100 Days of Honey Wars: Dictatorship Boss, flirt

Chapter 175 Another Mysterious Electric Chapter

Jiang Luyao has slowly adapted to the days without Lei Zixiao, and she knows that she must be strong.

Di Rang didn't ask Qiao Mucheng to bring it home directly.After three years in a row in that kind of place, it is inevitable that there will be some strong spirits in the body.If you can't control it, the two women in the family can't fix it.

But Jiang Luyao didn't know where the child was taken by Qiao Mucheng.Qiao Mucheng kept silent, and she had no way to ask.

Qiao Mucheng always left early and came back late recently, and he didn't know what he was busy with. He just looked tired, and Jiang Luyao wanted to help, but he didn't know where to help.

In the evening, Qiao Mucheng lay down on the bed and fell asleep after being tired all day.

When Jiang Luyao came back from Jiang Xinyan's room, he saw Qiao Mucheng lying on the bed in a suit.

How long has it been since I haven't had a good rest, and I'm so tired that I don't even take off my suit.

Jiang Luyao kicked Qiao Mucheng's butt in distaste, fearing that he would wake him up, he looked cautious, as funny as a clown.

Even though he was disgusted, Jiang Luyao took off the clothes of Qiao Mucheng who was already asleep little by little.

When only one pair of underwear was left on her body, Jiang Luyao blushed and covered Qiao Mucheng with the quilt.

It's all old couples', and it's not the first time they've had sex, why are they so shy.

Jiang Luyao hugged her clothes and walked to the bathroom, but the vibration in her chest made her chest numb.

Flipping carefully, he took out the vibrating cell phone from Qiao Mucheng's suit trouser pocket.

Unfamiliar number.

Jiang Luyao came out of the bathroom and looked at Qiao Mucheng. He was so sleepy that he probably wouldn't be able to answer the phone.

But she takes...

Why can't she pick it up? She is Qiao Mucheng's wife. What can Mrs. Qiao do that she shouldn't know?

Jiang Luyao, who was by accident, put the phone connected to his ear. Jiang Luyao didn't speak first, but waited quietly.

There was a tacit understanding between the two sides. No one started to speak first. When the shallow breathing sound came from the microphone, Jiang Luyao was sure that there was still someone on the other side.

After a long time, when Jiang Luyao couldn't wait to hang up the phone, an old and deep voice came from the other side.

"Really calm! Mrs. Qiao!"

this voice...

This voice had called her once, and he had said something for revenge.But this is Qiao Mucheng's cell phone, how would he know that he answered the call and not someone else?
Even if it wasn't her, it could be him!

Jiang Luyao didn't intend to respond, and just listened quietly.

"Mrs. Qiao must be very surprised. How did I know it was you who answered the phone?" Jiang Luyao felt that the air pressure around him dropped by the way.

She used to think that Qiao Mucheng's aura was the strongest, but it turns out that there are people with stronger aura than him.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want to do?" Jiang Luyao roared in a low voice, fearing that Qiao Mucheng would be disturbed and wanted to have his own aura. Even if he said it, Jiang Luyao still felt that his aura was not strong enough. .

If the other party didn't know them well, they wouldn't be able to be so accurate. They even knew it was Jiang Luyao who answered the call.Then he must have a lot of eyeliner, and even calculated everything.

It was certain that Qiao Mucheng would get drunk, and that Jiang Luyao would take care of him at home and receive his calls.

This hidden enemy is too scary, you never know when he will bite you.He is like a mouse in the dark, although he can't see the light, he is extremely annoying.

"I don't know what you want to do, but if you want revenge, please come to me! Don't hurt innocent people!"

Jiang Luyao's warning was a joke in the eyes of the other party, and even after listening to Jiang Luyao's words, the laughing over there became even more wild.

"Girl, do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me? Everyone in the Jiang family must pay for what they have done, and those who have helped Jiang will not end well!"

Eerie and scary are not enough to describe Jiang Luyao's current feeling.

It's just that she is forcing herself to calm down. Knowing more clues from the other party's mouth is very important for them to find the real enemy.

Therefore, anyone who helped Jiang's family would become the target of his revenge. Qiao Mucheng was with her and protected her time and time again, and Lei Zixiao even spared his life to protect her from Lei's family.

The catastrophe this Xiren suffered was all because of her.

She must know what the other party's details are.

"The Jiang family? What did the Jiang family do to you to make you hate so much. Even if you want to seek revenge on me, you should let me know why I died! I died for no reason, how could I have the face? Go down to see my parents?"

"Don't use the aggressive method, your little tricks are useless to me. Girl, think about how to die, I can give you a chance to choose!"

