Qiu San stood up from Jiang Luyao, tore off his clothes, and casually threw them on the ground.Exposing the fine muscles, standing under the warm light, revealing the streamlined lines.

Women love such a man.

It's a pity that neither of the two women here will fall in love with this man.

Jiang Luyao looked at Qiao Mucheng not far away with tears in his eyes.The cloth strips on her body could only roughly wrap her body, and anyone who saw the scene just now could guess what happened just now.

"Acheng..." Jiang Luyao yelled silently, and when he saw Gu Nianxi and Qi Sizuo beside him, he buried his face on the sofa.

How could she meet these friends at this moment?
"What on earth do you want to do?" Qiao Mucheng clenched his teeth and said, forcing himself not to look at Jiang Luyao.

"Shameless!" Gu Nianxi was about to rush out angrily, but was pulled back by Qi Sizuo.

"what are you doing?"

Taking a look at the scene in front of him, after years of experience in criminal investigation, Qi Sizuo saw a trace of trickery in Qiu San's expression.

"Why are you stopping me? Didn't you see that Yaoyao was given by that shameless bastard... Get up, you are the only friend, not as good as me!" Gu Nianxi said as he continued to rush forward.

Gu Nianxi is a straightforward person, when he sees a friend in trouble, he has to take action.

Jiang Luyao was taken away because he wanted to go out with her, and now she was allowed to watch Jiang Luyao being crushed under him because she didn't find Jiang Luyao. wrong.

And this mistake must be corrected.

Gu Nianxi continued to rush forward regardless of Qi Sizuo's obstruction, Qi Sizuo pulled Gu Nianxi into his arms and whispered in her ear.

"You're excited, this won't save Jiang Luyao!"

"I'm not so excited. Let me tell you, Qi Sizuo, that Jiang Luyao was arrested because of me, so even if she deserves my life, I will help her get out of this place. Don't you want to Help, don't stop me!"

Gu Nianxi saw that Qi Sizuo was blocking him all the time, and felt that he was blocking him, not allowing her to save him.No matter who it is, as long as they can get them out, it's fine, why must it be Qiao Mucheng.

"I didn't mean that. She is my friend or my buddy's woman. Can I let them do this? But we are only three now, how do you know if there are other people hiding in the corner?"

"Then what should I do? Don't I go, you go?" Gu Nianxi didn't listen to Qi Sizuo, if he followed Qi Sizuo's question, he would have to wait until the year of the monkey to rescue Jiang Luyao!

"you listen to me!"

Qi Sizuo looked at Jiang Luyao and Qiu San from behind, pulled Gu Nianxi over and whispered something in her ear.

"How did you know?"

If what Qi Sizuo said was correct, then this matter would not be so difficult to solve.

"Don't worry about how I know, you should hurry up and look for evidence, and now I'm just suspicious!" Qi Sizuo was also not sure, he just saw it from Qiu San's little pine.As for whether it was true or not, whether Jiang Luyao could be rescued intact depends on this one.

Gu Nianxi glanced at Jiang Luyao, then at Qi Sizuo, and quickly hid behind the two of them, taking the iPad in the bag to quickly look it up.

Qi Sizuo made a lot of moves, especially when he was holding Gu Nianxi back behind him, but Qiu San's eyes were always on Qiao Mucheng, so he couldn't notice it for a while.

Gu Nianxi looked up the information in peace of mind behind her back. Since she was also a policeman, she could quickly enter the state when looking up things.

"What do you want to do?" Qiao Mucheng slowly took a step closer.In two steps, he could cover Jiang Luyao with his clothes, kick Qiu San away and save Jiang Luyao.

But Qiu San calmly took out a brand new dress from the sofa at the side and put it on in front of the three of them, without caring about other people's eyes.After wearing it, he looked at Qiao Mucheng with a strange emotion in his eyes.

"How about this dress?"

Qiu San's wanton look is like chatting with an old friend. I wear this dress so casually.

But everyone present couldn't be so relaxed and casual, but Qiu San was able to do it, and he did it so contentedly, as if he himself was like this.

"Qiu San, you will pay for what you did today." Qiao Mucheng threatened fiercely.

Qiu San turned to one side and sat on the sofa. There were only two sets of sofas in this room. One set was where Qiu San was sitting, and the other set was where Jiang Luyao was lying down.

Jiang Luyao didn't dare to move, but Qiao Mucheng didn't dare to act rashly either.

"You invited my wife here and ruined her clothes. What should we do?" Qiao Mucheng took off his clothes and covered Jiang Luyao, then stood opposite Qiu San.

The hostility in his eyes made Qiu San a little terrified, but Qiu San still kept his movements unchanged, but his aura did not change at all.

"I just gave her a dress that suits him better, Joe can't be so stingy!"

