
The sonorous and forceful pronunciation echoed even in the coffee shop.

Jiang Wanxia trembled her lips and looked at Qiao Mucheng in disbelief.

"Qiao Mucheng, you will regret it!"

Jiang Wanxia clenched the knife in her hand like crazy, and put all her hatred on Jiang Luyao.The bloodthirsty eyes stared at Jiang Luyao with hatred, like a demon, making people unable to bear the fear.

"Jiang Luyao, go to hell!"

Jiang Wanxia slid down my knife hard.


It was the only word Jiang Luyao could think of. Feeling the pain in his neck, everything in front of him suddenly became blurred.

It was like dreaming again.

She dreamed that a person, Qiao Mucheng, ran over nervously, covering her neck with his big hand, and the bright red blood stained Qiao Mucheng's clothes.

Meng dreamed that Qiao Mucheng opened his mouth to say something, but she couldn't hear clearly.

I had a long, long dream, so long that Jiang Luyao almost forgot who he was.

"Yaoyao, Yaoyao, wake up!"

Who is calling her again?Why so noisy?

The voice is so familiar, who is it?

The heavy eyelids moved many times before they were fully opened.

The dazzling white that caught the eye, the infusion hanging over the bed, everything was so beautiful. Tell Jiang Luyao one more thing, she is going to the hospital.

"Yaoyao, you are awake, you scared me to death."

Turning her neck following the voice, she saw Jiang Xinyan with a worried face.


Jiang Luyao wanted to speak, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't hear or utter a sound at all.Jiang Luyao was stunned, his eyes turned around to look at himself, and at Jiang Xinyan.

Seeing Jiang Luyao's doubts, Jiang Xinyan held down the restless Jiang Luyao and patiently explained.

"You were cut and roared by Jiang Wanxia. Although you were rescued, you injured your vocal cords. You may speak in the future..."

vocal cords... hurt...

Does that mean she may not be able to speak in the future?

"I... can't... talk?"

Jiang Luyao tried to make a sound again, but there was still no way to make a sound, only the sound that came out through the breath, and he could still understand it if he listened carefully.

Jiang Luyao smiled wryly, tears rolling in his eyes unstoppable.

She couldn't even speak.

The hand on the stomach was slightly locked, and suddenly Jiang Luyao frowned, regardless of the bleeding from the injection hand, but tightly grasped Jiang Xinyan's hand, and kept asking, "My child, where is my child? "

Jiang Xinyan patted Jiang Luyao's hand and comforted, "It's okay, the child is still there, the child is still here, just watch silently!"

Jiang Luyao nervously rubbed his belly, the slightly bulging belly did tell her that the child was still there.

so far so good.

Jiang Luyao smiled happily, but she was confused again. She was hurt by Jiang Wanxia at the time, but how did Jiang Xinyan escape?
"Lie down, I'll tell you."

Jiang Xinyan covered her with the quilt, and summoned the nurses to tidy up Jiang Luyao, whose hands were covered in blood, before she sat beside the hospital bed.

Jiang Xinyan knew that Jiang Luyao was always worried about her, so when she saw her face, she knew that Jiang Luyao wanted to know.

"Let Qiao Mucheng tell you what happened at the scene, and let me tell you how I got out."

Jiang Xinyan looked out the window and slowly began to recall.

In fact, Jiang Xinyan was wearing a leather mask when she was in Jiang Wanxia's prison, but because she was sweating all the time, she leaked a flaw, which happened to be seen by Jiang Wanxia.

Jiang Wanxia looked at Jiang Xinyan in disbelief, "How is it possible, your face is clearly..."

"Obviously what? Jiang Wanxia, ​​do you think I don't know your methods? Now that you have found out, I have nothing to hide. My face is already healed, and Yaoyao healed it for me. You now Don’t you really hate it. Hate why I came back and told Yaoyao everything you did, right?”

Jiang Xinyan faced Jiang Wanxia head-on, and left all the remaining materials on her face on the ground as she walked. The skin on her small face, which was still full of scars just now, became fragile.

Although there are still a few scars on the face, if you use makeup, you can't see it.

"Jiang Luyao and Qiao Mucheng are really willing to spend money on you, but so what? Your face is not worthy of appearing in the world intact, and it is also a scourge to seduce men!"

After Jiang Wanxia finished speaking, with a look, the people behind rushed out, tightly grasping Jiang Xinyan's shoulders, unable to move at all.

"Jiang Wanxia, ​​what are you going to do?"

Jiang Xinyan managed to get out of the knot she had in the past, and now she is about to be torn apart by Jiang Wanxia.

"Of course it is to bring you back to the way you used to be, to let you have a perfect face, which is a mockery of my wireless."

Jiang Wanxia hated Jiang Luyao for taking away Qiao Mucheng, and even more hated Jiang Xinyan for taking away all the limelight.

Since childhood, everyone I met would praise Jiang Xinyan for her beauty, and when she grows up, she will be as good as a prince.

But no one ever praised her.

What's wrong with her, why is she not good-looking, and Jiang Xinyan is no worse than her, the only difference is that she is not as well-behaved and sensible.

