Is that the voice of Qiao Mucheng?

With his back facing Qiu Weiqing, Jiang Luyao couldn't see the video at all, and all he heard was the sound.

But she couldn't hear the voice wrong, it must be Qiao Mucheng.

His voice is so unique, how could he admit his mistake.

So, Qiao Mucheng cheated?

Jiang Luyao's hands in his pockets were tightly clenched, his long nails deeply embedded in his palms, and he tried hard not to let the tears flow out of his eyes.

"Do you want to continue watching?"

Qiu Weiqing's voice came from behind him inappropriately, Jiang Luyao took a deep breath, forced back tears and turned around.

"Does this have anything to do with me?"

"Don't tell me you haven't heard it yet, so I'm very disappointed. Since you and Qiao Mucheng are so in love, how can you not recognize that this is Qiao Mucheng's voice?"

"Is this the voice of Qiao Mucheng? Mr. Qiu, if you have a grudge, you can report it to my Jiang family. I, Jiang Luyao, will accompany you at any time. Now that you recorded a video and found a voice substitute, you want to slander the man in the video as Qiao Mucheng. Your method is too low-level!"

Qiu Weiqing was taken aback by the firmness in Jiang Luyao's eyes.

Is Qiao Mucheng really Jiang Luyao's favorite?Why would she say no to such an obvious voice?But it's a blindfold.

Qiu Weiqing has traveled more roads than Jiang Luyao has eaten salt.He still understood Jiang Luyao's little action very well.

"That's why you trust Qiao Mucheng?"

Jiang Luyao rolled his eyes at him, "He is my man, if I don't believe him, can I trust you as an enemy?"

Qiu Weiqing's face darkened, "The words of the enemy may not be false, but the words of the close people may not be true."

These words were true, and caused another wave of water in Jiang Luyao's heart, but it was not enough for her to show it in front of this enemy.

"I only believe what I see with my own eyes!"

"I have a video here, you can watch it!"

As he spoke, Qiu Weiqing handed the mobile phone in Jiang Luyao's direction.

Looking at the mobile phone not far away, Jiang Luyao stood there calmly, neither leaving nor picking up the mobile phone.

There was a video of Qiao Mucheng's cheating on the phone. If she watched it, it would definitely make him happy, and it would also be harmful to Qiao Mucheng.Even if Qiao Mucheng really cheated, she would have to make it clear to him face to face.

Qiu Weiqing looked as if he wanted to plot against her and Qiao Mucheng, so she wouldn't be fooled and let him have a chance to harm them.

"No need, just keep it for yourself!"

Seeing that Jiang Luyao was about to turn around and leave, Qiu Weiqing couldn't help throwing out temptation again, "Do you know who this woman is? Don't you really care who slept with your man?"

Nonsense, any woman wants to know, okay?
Jiang Luyao didn't look back, and continued to walk to his room.

This is blunt, and the more you listen, the more you think about it.That would give great confidence to Qiao Mucheng.

But I kept thinking about the conversation between the man and woman in my mind.

The voice was not enough to provide all the evidence, but the familiarity of the voice made Jiang Luyao's heart skip a beat.

"That's your best friend"

Girlfriend?In S City, he didn't have any girlfriends, the only one was Jiang Xinyan.

Um, to be more precise, it should be Jiang Wanxia.

How could it be her?Jiang Luyao thought of many people, but he never thought it would be her.No wonder the voice was so familiar, it made her sound as if she had heard it for hundreds of years.

"Jiang Xinyan, you should be very familiar with it, you two are good sisters who talk about everything."

Talking about everything, what Qiu Weiqing said was to say that Jiang Luyao was stupid behind his back, and started to talk with each other even if he couldn't tell the difference between the enemy and us.

I'm also glad that Qiao Mucheng was stopping her all the time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"She was never my sister, especially after hurting my family!"

After saying that, Jiang Luyao turned around and left.

Qiu Weiqing was the only one left in the living room looking at Jiang Luyao's back. Jiang Luyao couldn't get through this wave, so there was another way to go.


Leo walked in from the outside, trotted to Qiu Weiqing's side, and stood straight to the side.

"What about the things I asked you to prepare?"

"It's ready and ready to use."

With shaking hands, Leo took out a small USB flash drive from his suit pocket and handed it to Qiu Weiqing.

Qiu Weiqing played with it for a while, then put it in Leo's pocket.

"As fast as possible, let Qiao Mucheng see this video!"


Leo fumbled for the things in his pocket and was seriously preparing to go out.

"Leo, how's the wound?"

