100 Days of Honey Wars: Dictatorship Boss, flirt

Chapter 198 What exactly do you want to do?

Just as Gu Nianxi approached the door of the study, and just put his ears on it, the door of the study opened from the inside.

Almost fell to the ground.

Qi Sizuo looked at the embarrassing Gu Nianxi speechlessly, wishing he could leave here now, so as to save this woman from embarrassing him.

"You don't even know how to help me!"

Gu Nianxi looked at Qi Sizuo standing there with a serious face, she just didn't help him, she didn't have any intention of helping her at all, so she lost her temper immediately.

"Why are you here? You haven't come yet!"

Gu Nianxi, who wanted to get angry, finally gave up.

Glancing at the people who came out of the study room, only Qi Sizuo and Qiao Mucheng were there. Where did Jiang Xinyan go?

Turning to stare at Qiao Mucheng, "What do you mean?"

Gu Nianxi didn't understand why she hid in her shell like a turtle and watched Jiang Luyao in someone else's hands when she could have time to rescue him.

It's not just Gu Nianxi who is wondering, everyone is wondering.

But did not dare to ask.

Qiao Mucheng ignored Gu Nianxi's words and looked directly at Qi Sizuo, "According to the plan!"

"Hey, what do you mean? Tell me clearly!"

Apart from being ignored by Qi Sizuo, Gu Nianxi has never been so ignored by anyone!Gu Nianxi couldn't bear it.

Seeing Qiao Mucheng turn around and leave, Gu Nianxi stretched out his hand to grab it but failed to catch it. Instead, he was carried on his shoulders all of a sudden.

"shut up!"

Qi Si's left intestine is going to be ruined, why did he bring Gu Nianxi here.

Ah Qi led Jiang Zihang to look at Gu Nianxi who was being resisted all the way as a sack at the door, and shook his head.

Jiang Zihang hugged the computer and left without saying a word, Ah Qi looked at Jiang Zihang's back and shook his head.

Don't guess what the boss is thinking, let alone guess what the boss's friends are thinking.

Jiang Luyao spent a week here with delicious food, good drinks and good hospitality.No one came to trouble her, or ask her to do anything.

It was a leisurely time, but Jiang Luyao's heart was still hanging.

Whenever the night was quiet, she always thought about what Qiao Mucheng was doing at this time.

She had no way to contact the outside, but after so long, there was no way to contact her. Even Qiu Weiqing sent someone to this house for the prenatal checkup.

Jiang Luyao had just changed his clothes, and his hair was still wet before he could tie it up. Rose broke through the door and stood in front of Jiang Luyao.

Except when Rose rudely brought her into the house on the first day, Rose was almost invisible at other times.

It suddenly appeared at this time, could it be that Qiao Mucheng is here?

"what are you doing?"

"Don't ask so much, it's not good for you."

Before Jiang Luyao could continue to say anything, black strips covered his eyes.

In the dark, Jiang Luyao felt that he was being helped down from upstairs, and then walked out of the yard.He was led into the car.

On the side is Rose, probably because she is pregnant. Last time, Rose deliberately supported her waist and head so that she would not get hurt.

The black cloth over her eyes was not removed in the car.

After a long, long time, when Jiang Luyao was about to vomit, the car finally stopped.

"It can be picked!"

Jiang Luyao took off the black cloth strips, and it took him a while to adapt to the outdoor sunlight.

It has to be said that the cloth strip prepared by Qiu Weiqing is really strong in shading, when the cloth strip is covered, Jiang Luyao can't see a trace of light.

"This is where?"

When Jiang Luyao got out of the car, his feet softened and he fell forward.People, after sitting for a long time, my feet are still a little soft.

The moment Jiang Luyao's face was about to touch the ground, Rose helped Jiang Luyao with a cold face.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Luyao's thank you didn't bring Rose a good face, but Jiang Luyao said it anyway.

After standing at the door of the car for a while, Jiang Luyao slowly walked forward.

pier?Why come to the pier?
Jiang Luyao saw many men in black standing on the pier not far away, and a group of waiters were standing beside them.

There are no people on the pier, why are they all standing here?
Jiang Luyao followed Rose straight forward, and when he reached the pier, he finally saw an acquaintance.

Leo stood on the dock respectfully watching Jiang Luyao approaching, "Mrs. Qiao, please, the master has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Qiu Weiqing is here too?
It's also so luxurious here, if it wasn't for Qiu Weiqing, who else would have the ability to fight like this and buy such a ship.There are not many cruise ships in the world.Unexpectedly, Qiu Weiqing had one.

Jiang Luyao looked at Leo, said nothing, and followed Rose onto the cruise ship.

This cruise ship was so luxurious that even Jiang Luyao, who was used to the world, was surprised!
Jiang Luyao followed all the way to the door of a room.

