Soon, the secretary gathered the company's shareholders in the meeting room, waiting for Qiao Mucheng to speak.

This time Jiang Luyao also followed him. This was the first time she appeared in the meeting room, so the shareholders were a little surprised.

Qiao Mucheng looked around at the crowd, and said slowly, "Today's meeting is to announce one thing, about the appointment of the new vice president."

Several shareholders looked at each other in blank dismay. They also proposed the candidate for the new vice president before, but the president ignored it. Why did they suddenly announce it directly today?
According to the company's regulations, the appointment of such an important position as vice president needs to be discussed by the shareholders' meeting. However, according to Qiao Mucheng, he doesn't seem to intend to discuss with everyone, but to announce the result directly.

"President, who is your preferred candidate?" A shareholder asked.

Qiao Mucheng collected himself, and looked at Jiang Luyao: "The new vice president is my wife, Miss Jiang Luyao. I don't know what you think?"

Only then did the shareholders suddenly realize that it was no wonder Jiang Luyao appeared here.

However, regarding the fact that the president was appointed directly without the discussion of the shareholders, everyone had some opinions in their hearts, but they dared not speak out.

For a large chaebol of the size of the Imperial Group, it is no child's play to choose the vice president of the head office, and it is not the case that the president can appoint anyone who is close to him.

So they were skeptical about this, and no one stood up and made a clear statement for a long time.

"Why, do you have an opinion?" Qiao Mucheng asked again.

As soon as he said this, his face darkened.

The shareholders were nervous when they saw him, because the president has always been calm and introverted, and he rarely showed obvious emotions. Such an expression already showed that he was beginning to be unhappy.

In fact, although they are shareholders in name, they only hold the shares of some subsidiaries of the Imperial Group. They have little say in the company's major decisions and the like.

So seeing this situation, most people are ready to compromise.

Anyway, the company is owned by the president himself, he will never make fun of his family business, presumably the wife of the president should have something special about her.

However, before they could speak, another person stood up first. He was the oldest member of the shareholders' meeting, and his name was Chen Jihong.

"President, it's not that I question your decision, it's just that the appointment came too suddenly. We haven't heard any news before that. Is this too hasty?"

Qiao Mucheng looked at him quietly and asked, "So before I make a decision, I need to ask you first?"

Chen Jihong was at a loss for words immediately. Although the words were spoken bluntly, there seemed to be nothing wrong with the truth.

Qiao Mucheng alone holds 70.00% of the shares, and these shareholders can only share a very small part, so they have no advantage in terms of speaking power.

But he still insisted: "The appointment of important positions needs to be discussed and decided by the shareholders' meeting. Since the company has such a charter, of course it should not be put on display."

Qiao Mucheng raised his eyebrows, "That's why I called everyone together today."

The implication is that if it weren't for the sake of the company's articles of association, he wouldn't even need to notify these people.

Chen Jihong's expression changed, but he still refused to back down, and turned his gaze to Jiang Luyao: "The vice president of the Imperial Group is not a position that everyone is qualified for. I wonder if Miss Jiang has the confidence?"

Jiang Luyao originally thought it was just a matter of Qiao Mucheng's words, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to stand up and question his decision, so he couldn't help admiring the courage of this shareholder.

Since everyone asked questions, she would appear guilty if she didn't answer.

"You can rest assured about this, I was before..."

She wanted to report her MBA degree, but in the middle of speaking, Qiao Mucheng raised her hand to signal her not to say more.

"It seems that Mr. Chen is determined to fight against me." He leaned forward, propped his elbows on the table, clasped his fingers against his chin, and showed a dangerous look in his eyes.

When Chen Jihong saw his appearance, he panicked.

Qiao Mucheng has always acted vigorously and resolutely, rarely talking nonsense.Orders and orders are prohibited, and there has never been a mistake.

So no one has ever openly opposed his opinions.

As a veteran of the company, Chen Jihong had already worked in the company when Qiao Mucheng's father was alive. He already had a bit of capital to rely on the old to sell the old, so compared to other shareholders, Qiao Mucheng would be more tolerant of him, and even called him old Chen.

But that doesn't mean he has the capital to openly challenge Qiao Mucheng's authority, let alone when he wants to appoint his own wife.

"I'm just exercising my own rights. Is this considered right?" Although Chen Jihong already had the intention to back down, but because of his stubborn personality, he still couldn't hold back his face on the surface.

Qiao Mucheng's expression darkened again, as if he was brewing some emotion.

Seeing that the momentum was not good, Jiang Luyao decided to stand up and speak out in person. Otherwise, before she became a vice president, she would be dissatisfied with the shareholder meeting first, and her actions would be detrimental to her in the future.