"Thank you for your concern, Master. Although I am an old bone, I can still withstand this whip!" Leo said that it was a lie that he didn't dare to move. He had followed Qiu Weiqing to fight the world since he was young. From a young boy to later a small boss, after seeing him being wronged by others, he finally fought to the death.

The longer the time, the greater the ability, the more I want, and I can't even say the words of concern.

"Let the kitchen make some supplements for you. I'm sorry this time!"

Qiu Weiqing also knew that Leo had good intentions, but the things he decided could not be changed by anyone, especially in terms of rights.

"What did the master say? It's all my fault. This whip is right!"

Leo didn't hold grudges against him, on the contrary, it was this whip that made him know what to say and what not to say in the future.

"Well, I'm old, it's time to rest!"

Jiang Luyao, who returned upstairs, was not as calm as when he was downstairs.

The moment the door was closed, Jiang Luyao's tears fell.

Is that person really Qiao Mucheng?

Jiang Luyao's heart was shaken, she couldn't be sure if that person was Qiao Mucheng, but Jiang Luyao could be sure that it was Jiang Wanxia from that woman's voice.

In order to break up the two of them, Jiang Wanxia was able to use such tricks. He could do anything for revenge.

Tired of leaning against the door, he fell asleep.

When he woke up again, he had been curled up on the ground for a long time, and when he got up, Jiang Luyao shivered.


After he sneezed and stood up, Jiang Luyao took the lead in touching his forehead and it didn't look very hot, so he continued to stand up in peace.

But the sound from downstairs made Jiang Luyao couldn't help but open the door and go out to have a look.

Walking out of the bedroom, following the sound, Jiang Luyao heard a person's voice.

"Ah San, are you wrong?"

Qiu San, shirtless, knelt in front of Qiu Weiqing, lowered his head as if admitting his mistake.But on Qiu San's back, there were already four or five bloody streaks.

The enemy's way of punishing people is to swing a whip.But each whip has a different purpose.And now Qiu Weiqing's whip is the most ruthless family law of the Qiu family.

The front of the whip is all with iron bars.

With such a whip, the flesh and blood would be torn apart, and the victim would suffer unspeakably.

Why did Qiu Weiqing punish Qiu San?
The scene below was too bloody, Jiang Luyao didn't go down, but leaned on the railing, looking at the people below from a distance.
There were not many people in the living room, only the rose who sent her here and Qiu San who was kneeling on the ground.Leo stood aside, just a cold-eyed bystander.

"Father, I have nothing to say!"

Qiu San said and lowered his head.

Qiu Weiqing focused his eyes on Qiu San, and the ruthlessness that came out of his bones made the people on the side take two steps back consciously in fear.

Even Jiang Luyao, who was watching the play upstairs, felt the chill.

Jiang Luyao couldn't bear the coldness, so he had no choice but to go back to his room to get an extra piece of clothing.

When he came back again, he saw Qiu Weiqing waving his whip at Qiu San vigorously.

crackling, crackling,
It rang in the living room, Jiang Luyao covered his eyes and dared not look any further.

Such a bloody scene is really inappropriate to continue watching.

Jiang Luyao was about to turn around and leave, when Qiu Weiqing saw Jiang Luyao's presence.He stopped the whip in his hand and asked, "Mrs. Qiao, has this rebellious son ever done any harm to half?"

So, this is the rhythm of revenge?

It was embarrassing to peek and be discovered, Jiang Luyao grabbed his clothes and went downstairs.

Before I got close, I could smell blood.

Jiang Luyao, who was particularly sensitive to blood, felt sick the moment he went downstairs.


"Leo, find a doctor."

Qiu Weiqing didn't move, but motioned Jiang Luyao to sit aside.

Jiang Luyao just sat in the distance, not too close.Qiu San was covered in blood right in front of her, and when he came to Qiu Weiqing's side, he was afraid that the pregnancy reaction would be even worse.

"What do you want to say?"

"What did he do to you?"

Following Qiu Weiqing's eyes, he looked at Qiu San.

All that Qiu San did to her yesterday was to provoke Qiao Mucheng's anger, and he didn't do anything.What's more, this Qiu San is gay, so he won't cause any real harm to her at all.

Why did Qiu Weiqing make such a big fuss?
Even if Qiu San is gay but took off her clothes in the video like yesterday, that is still hatred. "

"Of course you know what he did. Do you still need to question me again? Qiu Weiqing, even if you are his adoptive father, you can't indulge him like this!"

Vengeance must be avenged, this is what she has to do.

"Okay, Leo, you do it!"

With that said, Qiu Weiqing handed the whip in Leo's hand.

Seeing this posture, Jiang Luyao couldn't help but want to hide back.

Along with Leo's waving arms, muffled humming sounds continued in the living room.

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