In the top VIP room of the Bernas Hotel, a row of bodyguards stood at the door, all in black suits and white shirts, with sunglasses straddling both sides of the door.

When Qiao Mucheng went to the private room, he was really surprised to see this for a moment.Qiao Mucheng didn't expect that the president of SK just came to talk about a cooperation, so would it be necessary to put up such a big battle?It seems that eating a meal here is extremely dangerous.

Qi Sizuo looked at the row of people in front of him cynically, and figured out what the other party's intentions were with his toes.After Qi Sizuo said a few words to the manager next to him, the manager slipped away.

"On my territory, there are more people than people. Is this old bastard out of his mind?" Qi Sizuo whispered to Qiao Mucheng.Although this is his hotel, there are not many people here.

"It's not him, it's you!" Qiao Mucheng cast a flat glance, looking at Qi Sizuo like an idiot.

While the two were talking, they came to the door of the private room. An old man, about 50 years old, stood at the door with his hands on his lower abdomen, and his kindness made people shudder.

Do all the people around President SK have such an aura?
"Mr. Qiao really has an extraordinary bearing, but please don't bring any dangerous items in before entering the box!" The tone was flat, but there was an irresistible majesty.

In S City, no one dared to speak to Qiao Mucheng like that.Now Qiao Mucheng didn't carry any weapons, even if he did, he was never afraid of anyone in S City.

Bernas is still the hotel under Qi Sizuo's name, he is the largest shareholder here, who dares to let him hand over the gun?Just because he is an Interpol, his gun cannot be taken away by just anyone.

"Your master is a bit arrogant, Qiao has not yet fulfilled his friendship as a landlord, why did you make such a fuss? Come!" Qiao Mucheng's stern face was filled with a layer of chill, in the air-conditioned corridor, around Everyone feels surprisingly cold.

At Qiao Mucheng's order, the man in black who had just been hiding and waiting appeared behind him, and his proportions were no worse than the opponent's bodyguard.

"They have worked hard to protect the president of SK. You take them down to relax and do your best as landlords. All expenses will be paid by the Empire Group!"

As soon as Qiao Mucheng's voice fell, both sides raised their guns and pointed at each other, but the double-reverse people were not afraid, but their eyes were burning like a torch, as if they were really going to fight.

The housekeeper looked at Qiao Mucheng with a slightly angry face, as if he didn't believe that Qiao Mucheng would really do this.

When the two sides confronted each other, the door opened from the inside, and a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with scholarly eyes and a cane in his hand appeared at the door.

"Stop it, we're here to talk about cooperation, what are you doing?" The old man couldn't hear any feeling in his words, but it was obvious that everyone here could hear the meaning in his words.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qiao, Officer Qi, Qiu will make amends for you on behalf of the butler, please come inside!" Qiu Weiqing cast a sharp glance at the butler, then turned sideways to let Qiao Mucheng and Qi Sizuo walk in.

Qi Sizuo stared at Qiu Weiqing for a long time before he said calmly, "Mr. Qiu is polite, you are a guest here, please!"

Qi Sizuo made a gesture of please, Qiu Weiqing couldn't say anything, so he nodded and walked inside.

There was no way for Qiu Weiqing to sit on the host seat. Just now, Qi Sizuo had already determined the status of host and guest naturally, so it would not be good for him to try to overwhelm the host.He sat in the position of host and guest.

There were only four people sitting at a table, Qiao Mucheng, Qi Sizuo, Qiu Weiqing, and Qiu Yujue, Qiu Weiqing's adopted name.

Qiu Weiqing sat there, looked at Qiao Mucheng and Qi Sizuo on both sides, and nodded, "Mr. Qiao is indeed young and talented. It is really admirable that he can achieve such a good achievement at a young age. If a dog has you With a bit of hard work, Qiu doesn't have to come out to discuss business on his own at such an advanced age!"

"President Qiu is being polite, I'm just lucky. Your son is already very good!" Qiao Mucheng politely changed the words back.

One thing that is not good about eating with this kind of smartness is that you take every step of the way.

Qiao Mucheng was able to get to this day not only because of Zhuang Huici's support behind him, but also because of his own calm heart that has seen through everything.

But Qiao Mucheng couldn't understand many things today. The relationship between the housekeeper, the master, and the adopted son was very strange!
What was so strange about it, Qiao Mucheng couldn't tell.

Looking at Qi Sizuo's adopted son who was also in deep thought, Qiao Mucheng knew that they wanted to go together.

"Mr. Qiu has something, I'm curious. There are so many media companies in China, why did you choose the Imperial Group directly. The Imperial Group has never been involved in this kind of business. Before you make a decision, Mr. Qiu, I think you should know a lot Clear." Qi Sizuo signaled to Qiao Mucheng that it goes without saying, and he will take care of it.

