"So what if I gave it by myself? If Jiang Quanming hadn't appeared, she wouldn't have fallen in love with him crazily. Without him, we would have a better life."

"Don't be so shameless, you still have the nerve to say that you and her are childhood sweethearts. If you really have such a good relationship, no matter who appears in your life, it will not affect your relationship."

"Shut up, what do you know? Everything is Jiang Quanming's fault, that is, he shouldn't be there. What's more, he did something worse than a beast, and he didn't marry her. The reason given was that he had Wife."

"He has a wife and didn't tell Ah Jing in advance. If I knew this, then I would definitely not send Ah Jing to his bed. That's a beast."

"Don't say that others are born, I'm afraid you are even more of a beast!"

"Can you say that again?"

"It's the same thing a hundred times again. I'll tell you Qiu Weiqing, you are an out-and-out fool. You think that you are sending your so-called lover to the path she wants to choose. In fact, you are just returning her to a relationship that cannot be normal. The culprit of love! Everything is done voluntarily by yourself, what right do you have to blame others?"

Qiu Weiqing said as he walked, and when he got excited, he threw the bottle in front of him, still dripping with dew, and the bright roses to the ground.

The bouquet moved with the glass vase and hit the ground with a crisp sound.

Splashes of water and shards of glass fell all over the floor, and those bright flowers should be so brilliantly disfigured.

No one cared about the petals, everyone was watching Qiu Weiqing's bad temper, maybe it was because he lost his temper so easily that Shen Manjing fell in love with Jiang Quanming.

It's just that after so many years, Qiu Weiqing still doesn't know why he lost Shen Manjing in the first place.

Maybe he will never know in his life.

It's just that he blamed Jiang Quanming for the final cause of this incident, and even threatened all Jiang's family with this incident.

"She fell in love with a married man herself, but she was shameless and I still lay on my dad's bed. If she wasn't so cheap, maybe my dad would accept him."

If Jiang Quanming knew that Jiang Luyao said that about him, he wondered if he would suddenly wake up.

How can a daughter urge her father to cheat like that?
Qiu Weiqing's speed was so fast that no one saw what he did before he heard the sound of slaps.

Jiang Luyao covered his cheeks, unable to believe it.

Qiu Weiqing actually hit someone, such an old man actually did it.

Erjiang Luyao never thought that he would hit a pregnant woman!
No one thought that Qiu Weiqing was such a person.
Feeling the pain on his face, Jiang Luyao touched his slightly red and swollen cheeks and smiled!

"Even if you beat me to death, there is no way to change the fact that she is a shameless bitch. What are you doing so angry? Could it be that I am right and you have nothing to refute?"

Jiang Luyao didn't want to say that.But thinking of her mother quarreling because of this woman, and finally her mother jumped off the building with tears in her eyes, this incident is the eternal hatred in their hearts.

Without this woman, she would be happier now, and she would not suffer revenge from this man.

Because of Shen Manjing.Her family was torn apart, and she was not accompanied by her mother since she was a child. Who has lived such a life?

Another two slaps without warning.

Jiang Luyao was furious. Looking at Qiu Weiqing, she swears to this man that if one day he has the chance to take revenge, he will definitely tear this man to pieces!
Jiang Luyao glanced at Jiang Wanxia who was still calm, but couldn't see through her.

Maybe Jiang Wanxia had other intentions from the beginning, but she still thought they were good sisters.

And now.They are no longer good sisters, but enemies who meet and kill each other.

Jiang Luyao didn't want his life to become like that, but there was no way.She has no control over her life!
Maybe that's the difference.

Jiang Luyao looked at Qiu Weiqing angrily, and suddenly laughed out loud, the thorough laughter echoing in every corner.

"Even if you kill me, she's still a slut, a slut no one can replace."

Qiu Weiqing raised his hand again as his eyes turned red.

Jiang Luyao moved his face closer, with an uncompromising look on his face.

Qiu Weiqing looked angrily at the face in front of him, but his hands stopped in the air, unable to continue beating no matter what.

It's these eyes, Jingjing looked at her so stubbornly back then, no matter how hard he hit her, she only kept repeating that sentence.

"I just want to be with him. Whether he has a family or not, I will follow him. Seeing that you have taken care of me like a brother for so many years, I accept your slaps."

"Thank you for helping me, let me walk the next road by myself!"

Jingjing's words were still echoing in his ears, Qiu Weiqing looked at the person in front of him, with swollen cheeks and stubborn eyes, the more he looked, the more he seemed to be Jingjing alive.

No, she is Jingjing.

"Jingjing, come back, stop making trouble, he is not suitable for you?"

Qiu Weiqing held Jiang Luyao's arm tightly, all the love and hate in his eyes were intertwined, the entanglement of love and hate, the pity of love and reluctance, Jiang Luyao could see clearly at this moment.