Tear up the clothes of other people's wives, this is called giving clothes, and only Qiu San can find out such a shameless reason.

"Qiu San, don't go too far!"

"What are you looking for, sit down and chat!"

Qiao Mucheng looked at Qiu Sanbing coldly. If Jiang Luyao was not still behind him, he would definitely let the person in front of him fall down now.

"What do you want?"

Qiu San looked at Qiao Mucheng, and before he could speak, a woman walked in from the door, wearing a leather jacket and pants, showing her curvy figure to the fullest.With a delicate short hair, he walked to Qiu San's side, whispered something in his ear, and walked out without looking at the three of Qiao Mucheng.

After the woman left, one could clearly feel that the aura around Qiu San had changed a bit.

"Mr. Qiu, there may be things to do, so I'll take my wife back, don't bother me!" Qiao Mucheng said, turned and returned to the side of the sofa, just about to pull Jiang Luyao up from the sofa.

Everyone watched as the sofa where Jiang Luyao was lying flew quickly from Qiao Mucheng's feet to the other side.

"Chou San! What are you doing?"

Qiao Mucheng should have thought that Qiu San would not let him go so easily, but he didn't expect that he would play such a trick if he didn't put a lot of hands in the house.

"Mr. Qiao, it's boring to say that, you know what I want!"

Qiao Mucheng looked at Qiu San coldly.

Of course he knew what Qiu San wanted. In fact, to put it more directly, he should know what the person behind Qiu San wanted.

The current situation is very obvious, what the other party wants is nothing more than to let him withdraw the lawsuit.

But they couldn't bear the consequences of touching his woman.

"Threatening women for what you want? Is this Mr. Qiu San's plan?" Qiao Mucheng said coldly, with a very firm tone, as if he had never cared about the woman on the sofa.

Jiang Luyao watched Qiao Mucheng's verbal provocation, but she was not disappointed.She saw Qiao Mucheng's slightly trembling hands by his legs.

But even so, Jiang Luyao didn't want to say anything anymore. In the scene just now, everyone could have thought of what happened, and as her husband, Qiao Mucheng, his heart...

Jiang Luyao originally wanted to take her son and ask Jiang Wanxia to take him away, so that she could do something secretly to help Qiao Mucheng find evidence to put his enemies to death.

It's just that there is a big gap between imagination and reality.

Jiang Luyao did not expect that the person who caught her was not Jiang Wanxia but Qiu San.

The one thing she didn't even think about was...

Jiang Luyao wanted to say something, but his mouth was stuffed with cloth, so he couldn't say anything.

Gu Nianxi handed the things he found to Qi Sizuo, and when he turned around, he saw Jiang Luyao lying on the sofa, and the sofa was like driving a car, driving from the front of Qiao Mucheng to the farthest place from Qiao Mucheng.


Qi Sizuo didn't have time to stop this time, he looked down at the things in his hand, and smiled quickly.Turning around, she saw that Gu Nianxi had followed Jiang Luyao to the other side.

"Gu Nianxi, be careful." Qi Sizuo looked at her back, feeling a little blocked in his heart, as if something was pressing hard on his heart, but he didn't know what happened.

Qi Sizuo first suppressed this question in his heart, then took a last look at Gu Nianxi's figure, then turned around and took Qiao Mucheng's hand.


Qiao Mucheng didn't say anything, but kept looking at Qiu San instead.

"You should watch the video for Mr. Qiao. If you can't think clearly, then you will watch your wife in front of me and be happy with me! Choose one or the other, I think Mr. Qiao knows how to choose! "

This choice is actually very good.

Abandoned the company and saved his wife.

This is such an easy multiple-choice question, but Qiao Mucheng didn't give an answer quickly.

The company's lawsuit will not be withdrawn, and Jiang Luyao will not lose it.

Qiao Mucheng was confident enough that he wouldn't hurt Jiang Luyao, but he hesitated, wondering if he should bet or not.

After all, there was only one Jiang Luyao, and Jiang Wanxia hated Jiang Luyao so much, how could he make Jiang Luyao feel better?
Qiu San couldn't wait for Qiao Mucheng's answer, so he looked at Qiao Mucheng provocatively, turned around, waved his hands, and Jiang Luyao was sent back from a far away place by the sofa.

When Gu Nianxi was about to reach Jiang Luyao in the distance, the sofa came back behind Qiu San again.The outstretched hand with long nails hooked Jiang Luyao's chin, and the nails pierced into Jiang Luyao's fair skin, and the deep marks seemed to bleed in the next moment.

Jiang Luyao couldn't help but let out a muffled snort.

Qiao Mucheng could see that Jiang Luyao was trying his best to bear it, but he had no choice but to let Jiang Luyao bear it a little longer.


"Wait a minute, Ah Cheng."

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