"No, isn't that what we came here for?" Jiang Luyao didn't understand. When she was at home, Qiao Mucheng said that there was something wrong with the child, so she let go of Jiang Xinyan who was guarding her. Let Gu Nianxi take care of Jiang Xinyan.

But when he got here, the first thing he did was to save the child, Jiang Luyao really couldn't understand what the man beside him was thinking.Are other things really more important than that child?

"Yes, but that child's problem is not that serious. I brought you out because I didn't want you to be so tired!" Qiao Mucheng pulled Jiang Luyao's hand and fell into Qiao Mucheng's arms.

"Um...not that serious?" Jiang Luyao looked at Qiao Mucheng in disbelief. This man actually told such a big lie just to bring her out.

Jiang Luyao sat up straight and looked at Qiao Mucheng, "What the hell are you thinking? My sister is lying in the hospital talking about surgery, and her child doesn't know where she is suffering. And Jiang Luyao, as a sister and aunt, actually ran abroad Come and be happy.

"I didn't think about anything, I promise that when you return to China, we will take the child back!" Qiao Mucheng looked at Jiang Luyao reassuringly, with firmness in his eyes.


"Of course it's true, let's get out of the car!" Jiang Luyao was taken out of the car by Qiao Mucheng, and Jiang Luyao was stunned when he got out of the car.Isn't this the most famous company here? Qiao Mucheng would feel very strange to be able to be with such a company!

Although Jiang Luyao also had doubts, he got out of the car with Qiao Mucheng in peace of mind. When he opened the door, Jiang Luyao was stunned by the scenery in front of him.


"Does it look good?" Qiao Mucheng took Jiang Luyao's hand and walked on the beach, with the footprints of two people, one big and one small, behind him.

"It's so beautiful, where is it?"

"Aegean Sea!"

"we are not……"

"Yes, the situation over there is not that serious, you should relax and relax!" Qiao Mucheng turned around to save Jiang Luyao, pulled away the thin windbreaker and wrapped Jiang Luyao in his arms, the two of them hugged tightly embrace each other.

"I do not need……"

"Hush, listen to me." Qiao Mucheng's voice was very nice, and it was easy to relax in the ears.

Jiang Luyao wanted to say something more, but after hearing Qiao Mucheng's words, he somehow wanted to lean on Qiao Mucheng's shoulder and listen to him.

Perhaps, her body is not tired, but her heart is even more tired.

"I know, you want to prepare well for your elder sister, to avenge your elder sister and your father. But let me come. You just need to take it behind me, I'm afraid you will receive harm."

"But, that's my family feud!" Speaking of this, Jiang Luyao's mind recalled many of the things that Jiang Wanxia did back then, so many years of suffering, so many hurts suffered by Friends Lock, and so on. How could it be resolved with a little revenge?
"It's not only your family feud, she also caused a lot of harm to me. I will do these things. What you have to do is to protect Jiang Xinyan and yourself!"


"Don't think about anything now, just relax here. The child's problem is my fault!"

Under Qiao Mucheng's words, Jiang Luyao gradually relaxed his heart.Although Qiao Mucheng will not be completely responsible for all the things, he should relax himself now so that he can stand by Qiao Mucheng's side and protect the people they love together.

Jiang Luyao smiled knowingly, withdrew from Qiao Mucheng's embrace, took off his shoes and ran towards the beach.

Completely relaxing himself, Jiang Luyao was running crazily on the beach like a child at the moment, his hair was tousled by the wind, but he was still as beautiful as the fairy in the picture.

Qiao Mucheng watched quietly from the side, Jiang Luyao like this is the most real her.In the past six years, for the sake of revenge and strength, she had to suppress her heart shape. Even if she knew everything in China, her life was even more depressed.

After a whole day of relaxation, it could be seen from his face that the depression in Jiang Luyao's heart had been released a lot.When eating in the evening, Jiang Luyao brought a glass of wine to Qiao Mucheng, "Thank you, I am very happy today!"

Jiang Luyao was still very worried about that child, and even more worried about how the eldest sister's surgery in China was going, but she didn't show it.She can understand Qiao Mucheng's painstaking efforts.Therefore, even for the sake of Qiao Mucheng, she had to pretend not to be very worried.

"As long as you're happy!" Qiao Mucheng looked at the wine in Jiang Luyao's hand with deep eyes, touched her glass, and took a sip.

The two chatted casually by the window, the wine in the glass had already been drunk, Jiang Luyao got up to pour it, Qiao Mucheng took the wine glass, "You must be tired from playing today, I'll go!"

"Well, good!" Jiang Luyao sat by the window and watched Qiao Mucheng go to pour the wine, and looked out the window. If there were no such messy things, maybe it would be good for them to live like this.

After a few minutes, Qiao Mucheng came back with two glasses of wine, and after passing them to Jiang Luyao, Qiao Mucheng raised his head and drank up the red wine, "It's getting late, go to bed early!"