"Jingjing, he has a wife and a child, why do you want to get involved? You're a bitch, do you know that?"

"I'm a bitch, but if I'm not bitch, how can I get closer to him who I love the most."

Jiang Luyao subconsciously brought herself into this character set, even though she didn't know who this woman was, even though she hated this woman.

But instinctively, Jiang Luyao seems to be able to understand this person's heart. A person who can give up everything for love can be said to be cheap, but he is also fanatical and confident in love.

If she doesn't have enough self-confidence, she can't be so close to the person she loves, and she will have no chance to grow old with the person she loves.

"Jingjing, I'll give you another chance, as long as you come back now, I can forget the past!"

"But I'm already pregnant with his child, and I have no choice."

"No, as long as you come back, I can accept his child and treat her like my own child. Really."

Qiu Weiqing hugged Jiang Luyao into his arms, and this real feeling made his heart feel at ease.The hatred on his face also dissipated a little.

Jiang Wanxia watched from the side, then suddenly stood up and rushed forward.

What is Jiang Luyao doing? Did she think she was born as an actor and could act so well?

"Jiang Luyao, you..."

"If you don't want to die, just shut up, Jiang Wanxia, ​​don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Jiang Xinyan got a knife from nowhere and stuck it on Jiang Wanxia's neck.The cold touch made Jiang Wanxia dare not ignore her existence.

"Where did you get the knife?"

Jiang Wanxia has been paying attention to Jiang Luyao and the two of them. They don't have any tools in their hands, and they are holding the...

"Of course it's not a knife, it's a silver hairpin. I didn't expect it. I've been sharpening this thing for a long time..."

Jiang Xinyan looked at Jiang Wanxia with bloodthirsty eyes at the moment, the accounts between them really should be settled carefully.

"Jiang Wanxia, ​​don't go too far. This thing is not fun."

Jiang Wanxia was afraid. Although her face had plastic surgery, it could not withstand the trauma of disfigurement.What's more, this silver hairpin is so sharp, even if it is lightly placed on her neck, she seems to feel the slightest pain and the flow of blood.

"You also know to be afraid? Don't you remember how the wound on my face came from?"

Every time Jiang Xinyan thinks of this, she is in pain. If it wasn't for this face, she wouldn't be beaten like that by that hooligan.Just because of her face, she was beaten for no reason.

Mix up and down every good spot.

If Qiao Mucheng hadn't let her out, if Qiao Mucheng hadn't let her child out, maybe she would still be that soft persimmon who couldn't survive or die.

"Xinyan, don't be like this, back then... I had a hard time back then!"

Jiang Wanxia Chuchu's pitiful appearance was nothing in Jiang Xinyan's eyes.Even more disgusted.

If Jiang Wanxia said it well, maybe she really forgave it accidentally.

But it was this poor Mo Yang who tricked her back then, suffered a great humiliation, and formed an irreparable psychological trauma.

What she hated the most was Jiang Wanxia's face, even if she changed the skin on her face, there was still no way to change what was in her bones.

Jiang Luyao was still in Qiu Weiqing's arms, and from the corner of his eye he had seen what happened to Jiang Wanxia and Jiang Xinyan.

She has no weapons in her hands, and there is nothing she can do.But if she doesn't think about it, she will be strangled to death by Qiu Weiqing.

The hairpin in Jiang Wanxia's hand was inserted into Jiang Wanxia's neck little by little, and blood slowly flowed down the hairpin.

"Jiang Xinyan, don't go too far. Even if you kill me, you won't be able to leave, and Jiang Luyao won't be able to leave even more."

Jiang Wanxia's words reminded Jiang Xinyan that no matter what she did to Jiang Wanxia, ​​Qiu Weiqing would not let Yaoyao go, so she could only catch Qiu Weiqing.

It's just that she only has one hairpin in her hand, how can she control two people?

Just when she was struggling, Jiang Wanxia grabbed Jiang Xinyan's hand, bit her hard, and ran away.

Jiang Xinyan was bitten unpreparedly, and subconsciously called out.

Qiu Weiqing woke up from the meeting, looked at the person in his arms, and hurriedly let go.

Knowing that Jiang Luyao still had a valuable item in his belly, Qiu Weiqing was still very considerate to Jiang Luyao.

The reason for being more considerate is that he has found Shen Manjing's presence in Jiang Luyao countless times.

Two people will not be the same person, but the strength in their bones is still very similar.

That's why Qiu Weiqing admitted his mistake.

With a bang, the door was kicked open fiercely.A group of people walked in and left Jiang Wanxia on the ground.

The moment Jiang Xinyan was distracted, she opened the door and ran away, but she ran into such a group of people at the door.

"Qiu Weiqing, let her go now, you still have a chance!"

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