As a shareholder, he has no problem asking this question.

Everyone knows that the Imperial Group does not engage in the entertainment business. The Imperial Group does not make any entertainment-type investments, and the only contacts with the entertainment industry are those few endorsements.But endorsements are also years of cooperation.

"Of course I know that the Imperial Group doesn't do business in the entertainment industry, but doesn't Police Officer Qi think this is the best excuse to cover up?" Qiu Weiqing took a sip of the tea in front of him and put it down satisfied.

Qiu Weiqing looked at Qi Sizuo, his eyes were full of the kind you know.


"What I'm really here to talk about is not the voice of the entertainment industry, but this!" After Qiu Weiqing finished speaking, the butler took out two documents from behind and handed one to Qiao Mucheng and the other to Qi Sizuo.

The two looked at the document, and Qiu Yujue also interjected from the side.

"This is the voice that Godfather really wanted to talk to you about. There is an empty island in this location in Zhongnanhai. We have sent people to check there. The location is suitable, and it is also suitable for building some sightseeing houses. But we don't have any in China. A suitable partner."

"With SK Group's financial strength, such a small case doesn't need to go to the point of finding a partner! You want us to use this banner! Increase the exposure and trust of this small island!"

Qiao Mucheng continued with Qiu Yujue's words.

If we look at SK’s own efforts, if a company that has never made a splash in China suddenly wants to build a tourist attraction on a small island, not only will the publicity fail to achieve the expected effect, but even the publicity, pre-sale or leasing after completion will be very difficult. impact to a great extent.

But it would be different if the Imperial Group came forward. The Imperial Group is also one of the largest companies in the country. Many people know it and have a good reputation in the country.Looking at it this way, if the Imperial Group and SK cooperate, not only can they gain fame and fortune, but they can also create greater benefits from the rare investment.

And SK Group can also become a hit in the country, thus opening up a wide door for future business.

The reason why SK Group cooperates with this project in secret is to have a great deterrent effect when the cooperation is released.

Qiu Weiqing's chess move can be said to be superb, but no one knows the specific situation of this land, and this needs to be investigated.

"Mr. Qiao is Mr. Qiao, as expected!" Qiu Weiqing looked at Qiao Mucheng admiringly, with a sincere look on his face, but Qiao Mucheng was still worried.

SK Group is Jiang Wanxia's backer, it must not be so easy for them to find cooperation.What's more, such a big bait has been put in the first place. If there is any problem, the biggest problem lies.

No matter how well prepared the two parties are for a business cooperation, there will still be some small flaws, but SK has no flaws at all, which is even more terrifying.

This issue still needs to be looked at slowly.

When they were at the door, Qiao Mucheng could tell that they didn't really want to search the body. They were just here to tell Qiao Mucheng and Qi Sizuo that even if they were guests, they couldn't bully them if they wanted to.

This time, Qiao Mucheng didn't want to say anything. After all, there was nothing to say. As a cooperation, everyone wanted to occupy a place in this cooperation.

"But where is the exact location of this piece of land? I don't know anything about it. Wouldn't it be too hasty to just agree to cooperate?" Qi Sizuo looked at the document carefully, but didn't see anything about this piece of land. The specific shape of the land.It seems that this is an empty file, no one knows what this looks like.

The housekeeper appeared at this time and turned on the TV in the room.An aerial photo was soon released inside.

The aerial video is a thumbnail of a small island. The island is not very big, but the scenery on the small island is still good.Just looking at Qiao Mucheng gave me the urge to take a look.

"The scenery of this small island is very top-notch. In fact, with SK's financial resources, you don't need to invest a lot of money at all. But just yesterday, I discovered a big problem. Under the small island, due to the earthquake, the land and The link under the deep sea is not very strong, we need to invest a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to stabilize this small island, so as to get more feedback!"

"So this requires both of us to pay a lot of financial resources for this project. I don't have to say this, but in the principle of cooperation, I will tell you. Mr. Qiao, you should think carefully!" Qiu Weiqing said this Use retreat as advance.Now someone outside has released rumors that the Imperial Group and the SK Group are secretly cooperating, but no one knows what the cooperation is.

If at this time, Qiao Mucheng withdrew from this cooperation because of the situation on the island, people outside would not know what happened between them, and the pressure of public opinion would make it difficult for the media to describe the Imperial Group!

It has to be said that Qiu Weiqing's move was very high!

With a snap, Qiao Mucheng closed the document and put it on the table.

"Mr. Qiu is so sincere, then Qiao will also come to share a piece of the pie!"

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