Leo opened the door and stepped aside, making a please gesture.

"Didn't he want to see me?"

Jiang Luyao looked at the empty room and asked.

What does it mean to bring her all the way here and still not see her?As a pregnant woman, this is also very tiring.

Although the phenomenon of morning sickness is not serious, but it is not published!

Leo looked at Jiang Luyao helplessly, there was nothing he could do about it. "The master is busy, you wait in the room!"

finished.and left.

Leo left, leaving two bodyguards at the door, a rose with a perennial iceberg face, and a person he didn't know.

Jiang Luyao didn't want to stay in the room all the time, and was stopped without any surprise when he was about to go out!

"What are you doing? I'm going to get some air on the deck!"

"Mrs. Qiao, don't think of so many tricks, you won't be able to escape!"

Run away from your sister!
Jiang Luyao swears silently in his heart, this woman is really, she won't give her a living.Her original intention was to go on the cruise ship to see if there was a signal, so that she could send out the signal in her hand.

Long before departure, Jiang Luyao brought a very precise companion with him.This was invented together with Qi Sizuo.

Back when he was abroad, every time Jiang Luyao encountered danger, he could use this small device before calling the police in time.

It's just that this instrument must be in the case of a telecommunication signal.

The house I was in before, for some reason, seemed to live in another place without any signal.Even if Jiang Luyao watched TV at home, only the housekeeper could have the password of infinity.Jiang Luyao had no way of knowing.

And this signal, Jiang Luyao, can only be used to watch TV dramas, make calls or send text messages to change the signal in seconds.

It will be intercepted by the software the second it is sent out.

Jiang Luyao tried a few more times at the door, and Rose stopped talking to stop her, but told her with actions that you can't get out of this door.

If you can't go through the door, then go through the window!
Jiang Luyao closed the door before really looking at the room.

In a room near the south, there is a pink round bed in the center, and the glass room on the side is the bathroom. There is a TV opposite the bed, and there is a small room with some kitchen supplies in a corner.

Just limited to doing some simple food.

It can be seen that it has been changed here.

After flipping through it casually, Jiang Luyao's stomach really growled.

"Hey, my little ancestor, you're hungry just after I opened the refrigerator, why are you so hungry?"

Looking down at the bulging belly, Jiang Luyao helplessly continued to turn over.Some fresh fruits are quite to Jiang Luyao's appetite, no matter whether they are poisonous or not, they can be eaten after washing.

Watching TV and eating fruit, the view of the sea and the sky is just outside the window.

This kind of scenery is more like going out on vacation.

It's just that there is one less person who can share this beautiful scenery.

"Do you still like this view?"

Jiang Luyao was fascinated by watching, but he didn't notice that someone came in from the door and turned his head to take a look. Jiang Luyao turned his gaze to the TV.


"Average? I think you are quite happy with the food, and you should be very satisfied with it!"

Qiu Weiqing walked in from the outside dragging his cane, Rose closed the door, leaving only two people in the room.

One was standing, one was sitting, one was eating, one was watching, it was so embarrassing.

"Which eye of yours is satisfied with seeing me?"

Jiang Luyao is really drunk, her expression, her movements, every pore of her body is against coming here, okay?

Every day she was thinking about how to leave this dangerous person's side, but she endured that she would not leave until she could get the evidence.

It's just a pity that Jiang Luyao searched the house for a long time, but he didn't find anything usable.

"Not satisfied? Come on, change this place, and do it according to Mrs. Qiao's wishes!"

As Qiu Weiqing said that, two people came in at the door. They stood respectfully in front of Jiang Luyao. They were tall and burly, as if the object would be thrown out the next moment if Jiang Luyao said that he was dissatisfied. Same.

"Where are you dissatisfied? Tell them, when will you finish the replacement and when will you sail!"

After Qiu Weiqing finished speaking, he left Jiang Luyao's room.

Before the words of refusal were spoken, Qiu Weiqing had already left.

The two men in black looked at Jiang Luyao, lowered their heads and said nothing.

After 10 minutes of silence, Jiang Luyao did not speak, and the two men in black did not speak.

10 minutes, another 10 minutes passed.

Time passed by little by little, Jiang Luyao didn't speak, neither did the man in black, they just stood upright with each other.

In the end, Jiang Luyao couldn't hold back anymore, so he said, "Come out, I don't need to change here!"

It's nothing more than a reason to reject Qiu Weiqing, and it's a good place here.Although pink is not her favorite color, such a combination is not offensive.

After the man in black left, Jiang Luyao thought he would lie on the bed and sleep for a while, but before he could sleep, the man who had just left came back.

"What on earth do you want to do? I'm just a pregnant woman. Is it interesting for you to go back and forth like this?"

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