It was this face that she had hated for more than ten years, and it was finally destroyed, but it was repaired.

The moment she knew the truth, Jiang Wanxia's hatred for Jiang Luyao increased by ten percent.

"Jiang Wanxia, ​​you will regret it if you do this!"

The knife approached Jiang Xinyan little by little, and her fear made her struggle uncontrollably.The two strong men behind him are like iron chains, tightly imprisoning Jiang Xinyan, making her unable to move.

"No, Jiang Wanxia, ​​you can't treat me like this!"

"Jiang Wanxia, ​​you will die badly."

No matter how Jiang Xinyan called "Change", Jiang Wanxia did not stop what she was doing.

The knife was getting closer and closer to Jiang Xinyan's face, and the cold knife immediately touched Jiang Xinyan's cheek.


The sudden intrusion sound blocked the bad time that was about to happen here.Jiang Xinyan looked at the door in shock, a little panic flashed in Jiang Xinyan's heart who was still a little lucky just now.

How could it be him?
"Godfather, you..."

Jiang Wanxia looked surprised at Qiu Weiqing who suddenly appeared in the basement. If she was a second later, she would have destroyed Jiang Xinyan again, and this time the destruction would definitely make her completely unforgettable.

It can even destroy Jiang Xinyan's good chance.

But this opportunity was ruined by life.


"This is the opportunity you mentioned? Jiang Wanxia, ​​you are really getting more and more presumptuous."

Qiu Weiqing's eyes seemed to have just come out of purgatory.

There is a coolness that is more terrifying than Hades spreading around, which will make people unconsciously respect him.

"Godfather, I'm just... She doesn't pose any threat to Qiao Mucheng. If you want to completely destroy Qiao Mucheng, you have to catch Jiang Luyao."

Jiang Wanxia seriously analyzed Qiu Weiqing. Out of fear, Jiang Wanxia was so eager to prove her position that she even forgot to look at Qiu Weiqing's face...

"Ah San, take her away and lock her up, don't let him out without my order."

"Godfather, I know I was wrong, and I will never make decisions on my own again."

What happened this time was entirely caused by Jiang Wanxia herself. Qiu Weiqing did not agree to do so. Although Jiang Xinyan is also a member of the Jiang family, the most important thing for revenge against the Jiang family is to fall on Jiang Luyao , Jiang Wanxia is just a pawn.

Although Qiu Weiqing let go of Jiang Luyao and Qiao Mucheng, he knew that he would find them back soon, after all, Jiang Xinyan was in her hands.But without his consent, Jiang Wanxia wanted to disfigure her face.

Originally, this incident was understandable, but Qiu Weiqing had lost confidence in everyone.

"Qiu San, you went to inform me, right? I can't spare you when I come out. Qiu San, just wait!"

"Although come."

Qiu San threw out these words calmly, and then followed Qiu Weiqing to look at the woman kneeling on the ground.

"take away."

Later, Jiang Wanxia was released for some reason, and even made an appointment with Jiang Luyao at the coffee shop. Qiu Weiqing knew about this.

"Later, it was Qiu Weiqing who took me to the coffee shop and traded me for Jiang Wanxia. It's just a pity that you were already hurt by Jiang Wanxia at that time, and Qiao Mucheng didn't have time to negotiate, but I heard that SK Group has been abolished , lost a lot of money to the Imperial Group."

Jiang Xinyan described those things that Jiang Luyao didn't know about with emotion.But Jiang Luyao still didn't hear a very important part.

How she was sent to the hospital, and how she survived.

This seems to be a secret, a secret that everyone taboos.

Jiang Xinyan would not take the initiative to mention it, could it be some hidden secret?
"Then how did I get rescued in the end?"

Jiang Luyao tried his best to make a sound, but no sound was released.Jiang Luyao's anxious tears welled up in his eye sockets, but what was stubborn was that he didn't let the tears stay.

"I don't know about this. I was taken away by Zhang Yuan. I don't know what happened to you afterwards. Qiao Mucheng only left in the morning. He suffered from you for two days and two nights."

Jiang Luyao was moved in his heart, and the tears that were obviously easy to shed were not able to stay.Jiang Luyao nodded and closed his eyes.

Now she is still very sleepy, especially not being able to speak, which is hard for Jiang Luyao to accept.

How important it is for a person to speak.

Jiang Luyao never thought about what would happen if one day she couldn't speak.

Officially, because I never thought about it, I found it particularly difficult to accept when this day came.

"Take a break, Zihang will come to see you later!"

As soon as Jiang Zihang was mentioned, the corners of Jiang Xinyan's mouth could not help but rise.This child is getting more and more sensible, and he can talk to him. The two of them are like a real mother and child.

Jiang Luyao nodded, no more unnecessary movements.

At the closing ceremony, Jiang Luyao finally shed tears from the corners of his eyes.But this tear is like a sluice gate, once opened, there is no way to close it by itself.As a result, the tears in the corners of his eyes grew more and more, and Jiang Luyao's pillow was completely soaked.

Jiang Xinyan saw it at the side and didn't know how to comfort her, she just sent a text message silently and sat quietly at the side.

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