"Very good." Jiang Luyao was very satisfied with Qiao Mucheng's understanding of current affairs, and took out a document bag from the table beside him, and took out the prepared agreement in the document bag.

Walking back to Qiao Mucheng again, squatting down, put the agreement on his right hand, and then handed him a pen, "Since you agree to marry me, sign it."

marriage agreement.

When Qiao Mucheng saw these words, he smiled.

Jiang Luyao asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Jiang Luyao, you really have talent." The extremely sarcastic words blurted out from Qiao Mucheng's mouth.

Jiang Luyao smiled, her beautiful eyes were full of coquettish but clear light, "Thank you for the compliment, it's a great honor."

Let him down?

But I'm sorry, her preparations are so well done.

Who is Qiao Mucheng, the helm of the empire, an old fox who hides deeply, if she is not fully prepared, how dare she appear in front of him so arrogantly.

When he had no ability to resist, she was what she said. When he had the ability to resist, how dare she say what she was?
She is fully aware of this.

Taking advantage of others' danger and being shameless is her most powerful and powerful weapon now.

Qiao Mucheng didn't speak, but took a leering look at Jiang Luyao, took the pen in her hand expressionlessly, swiped the pen, and when the last pen was written, the paper that was originally intact was scratched.

"You have achieved your goal, you can let them go."

"Yes." Jiang Luyao looked at the signed agreement, with a thin smile in his eyes, and turned to look at the women beside him: "You can leave now, all the service fees have been charged to your card, Enough for you to survive abroad."

Those women, when they heard that the labor fee had reached the card, all their eyes were full of light, and they almost looked at Qiao Mucheng with pity, and then left quietly one by one.

"You are very thoughtful." Qiao Mucheng snorted.

Jiang Luyao immediately understood what he was referring to, and smiled slightly: "I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet? With your Qiao Mucheng's ability, now that they have walked out of this gate, you are very likely to treat them tonight." They are looking for revenge, but how can I have the heart to let my hero be revenged by you?"

Put away the agreement, walked to the window, picked up his bag, and put the agreement in it.

"Two or ten minutes later, someone will come to untie you and take you back. I'll take a step first." After finishing speaking, Jiang Luyao raised a charming smile, ignored Qiao Mucheng's menacing gaze, turned around and walked towards the door, As he walked, he said, "Tomorrow, I will live in Qiao's house and be Mrs. Qiao."


The moment he walked out of the room and closed the door, Jiang Luyao breathed out involuntarily as if he had been released.

Adjusted her clothes, put on her sunglasses again, stepped on ten centimeter high heels, and left with graceful steps.

Qiao Mucheng, six years of hard work, just for the beginning with you——

Looking at the closed door, Qiao Mucheng pursed his thin lips, lost in thought.

He knew that she had returned to China recently, but he didn't expect that she would appear in such an unexpected way and create such a "surprise" for him after a long absence.

In the middle of the night, Qiao's Bieyuan.

Qiao Mucheng crossed his legs and sat on the sofa with a cigarette between his fingers. Through the smoky space, he stared at the photos on the table in front of him, exuding a lukewarm aura.

In the end, his eyes stopped on a photo of a heavily made-up woman flirting and laughing with a blond man.

The woman in the photo is none other than Jiang Luyao, the one who tied her up in the afternoon.


The next morning.

When Jiang Luyao walked into the living room of Qiao's Bieyuan with his luggage, Qiao Mucheng was sitting at the dining table in a well-tailored suit, reading the newspaper without looking sideways.

Ignoring the suspicious, scrutinizing, and surprised gazes of everyone in the Qiao family, Jiang Luyao took off his sunglasses and walked straight to the dining table.

In front of the jade-white dining table, she sat opposite him, with a casual posture, the whole posture of a hostess, although the man opposite did not look up at her from the beginning to the end.

However, she doesn't care.

Jiang Luyao raised an extremely polite and bright smile, and looked at the people standing beside him: "Please help me put my luggage into the master bedroom, thank you."

The tone was very casual, as if he was ordering an ordinary thing that could no longer be ordinary.

But it was this incident that caused the housekeeper Ah Qiru to be struck by lightning.

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