quickly replied, "Have you fallen in love with Qiao Mucheng again?"

However, this time, Jiang Luyao directly turned off the computer and stopped replying to her.

After turning off the computer, she actually felt a sense of relief. She didn't have to bear the burden of revenge, and she didn't have to follow others' orders, but obeyed her own will. This feeling has not been felt for a long time.

But if it's easy, she won't really forget what she should do.

Taking out his mobile phone, he found the number of Qi Sizuo whom he hadn't contacted for a long time, and called.

"Where have you been so happy recently? Ever since I returned to China, you haven't taken the initiative to contact me." She complained as soon as she opened her mouth.

Qi Sizuo's familiar frivolous voice came over: "My little aunt, ever since you became Mrs. Qiao, you have been busy with your own 'career' all day long, how can you care about me?"

"Stop being silly, what have you been up to lately? Have you returned to America?"

Qi Sizuo replied: "Do you still remember the fugitive I chased last time? He hasn't been caught yet, so I can't go back for now. And I suddenly feel that the domestic environment is not bad, so after this mission is completed, I plan to Apply to stay."

This is good news for Jiang Luyao. She has very few friends in China, and Qi Sizuo is the person she has been closest to in the past six years. If she stays in China, it will help her a lot busy.

"That's really great. I just want to ask you something. If you are in China, this matter will be much easier to handle."

Qi Sizuo asked in a teasing tone: "As Mrs. Qiao, you still need my little role to help you?"

Jiang Luyao said angrily: "Others don't know, don't you know what is going on with my identity as Mrs. Qiao?"

Qi Sizuo laughed, "Tell me, what can I do for you?"

When Jiang Luyao expressed his request, Qi Sizuo felt a little surprised.

"You mean, what happened back then was because you misunderstood Qiao Mucheng?"

Jiang Luyao didn't know how to explain it to him, so he said in a perfunctory way: "I'm just a little strange, and the details depend on the results of the investigation. How about it, can you help me with this?"

Qi Sizuo agreed straight away: "That's needless to say? Is there any reason not to help Miss Jiang's request?"

Jiang Luyao laughed when he heard the words, "If it weren't for seeing that you have a girlfriend, I would have wondered if you were interested in me. I don't know how to thank you for helping me so much these years. "

There was an embarrassing laugh from the other side of the phone, "I'm going to be sad for what you said. Isn't it normal for friends to do small favors within their capacity? Why are you so out of touch?"

"I'm just joking, I know you are the most loyal!"

In fact, she really thought about this issue seriously, because in the past six years, Qi Sizuo has almost responded to her requests for help, and many things can no longer be described by her power, so she has such doubts.

However, Qi Sizuo has a girlfriend who has been dating for more than two years in the United States. Although this guy always looks unreliable, he is firmly held by that girl.

"Speaking of this, I'm going to be annoyed to death by that girl recently!" Qi Sizuo suddenly complained.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Luyao was aroused.

"She heard that I wanted to stay in China, so she clamored to follow. Her family and friends are all in the United States, and I couldn't take care of her when I was busy with work. Wouldn't it be more trouble to come back?"

Jiang Luyao couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of how the pair of friends looked when they were together.

"I think she is worried about putting you in the country, afraid that you will be promiscuous while she is not around?"

As far as she knew, Qi Sizuo's girlfriend, Gu Nianxi, was notoriously jealous.

Qi Sizuo immediately shouted his innocence: "Am I that kind of person? Even... hey, let's not talk about it, this little ancestor called again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Jiang Luyao to answer.

Jiang Luyao smiled helplessly, feeling more and more that his guess was right.

Please ask Qi Sizuo for this matter, and there should be some progress. Although he is an Interpol and has little relationship with the financial world, but with his identity and position, he wants to investigate the Imperial Group through institutions such as banks. The movement of funds is not difficult.

Especially six years ago, if Qiao Mucheng really embezzled the property of the Jiang Group, then such a large amount of funds would definitely leave clues.

At the same time, after Qi Sizuo on the other side hung up the phone, he immediately put away the eager look he had put on on purpose just now, returned to his serious look, and then made a call.

"Azuo, there is a sudden call. Is there any movement from her?" The person on the other side of the phone asked.

"Brother Cheng, Yaoyao finally became suspicious of what happened back then, and asked me to investigate the capital flow of the Imperial Group six years ago."

The person on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, and there was no emotional ups and downs in his voice.

"I see. For the time being, I will find a way to delay it. It is up to her to find out this matter."

"Let her check it herself? But with the resources in her hands, how is it possible to check the accounts of the Imperial Group?"

The man suddenly laughed, "Deadhead? She is the vice president now, and the power in her hands can be great or small. Don't worry, I will handle this matter myself, and you just need to drag it along."

Qi Sizuo instantly understood what he meant, and after making the promise, he hung up the phone.

Imperial Group Headquarters, President's Office.

Qiao Mucheng tapped the table with the index finger of his left hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he picked up the phone on his desk and called someone.

After a while, Feng He appeared in the office.


After Jiang Luyao replied to the email, he ignored Jiang Wanxia for a few days and deliberately didn't read her email.

In the end, Jiang Wanxia couldn't hold back anymore and called.

"What's going on with you recently?"

Jiang Luyao asked nonchalantly, "What's going on?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid, you know what I'm talking about. As I said, I want you to report to me the domestic situation in time. I need to make a plan for the next step based on your situation. But what about you? You are the vice president. Don't tell me the big things, I just asked, and you are upset, and you haven't replied to my messages for so many days. I think you really forgot your identity. "

"I haven't forgotten." Jiang Luyao replied directly.

She almost blurted out her doubts about what happened back then, but after thinking about it, she suddenly decided not to reveal it to her for the time being.

She didn't even know the specific reason, but she just instinctively told her that it would be better not to tell Jiang Wanxia about it.

So she slowed down her tone and began to explain to Jiang Wanxia: "I just think that our recent progress has been a bit too smooth. If we frequently create situations, I'm afraid it will arouse Qiao Mucheng's suspicion."

Jiang Wanxia fell silent when she heard the words, but maybe this reason was reasonable, so she didn't ask any more questions, but just ordered: "I have some things to be delivered to you, and the time is this weekend. Take a chance to go out, in Room 6109 of Willis Hotel, someone will meet you."

Jiang Luyao felt a little strange, what would require such a lot of trouble to hand over to her?
"What is it?" she asked.

Jiang Wanxia said inexplicably: "You will know when you go, anyway, it's very important, don't let Qiao Mucheng find out."

Jiang Luyao frowned, really couldn't think of what it could be, but since Jiang Wanxia said so, she had no reason to refuse.

"Got it." After answering, she hung up the phone directly.

If you want to hide it from Qiao Mucheng, you can't find a suitable reason.This guy seems to be very concerned about her whereabouts, so it's hard to guarantee that he won't send someone to watch him behind the scenes.

After much deliberation, it seems that the only way is to ask Jiang Xinyan for help.

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