"Hey, who are you?" Jiang Luyao picked up the phone and looked around and asked. There was no one around her now, and she didn't know where Qiao Mucheng was. At this moment, she really hoped that Qiao Mucheng would be by her side.

"You are Jiang Luyao?"

A gloomy voice came from the phone, and the biting chill made Jiang Luyao shiver uncontrollably.

"I'm Jiang Luyao, who are you?"

"Soon you will know who I am, and none of you Jiang family can escape! Hahaha..." The other party's voice became weird. He didn't use a voice changer, but his voice was low and scary. The voice is like a person who has been frozen for thousands of years from hell.Years of accumulated grievances and years of cold air can freeze a person to death.

"Who are you? Why are you targeting the Jiang family?"

When Jiang Luyao still wanted to know what to ask, the other party had already hung up the phone.

However, even after the phone was hung up, Jiang Luyao still felt that someone would keep laughing in his ear, that gloomy voice.

As if surrounded by the same.


Who is this person, and why does he have so much resentment towards the Jiang family?Everyone in the Jiang family will not let it go, so will Jiang Xinyan be murdered too?and dad...

For a moment, Jiang Luyao thought of Jiang Wanxia, ​​but what her mother did...

Even if Jiang Wanxia is not a member of the Jiang family, there are still three members of the Jiang family... What will they do?What's more, there is no way to find out who this person is.

Jiang Luyao saw that there was no record on the phone, so he gave up the idea of ​​tracking down the phone number.

I walked around the mall again, and I could still see two or three people behind me who were secretly taking pictures.These two or three people who were secretly filming were not very close, but Jiang Luyao could feel that they were secretly filming.

Jiang Luyao didn't understand this kind of cooking.

When Qiao Mucheng's name was displayed on the screen of the phone, Jiang Luyao suddenly felt a little relieved.

If it wasn't for Qiao Mucheng's phone call, Jiang Luyao wouldn't know how far he would go on thinking wildly!
"feed me……"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the door of the beauty store on the second floor!"

"Pictures from the retail store!"

After Jiang Luyao took a look at Qiao Mucheng with the phone, he wanted to hang up.But was blocked.

"Don't hang up, I'll come up from the stairs on your right, pay attention to your side!"

Jiang Luyao looked around with the mobile phone in his hand, his eyes were mainly on the elevator on the right, and he had a slight expectation for the person who was about to appear.

On the other side, Qiao Mucheng parked his car at the entrance of the shopping mall. The security guards who parked did not come to stop Qiao Mucheng, and he slipped away.

And there was a Ferrari parked in front of the mall, which attracted the attention of many people!

While everyone was still guessing what the owner of the car looked like, Qiao Mucheng had already entered the mall.

Following the photos in the information given by Jiang Luyao, Qiao Mucheng quickly saw where Jiang Luyao was sitting.

When the elevator was gradually going up, Jiang Luyao turned around and was accosted by a man.

Qiao Mucheng looked clearly at Jiang Luyao's waist, which was the black pistol in the man's hand.

After getting off the elevator, Qiao Mucheng's attention was all on Jiang Luyao, and when he forgot to turn the corner, he bumped into a man.

Qiao Mucheng glanced at the man and felt uncomfortable all over, but it was fine.Withdrawing his gaze, he only took two steps, and felt something vibrating in the trouser pocket of his suit.

After taking out the contents of his suit pants, Qiao Mucheng discovered that there was an extra mobile phone in his clothes, and there was a call on the phone that needed to be connected.

The screen of the phone went off, and it rang again within a minute.

Qiao Mucheng recalled being hit by someone just now, then looked at the man who was holding Jiang Luyao hostage, took the phone into his hand, and answered it.


"Mr. Qiao, you're really clinging on and refusing to let go! But I like this kind of game," a gloomy but somewhat old voice came from the phone, and one could hear a trace of complacency upon listening carefully.

"Don't do these useless things, what do you want to do?" Qiao Mucheng exuded an anger that could not be ignored, and looked around the shopping mall with eyes that could almost breathe fire.

Suddenly Qiao Mucheng turned his head and looked at the person on the other side of the camera. He looked at the camera firmly, as if two people were looking at each other.

On the other side of the monitoring room, a man was sitting on the sofa with his shirt on, looking at Qiao Mucheng who was staring at him on the big screen, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

A truly powerful person, when facing an opponent, never chokes the opponent's throat all at once, but grabs it, puts it in a cage at home, and ravages it little by little until the prey is caught. exhausted.This is the strength of the strong.

The man now is strangling Qiao Mucheng's vitals, then polishing the edges and corners of Qiao Mucheng little by little, and then brutally killing the enemy.