"Actually, the main point of your debate is whether I have the ability to do this job. There is no result in arguing here. Why don't you let me prove it with actions?" She started before Qiao Mucheng could speak. mouthed.

Her appearance relieved the embarrassment between the two of them a little bit, and Chen Jihong nodded when he saw that there was a step down. "I didn't mean to question Miss Jiang's ability, but since you have said so, then this is a way."

The annoyance in Qiao Mucheng's eyes hadn't dissipated, and he obviously didn't intend to let it go.

Jiang Luyao hurriedly persuaded him: "Give me a month, if I am qualified for this job, you don't want to argue anymore, how about it?"

Qiao Mucheng glanced at her, and she hurriedly winked at him, signaling that he should be forgiving and forgiving.

Qiao Mucheng thought about it. After all, Chen Jihong was old and stubborn, so he really didn't need to keep arguing with him, so he finally nodded. "Let's do it, dismiss the meeting."

After he finished speaking, he was the first to get up and leave the conference room. After Jiang Luyao nodded to the shareholders, he also turned and followed.

Back in the office, Qiao Mucheng sat in his seat without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

Jiang Luyao looked at him curiously, and asked uncertainly, "Aren't you still angry? This trivial matter doesn't even count as being wronged for me. Isn't your reaction a little too big?"

She thought Qiao Mucheng was upset because she was targeted.

Qiao Mucheng said without looking back, "It's not because of you."

Jiang Luyao was speechless for a moment, feeling that he seemed to be a little self-indulgent, and hurriedly changed the subject to cover up his embarrassment: "Why is that?"

Qiao Mucheng pondered for a moment, and said inexplicably: "It seems that I should rectify the atmosphere of the company, otherwise some people will not know who is in charge here."

Jiang Luyao curled his lips, thinking that Qiao Mucheng was as pure and ascetic as he appeared on the surface, so he cared so much about the control of power.

"Are you thinking too much? As far as I know, the shares held by those shareholders are not even a fraction of yours. What threat can they pose to you?"

Qiao Mucheng's right hand was placed on the table, and his fingers unconsciously tapped on the table.

"The others don't care, only Chen Jihong, who has been getting more and more insatiable in the past two years."

Jiang Luyao was a little disapproving. Although Chen Jihong's qualifications were old, seniority was a fictitious thing after all, and he still had to use real power to speak in the company.And speaking of this, who can compare with Qiao Mucheng?
"If you really can't stand it, the worst thing is to buy the shares in his hand and let him go home to retire, isn't that all right?"

With Qiao Mucheng's financial resources, it is of course no problem to acquire such a small share.

Qiao Mucheng shook his head, "He is the veteran of the company. If he is dismissed casually, it will hurt the hearts of other employees and it will not be conducive to the stability of the company."

Jiang Luyao thought for a while, and felt that this was indeed the case.

"Then how?" she asked casually.

Qiao Mucheng's gaze suddenly turned to her, and he stared at her for a while.

Jiang Luyao felt terrified when he saw him, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you staring at me? Could it be that I have the answer written on my face?"

Qiao Mucheng shook his head, "Can I trust you?"

Jiang Luyao froze for a moment, but didn't understand.

"The position of vice president is entrusted to you, and it is not a false title." He added.

It was only then that Jiang Luyao realized that he was probably asking if he would take advantage of his position to secretly harm him.

And about this, she can't guarantee it.

"If I say no, will you withdraw this appointment?"

Qiao Mucheng was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and pinched his brow, with a hint of helplessness in his voice. "never mind."

What does forget it mean?Did he not plan to give her the position, or did he not care if she would betray him?
"Hey, make it clear, don't half-say."

Qiao Mucheng closed his eyes and remained silent for a moment before looking at her again.

"I handed over this position to you with real power. As the power in your hands increases, the rights of shareholders will decrease accordingly. So, can I safely let you restrain the shareholders' meeting?"

Jiang Luyao was a little surprised, this mission sounds serious.

If a vice president wants to have the right to restrain the shareholders' meeting, how much real power does he want to give himself?

Is this not trusting myself too much?
Hearing this, she actually felt a little embarrassed to take advantage of her position.

Could this be the real purpose of Qiao Mucheng?Make her feel guilty, so she won't betray him?
Thoughts turned in her mind a few times, but she couldn't think of a reason.

In the end, he simply decided to go all out.Whether to sell or not, we will consider it in detail when the time comes, and settle the matter in front of us first.

As a return to him for promoting her, she decided to do him a favor.

"Didn't I say, give me a month. Then you can see my performance in the next month. After all, your requirements are not low, and I'm not sure if I can do it."

When Qiao Mucheng heard this, a smile finally appeared on his face that had been silent for a long time.

Judging from the current progress, it seems that his bet may not lose.

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