The laughter from the phone, like a devil trying to rule the earth, pronounced the sentence on Jiang Luyao.

"You should leave this opportunity to yourself, I don't need it. One day I will find you out and let you know that the Jiang family is not what you want!"

Jiang Luyao hung up the phone angrily, still panting, looked up at himself in the mirror, his face was pale, and there was still a trace of fear in his eyes.

This man is horrible.He knows too many things, and even manipulates many things.

For example, she was taken away, and Lei Zixiao came to save him.

Everything is calculated by the opponent, and they are on the chessboard that is not as good as the opponent step by step.

He turned the clothes inside out, stuffed the clothes into the washing machine, and took the phone to delete the call in the future.

Before the two parties spoke, the other party knew his identity, which meant that he wanted to find her.As for directly connecting without her email, Jiang Luyao couldn't figure it out.

After wiping Qiao Mucheng's body with a towel, Jiang Luyao sat down on the sofa covered in sweat.

Who said that taking care of a big man would not be tiring anymore, with big arms and round waist, it almost broke her bones.

Originally, when Jiang Luyao came back from Jiang Xinyan's room, he was a little sleepy.But after tossing around in the room, I didn't feel sleepy at all. I knew such a thing when I was physically and mentally tired.

There are always some things that Jiang Luyao doesn't know.

He went to the study and took out the two documents that Qiao Mucheng had given him, and analyzed them thoroughly.

She just knew that Jiang Wanxia's temperament changed drastically after she knew that the person Qiao Mucheng really liked was her.Taking Jiang Xinyan to such a deserted place not to mention suffering so much.

Since then, Jiang Wanxia has become a different person.

What is the reason for Jiang Wanxia to make this subversive adaptation?

If it wasn't enough just because of love, Jiang Luyao hadn't known that point yet.

I didn't think of the most important point.

I scattered the documents all over the floor of the study, and looked at them bit by bit from the photos to the documents, piece by piece.

The moon was gradually setting, and when the first sun shone into the study from the east window, Jiang Luyao had already fallen asleep lying on a pile of materials.

This is what Qiao Mucheng saw when he came in to pick up the files.

There were photos and documents all over the floor. Jiang Luyao's hair was casually tied behind his head, and a pen was inserted into his hair. The scattered documents on the ground were all circled.

Jiang Luyao lay on the ground, so rare and quiet that people looked like he was back six years ago. The place Jiang Luyao hated most to enter was the study.

At the beginning, no matter how Qiao Mucheng persuaded, Jiang Quanming and Jiang Xinyan also persuaded, but Jiang Luyao couldn't overcome the obstacles in his heart, so he entered the study not far away.

Every time Jiang Luyao was asked to enter the study to read and study, Jiang Luyao tried his best not to enter the study.

When Jiang Luyao just returned to China and lived in Qiao's residence, he really thought that Jiang Luyao was still the same as six years ago and would not enter the study.

It's just that Jiang Luyao tried his best to want to be with him and have a child, but he tried his best to refuse.

It seems that things have become very different from what they first imagined.

And six years later, Jiang Luyao could not only enter the study by himself, but even stay in the study for one night.

If Jiang Quanming knew about this, maybe his illness would be better.

Qiao Mucheng took out his mobile phone and recorded the scene. Just as the photo was taken, Jiang Luyao rolled over and overwhelmed the book under him.

"Oh...it hurts!"

Jiang Luyao opened his eyes, and thought he was dreaming when he saw the scene in front of him.

Qiao Mucheng just wore a bath towel around his waist, and stood in front of her with wet hair. This is a picture of a handsome man out of the bath.

If she didn't still want to continue dreaming now, she would have gone to Urakami.

"Nympho!" Qiao Mucheng tore off the bath towel and threw it on Jiang Luyao's head. He was only wearing boxer pants, there was no excess flesh on his legs, and his body was full of muscles.It's not very obvious, but it can be seen that there is no excess meat on the body.

Qiao Mucheng sat on a chair, took out the documents he wanted, and strode out of the study.

Jiang Luyao lifted the towel, just in time to see the bulging area where Qiao Mucheng was wrapped in the only fabric.

"No wonder I ran away so fast, it turned out to be...hahaha!"

Jiang Luyao laughed for a while, then cleaned up the things on the ground and put them in a safe place. After yawning, Jiang Luyao went back to the bedroom to catch up on sleep.

Before he could lie down and go to sleep, the email notification on his phone rang.

When he was debating whether to watch it or not, Jiang Luyao had already picked up his phone.

Not surprisingly, it was an email from Jiang Wanxia.

Looking at the dozen or so emails above, Jiang Luyao felt a little headache, but he still opened the latest email and read it.

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