"Mr. Qiao, your so-called protection is useless, don't waste your time talking. Just think about how your imperial group can escape this catastrophe!"

After speaking, there was another busy tone on the phone.

Qiao Mucheng looked at the phone in his hand and stuffed it into his pocket. Then he took out the phone that was still on the phone with Jiang Luyao just now, and looked through the call records. The phone was cut off as soon as he came up.

"bell bell"

The phone in his hand rang again, and Jiang Luyao's voice came from the phone, "Where are you? Why didn't I see you!"

"I'll be right there!" Putting down the phone, Qiao Mucheng looked for Jiang Luyao, and finally found Jiang Luyao at the door of a store on the second floor.

"Are you OK!"

"It's okay, what's the matter with you, you look serious!" Jiang Luyao took Qiao Mucheng's hand and sat aside.

"Who was standing next to you just now?"

"Oh, there was a person asking for directions just now. Fortunately, my English is not bad, otherwise the man must have taken a lot of detours!" Thinking of the man who had been slowly approaching her when asking for directions just now.

"It's okay, let's go!" Qiao Mucheng took Jiang Luyao's hand and walked out.

Everything that happened just now was just a small game of cat and mouse. The other party didn't pay attention to the Imperial Group at all, and they didn't take the Jiang Family seriously at all.

Now it seems that the main purpose of the other party is to destroy the Jiang family.And now, in the eyes of outsiders, the Jiang family is just the remaining Jiang Xinyan and Jiang Luyao.

I don't know if Jiang Quanming will be safer now.

Everyone in the Jiang family should be well protected.

"What's wrong with you?" After being followed today, Jiang Luyao felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know who did it, but how could a strategist like Qiao Mucheng be so nervous, all he could say was the ability of the person behind him It's too powerful.

"Let's talk at home!"

Nothing happened on the way back for the two of them. When they got home, the two of them returned to the bedroom without saying a word. They sat on the sofa for a long, long time.

Qiao Mucheng looked at Jiang Luyao and said, "Today..."

"I know the situation is serious, Ah Cheng, I know Jiang Wanxia's conspiracy and I won't help her do anything, but I want to help you catch him. So if you have anything to say, let's meet together right!"

"Previously, SK Group cooperated with Imperial Group to build an exclusive small island, and SK has just entered the country, and there is no good way to publicize the market. The cooperation project is relatively large, but the CEO of the other party is very suspicious. I think this It's not that simple."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Jiang Wanxia hates Jiang's family, and now she has SK Group behind her, I'm afraid they will harm you, you must be careful, no matter what Jiang Wanxia asks you to do, you must tell me!"

Qiao Mucheng grabbed Jiang Luyao's shoulder and said, he is suspicious of everything now, but he can't get away with Jiang Luyao.

"Ok, I know!"

"One more thing. We found out the whereabouts of your eldest sister's child."

"What did you find out? Where is the elder sister's? Are you still alive?" Jiang Luyao excitedly held Qiao Mucheng's hand, his eyes were shining with gold.

"That's your eldest sister's child. What do you mean by staring at me with golden eyes? Why don't you give birth to me, so that you can take care of our son."

"You talk about the eldest sister, why did you bring it up to the child again?" Jiang Luyao was no stranger to such a topic!

In the past two days, as long as he talked about big things, Qiao Mucheng would always talk about other things when he needed time.So much so that every time the conversation ended, Jiang Luyao had to secretly speculate whether what Qiao Mucheng said was true or not!
"I see that you like children very much, why don't you give birth to one for me, so that you won't feel regretful!"

Qiao Mucheng didn't want to put such a heavy burden on Jiang Luyao, so he had to say something else to distract Jiang Luyao.

This kind of cooking is really effective.

But this is not enough to make Jiang Luyao forget about it, but it will make her remember it more clearly.

"But the eldest sister's child is more important, stop making trouble, do you know where the eldest sister's child is?" Jiang Luyao really wanted to know the answer to this question.

Every day at home, I saw Jiang Xinyan holding a yellowed test sheet and looking at it non-stop, and when a servant's child ran over, she always coaxed the child to play with a loving expression on her face.From the way she looked at the child, Jiang Luyao could see a mother's love for her child.

I also saw a mother's desire for her child to be by her side.

So for this, Jiang Luyao wanted to do a good job in this matter and bring back the eldest sister's child as soon as possible.

It is a very happy thing for children to be able to play under their own knees.

"I know, but I also want a child of ours!"

These words are very heartwarming, and they successfully hit the softest part of Jiang Luyao's heart deeply.

Children are not only the continuation of life, but also the emotional bond between husband and wife. For the sake of children, many problems will be solved after looking at them!

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