100 Days of Honey Wars: Dictatorship Boss, flirt

Chapter 193 Jiang Luyao looks so much like her

There was a knocking sound at the door, Jiang Luyao didn't intend to move, but just sat on the bed calmly and looked at the door panel.

"Jiang Luyao, come out, I have something to ask you!"

Such yelling lasted for 2 minutes before someone outside came to stop him.

"Third Master, stop arguing, you are still injured!"

The voice was Leo's voice, and after a long time of persuasion outside, Qiu San was still yelling at the door.

Jiang Luyao didn't understand why Qiu San would show up at her door and shout her name.Is there any problem between them?Or did he have any hostility towards her?
Jiang Luyao couldn't understand it, and didn't want to understand it. He waited until he was sure that Leo had taken Qiu San away before continuing to walk down.

"Madam Qiao, I'm sorry, you should rest well!"

Leo's voice came from the door, and the door seemed to be loosened after being smashed, and the voice of speaking came in quickly!

Jiang Luyao didn't answer.

Soon there was no sound at the door.

Jiang Luyao leaned against the bed and looked out the window.His thoughts drifted back to Qiao's house in disbelief.What is Qiao Mucheng doing now?Are you working tirelessly in the company?
What lingered in his mind was the shadow of Qiao Mucheng, Jiang Luyao felt more and more depressed.

After thinking about it for several hours, Jiang Luyao and Qiao Mucheng recalled everything from their acquaintance to the present, and every scene was so clear.

Six years of being young at school, with hatred for Qiao Mucheng, and the pain of coming back to revenge for Qiao Mucheng's various deeds, and now the undisguised love for Qiao Mucheng, this scene seems to have happened yesterday.

It was late at night, but Jiang Luyao still didn't feel sleepy.He simply got up, put on a piece of clothing and walked out of the room.

The hall was quiet, and the living room lights were still on.

Jiang Luyao wandered around casually, went downstairs and walked to the kitchen according to his thoughts.I didn't feel it until I got to the kitchen, but I was a little hungry when I got to the kitchen!

I haven't eaten all day.

Jiang Luyao rubbed his stomach guiltily, and murmured, "I'm sorry baby, Mommy forgot to eat, now let's see what there is to eat."

There are a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator here, but there is nothing for instant meals.After searching for a long time, Jiang Luyao took out two eggs and a tomato from the second shelf of the refrigerator.

He rummaged through the cabinet, and as expected, he found noodles.

I didn't think about anything, so I put on an apron and started doing it myself.

In less than half an hour, a scent wafted from the kitchen.

"It smells so good, can I have a bowl?"

Jiang Luyao was busy getting the noodles out when he suddenly heard a voice and raised his head.

How is he?

I saw that old man in the mall, why is he here, or is it so late?
Jiang Luyao continued with the movement in his hand and put all the noodles in the bowl.

I made too much noodles, so I made an extra bowl. Jiang Luyao took a bowl and walked to the dining table and ate it by himself.

The old man looked at Jiang Luyao, smiled slightly, then took the chopsticks, and sat next to Jiang Luyao with the noodles.

Jiang Luyao glanced at him and didn't speak. Everyone in this house was from SK, and the old man was obviously not surprised.But what surprised Jiang Luyao was that the old man ate very elegantly.Chew slowly, revealing a sense of nobility from the bone.

"You are delicious!"

Jiang Luyao's hand paused for a moment, then continued to eat.This side is her best meal.In order to be able to fill oneself up quickly when you are hungry.The taste has also been improved many times,

"Why don't you speak, we met this afternoon!"

"who are you?"

To be able to appear here, he must not be an ordinary person, at least he must be at the same level as Leo.

"I am... the butler!"


Jiang Luyao looked at the old man up and down, he didn't look like a butler from the inside out, and what's more, is this master so awesome that he has two butlers?
"Leo is the steward of this house, in charge of all people and things, so what are you in charge of?"

"I...Of course I care about everyone, just like Leo!"

The old man looked embarrassed for a moment, and quickly returned to talking normally.

"Then what's your name?"


Qingwei?clear stomach.

Does this person have a bad stomach? Pay off the stomach.

Jiang Luyao smiled and continued to eat noodles.Soon a bowl of noodles will bottom out.Jiang Luyao left the bowls and chopsticks in the sink after eating enough, turned around and walked back.

"Wait a minute, you can chat with me!"

Qing Wei stopped and wanted to leave Jiang Luyao, but there was a trace of sentimentality in his eyes.Those fragile eyes reminded Jiang Luyao of her father.

If he hadn't been killed by Jiang Wanxia, ​​then his father wouldn't have become like that, needing machines to maintain his life every day.

Jiang Luyao poured himself a glass of juice and sat down at the dining table, "What do you want to talk about?"

Qing Wei didn't speak, but quickly ate up the noodles in the bowl and pushed the bowl aside.