"Well, let's go tomorrow... Uh, let's not talk!" Jiang Luyao wanted to ask if he would save people tomorrow, but knowing that Qiao Mucheng's original intention today was to let her rest, he took it back halfway through.

Qiao Mucheng gathered himself together, and looked at Jiang Luyao with deep eyes, "Yes, tomorrow, so sleep well today, and I will tell you the specific route tomorrow morning!"

"Okay!" After Jiang Luyao drank the red wine, he sat by the window for a while, and felt sleepy.

"Why are you sleepy so early today!"

Jiang Luyao looked at Qiao Mucheng, who had become unclear, and suddenly understood, but her consciousness could no longer support her body.


Qiao Mucheng strode over and saved Jiang Luyao's body. At this moment, Jiang Luyao was completely asleep in Qiao Mucheng's arms.

"Sleep well, when I come back, the child will already be by your side!" Qiao Mucheng carried Jiang Luyao to the bedside, and carefully placed Jiang Luyao on the bed.

Covered with a quilt, she lowered her head and kissed Jiang Luyao lightly on the forehead.

"In your world, you only need to do what you want and don't need to work so hard! Let me do dangerous things!" Qiao Mucheng turned and left the bedroom.

The men in black were waiting respectfully at the door, and the captain at the head saw Qiao Mucheng coming out, "Young Master Qiao, everything is ready, we can set off now!"

"Find someone to protect her!"

"rest assured!"

Qiao Mucheng did not expect that this breakup would become the decision he regretted most in his life.

After leaving overnight, Qiao Mucheng flew to India alone in Greece.On the plane, Qiao Mucheng had some understanding of the current situation.

Di Rang (Jiang Xinyan's son) was taken away by Indian gangsters for the purpose that the people in Qiao Mucheng didn't know about it at first, and they just found out in the morning.

The gangsters in India want to gamble, and they need many children to grow up to make money for them. Dirang is not the first and will not be the last.

Dirang was first raised by Jiang Xinyan's neighbor in India, but the neighbor's life was also very difficult, and there was no way to raise more children.When the gang started recruiting people, the neighbors sold the children to the gang.

As a four-year-old child, he was brought to that place at a grade where he didn't understand anything. The consequences can be imagined.

It has been half a year since Qiao Mucheng knew about this news.

"What's Dirang like now?"

"Although I'm still young, I already know some skills, and I haven't had enough to eat!"


It doesn't show if you grab it back from abroad, you still have to outsmart it.

After getting off the plane, a Chinese man came over, "Mr. Qiao, I'm Li Nan, Shao Qi has already explained, you can rest assured to leave it to me!"

"Yeah!" Qiao Mucheng had already discussed this issue with Qi Sizuo, so Qi Sizuo had already arranged everything.

Qi Sizuo is an Interpol, and he has contacted more people than Qiao Mucheng. He has to give some face in various places. Li Nan contacted the other party early in the morning, and the other party also expressed his willingness to cooperate friendly.However, it is better for the two parties to sit together and discuss specific matters.

Li Nan drove Qiao Mucheng and bodyguards to the agreed place.

The place where I got off was a super luxurious hotel. There were two rows of bodyguards standing at the door, each with a fierce look. If you really wanted to make a move, the appearance of the other party would be able to suppress the other party first.

The person on the other side saw Li Nan, just nodded and led them in.Stopping in the hall, Qiao Mucheng saw the man sitting upright in the center at a glance.

I thought it was an Indian who was the leader, but I didn't expect it to be a Chinese.

"Mr. Qiao, I have admired your name for a long time!" The Chinese stood up first, walked to Qiao Mucheng, and extended his hand in a friendly manner.

The eyes hidden behind the sunglasses can't tell whether he is sincere enough.

Li Nan reminded in a low voice behind Qiao Mucheng, "This is Mr. Shen Haotian! He is well-known in India."

"Mr. Shen, thank you for the prize. The meaning of Qiao's coming today is clearer than you, so Qiao will not say more."

Qiao Mucheng wanted to negotiate with the other party more slowly, but Shen Haotian's aura was here, which made him feel unprecedented pressure.Negotiating with such a person is exhausting.

"Mr. Qiao explained the purpose to Shen so quickly, is this so simple?" Shen Haotian took off his glasses arrogantly, and played with them in his hands.But his eyes were cast aside, and the friendship just now turned into an iceberg in an instant.

"Of course it won't be that simple. Isn't it the greatest sincerity that Qiao brought a few brothers here today?" Naturally, we can't bring more people here, but this is also Qiao Mucheng's purpose.

Although the number of people is small, the risk factor is high, but it does not mean that the probability of doing good things is low.

"Oh? Is that so?" Shen Haotian turned his head and glanced at Qiao Mucheng, his eyes were as deep as an abyss, as if he could step into the abyss if he was not careful, and his body would be smashed to pieces!

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