Before Jiang Luyao saw clearly how he ate, Qing Wei had already eaten up all the noodles.

So fast, so elegant.

Jiang Luyao was not too surprised, but waited patiently to see what he was talking about.

Qing Wei wiped the corners of his mouth slowly, then took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet.

Jiang Luyao felt more and more that this man was not just a butler.The wine in the wine cabinet is not something that a housekeeper can drink whenever he wants, not to mention that the bottle of red wine he is holding is still 82 Lafite.

Regarding Qingwei's identity, Jiang Luyao already had a little confidence in his mind, but he still pretended not to understand, simply being a listener.

Maybe from the mouth of this 'steward', some news that is beneficial to Qiao Mucheng can be heard.

Qing Wei took two red wine glasses, and after pouring two glasses, he picked up one of them and handed it to Jiang Luyao, keeping his hands in the air.

"You are not suitable for drinking red wine now!"

Jiang Luyao clenched the juice in his hand and smiled slightly.

Qing Wei brought the red wine in front of him, and tasted it by himself.The low voice recalled leisurely.

"Do you love him very much?"

Jiang Luyao did not expect that this chat would be such a topic at the beginning.

he?Both of them knew who they were talking about!

"Of course!"

"Very well, it is a very happy thing to be able to love each other and help each other."

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

Jiang Luyao was confused by Qingwei's words, even if they were chatting, why did they suddenly talk so strangely.Jiang Luyao couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, but it was quite strange.

An awkward atmosphere lingered in the air.

Jiang Luyao didn't speak, and Qingwei kept drinking.

Unable to bear the atmosphere, Jiang Luyao got up and left.

"Have you ever felt the pain of losing someone you love the most?"


Jiang Luyao looked back at Qing Wei in confusion, as if this sentence was implying something to her.

Is he going to do something that is not good for their husband and wife?Or what to do with her family?
Thick uneasiness flowed in my heart!

"do you have it?"

Qing Wei's eyes were sharp and became hostile.The eyes looking at Jiang Luyao were full of hostility, and that kind of strong hostility made Jiang Luyao unable to ignore it.

"No, I don't want to have either!"

"No, whether you want to or not, this matter is beyond your control. You will soon know what loss is, and you will also see the ugliest face in the world. The Jiang family and the Qiao family are all hypocritical!"

"You better shut up, or I won't let you go!"

"Before you let me go, it's best that you can walk out of this door yourself."

Qingwei raised his head and drank the red wine in the glass, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his slightly closed eyes suddenly let Jiang Luyao see a trace of coolness behind him.

Her intuition told her that there must be a conspiracy.

Jiang Luyao took a sip of orange juice without saying anything, threw the quilt on the ground and left.

Juice splashed from the quilt, dripped on the black carpet, and disappeared quickly.

Qing Wei continued to drink the red wine with cold eyes, seeing Jiang Luyao cooking just now made his heart fluctuate so much.

Leo came down from upstairs, walked to Qingwei's side, and poured red wine for him.

"Master, why do you still hide your identity from her?"

Leo couldn't understand it, let alone figured it out.

Qiu Weiqing put down the red wine glass in his hand and stared at Leo.

After following Qiu Weiqing for so long, Leo realized it all at once.He took a step back and didn't speak.

But this time Qiu Weiqing remembered something, he was in a better mood, and he didn't pursue the fault of Leo's words. Instead, he was in a good mood and chatted with Leo.

"Do you think she can't tell? It's just that Jiang Luyao looks too much like her!"

Leo glanced back at the direction of Jiang Luyao's room, but he wasn't sure.Jiang Luyao was nothing like her, how could he say that.

"She conquered me with a bowl of egg noodles back then. Although she is a person who knows nothing, she can make such a delicious bowl of egg noodles. I will remember that taste for a lifetime. It's a pity that there will be no more I have a chance to eat. Although Jiang Luyao's cooking is far worse than hers, it feels a little bit after all."

"It's as if she's still by my side!"

Qiu Weiqing suddenly entered a previous state. He was no longer sharp and cold, but reflected a kind of sadness on his body.

Leo seldom saw Qiu Weiqing like this. In the past, it was only on her death day that he would let himself be depressed and drink in the room.Feel free to numb yourself.

She is a taboo at home, and no one should mention it.

In fact, at home, there are a few old people who know who 'she' is, but the newcomers don't know.

"Master, it's late at night, it's time to rest!"

Every time Qiu Weiqing thinks about 'her', he is extremely fragile. In the past, he would only be like this in his own room. Today, Jiang Luyao's bowl of noodles really broke this taboo.

"Yeah, it's late at night!"

As he said that, Qiu Weiqing rubbed his waist, got up and went back to his room.

Leo looked at Qiu Weiqing's back, went upstairs and knocked on Jiang Luyao's door.

"Mrs. Qiao, this is Leo, can I go in conveniently? I have something to tell you!"

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