"Yaoyao, it's really me." Jiang Xinyan in the dark finally admitted her identity.Jiang Xinyan held Jiang Luyao's hand, and the two sisters hugged each other tightly.

"Elder Sister, I have had a hard time looking for you. Where have you been all these years?" Jiang Luyao let go of his worry just now.

The figure in the mall before was either someone else or the elder sister.It's just that the elder sister used this method instead of looking for her directly when she came back. Could it be that there is something unspeakable?

"Sister, it's so dark here, is there a light?" Jiang Luyao didn't say that the light was okay, but when he said the light, he pushed Jiang Luyao away excitedly, and ran to the side by himself, yelling in horror.

"No, don't turn on the light, I don't want you to see me like this." Jiang Xinyan's reaction was very strong, so strong that in Jiang Luyao's impression, Jiang Xinyan would never yell like this Call.

What had happened in the past six years that made her what she is now?

"Sister, don't get excited, why don't you let me turn on the light, tell me slowly, okay?" Jiang Luyao fumbled in the direction of Jiang Xinyan along the little lights in the dark.After touching it, he put Jiang Xinyan's hand in his own, giving it warm strength.

"Sister, it's okay, we don't turn on the light, just chatting like this."

Jiang Luyao's soft voice calmed down Jiang Xinyan's impetuous heart.The comfort of family affection is more effective than any sound or medicine.

Jiang Xinyan didn't speak at first, but slowly and steadily breathed in the dark.Jiang Luyao did not urge him, but silently accompanied him by his side.

To be able to find Jiang Xinyan after six years is already a very happy thing.

After a long time, Jiang Xinyan slowly opened her mouth.

"Do you remember receiving an email two days ago?"

"Remember, that email was about you being abducted and trafficked by the second sister. I checked it later and found that it was true. Why... did you send that email to me?" Jiang Luyao thought about it, So how could someone else find out a secret transaction contract and issue it as evidence?
"It's me, that's the evidence when Jiang Wanxia sold me to India. I will never forget it in my life, and I will never forget this hatred in my life." Jiang Xinyan's eyes in the darkness flickered strangely. shine.

This hatred has been in Jiang Xinyan's heart for six years, so that one day she can tell Jiang Luyao's true thoughts about this matter, and Jiang Wanxia will finally be punished severely.

"Why did she treat you like this? We are biological sisters!" Ever since Qi Sizuo told her about this, Jiang Luyao didn't think clearly. They are sisters, why did Jiang Wanxia do this?

"Why? Haha, you still treat her like a good sister like a fool."

Jiang Xinyan laughed out loud enough, and then began to tell the story of that year.

That year, it was they who were still in their prime.

Jiang Luyao was only 18 years old that year, and she was still a young girl who had just begun to fall in love.Jiang Xinyan and Qiao Mucheng were the same age, and when the graduation season was approaching that year, Jiang Luyao always went to school to play with Jiang Xinyan.

At that time, Qiao Mucheng's iceberg face made many women hesitate, and it was precisely because of such a face that Jiang Luyao's heart was moved.

At the graduation ceremony, Jiang Luyao was very popular with everyone because of his good looks, so he specially reserved a seat for Jiang Luyao at the graduation ceremony, and specially arranged it in a side seat, so that even if he needed to take pictures , and will not take Jiang Luyao into it.

Jiang Luyao sat there excitedly watching the performers.

It was at this graduation ceremony that Jiang Luyao met Qiao Mucheng.

As a representative of the graduates, Qiao Mucheng stood on the stage in a decent suit, surrounded by spotlights, making everyone's eyes focus on the stage.

At that moment, Jiang Luyao knew that he had fallen.

Even though he was in the first grade of love, Jiang Luyao knew that he was in deep trouble.

After the graduation ceremony, Jiang Luyao embarked on a journey to chase after her husband.It will appear in the place where Qiao Mucheng appeared every day.

Over time, Qiao Mucheng got used to Jiang Luyao's presence, and he would wonder if Jiang Luyao's figure would appear in the next second wherever he went.

At a reception, Jiang Xinyan officially introduced Jiang Luyao to Qiao Mucheng, and the two officially became friends.

Qiao Mucheng doesn't like to talk, but Jiang Luyao will always find a way to make Qiao Mucheng unable to keep silent, which is why Qiao Mucheng treats Jiang Luyao differently from other women.

One day when Jiang Luyao came home, he passed by Jiang Wanxia's room. Seeing that the door was open, he wanted to go in and talk to her. Who would have thought that before he could open his mouth, he heard the voice inside.

"What are you talking about? Jiang Luyao confessed to Qiao Mucheng, and he agreed? Are you kidding me? Didn't you swear that Qiao Mucheng would not like him? Why are you together?"

Angrily, Jiang Wanxia threw the things in her hands out. It was in a box. There must be something fragile inside. When the things fell to the ground, Jiang Xinyan heard the sound of things breaking.

Jiang Xinyan is about to leave, it's better not to disturb her at this time.The foot that just took a step, heard the words inside and put it back.

"Let me tell you, since they are together, just find a way to mess things up. Jiang Luyao is a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes. If Jiang Luyao saw Qiao Mucheng having sex with other women with his own eyes, the relationship must be It won't go too far. Any woman, let alone such a stubborn person, will not continue to be with him. "

After hearing this, Jiang Xinyan quietly exited the door and quietly returned to her room. After closing the door, Jiang Xinyan didn't know how to tell Jiang Luyao that they had just started at that time. This incident delayed Jiang Luyao.

I had no choice but to tell Jiang Luyao after a while.And Jiang Xinyan has the habit of keeping a diary, so she naturally wrote this matter in.

Somehow, this diary was seen by Jiang Wanxia.Before Jiang Xinyan had a chance to tell Jiang Luyao, the diary had already been destroyed.

When Jiang Xinyan was talking about this, her voice began to tremble.

"Jiang Wanxia was looking for me all over the world like a lunatic, but I wanted to find you, but before I found it, Jiang Wanxia took me away. She took me into a dark dark room. There were many people in that room. Worm, she's watching me break down in the light. She's a pervert, devil!"

The more Jiang Xinyan spoke, the more excited she became, she kept waving her hands, and looked ahead in horror, as if standing in front of Jiang Wanxia, ​​she could strangle her to death.

"Elder sister, don't get excited, don't say it, don't say it!" Jiang Xinyan already believed what Jiang Wanxia did when she heard this, but she didn't expect that the elder sister suffered this crime because of her. I haven't heard about it. If the elder sister doesn't come home one day, there may be other results in the past six years.

"Before I finished, Jiang Wanxia tortured me with neither human nor ghost, so that I had no strength to escape. She contacted me, bought me, and sold me to India. She is still a very ugly old man. A man with scars all over his face and bad breath. Anyone within a meter of him can smell it. But Jiang Wanxia sold me to him as his wife!"

"I tried to escape on the road, but was caught by Jiang Wanxia. She ordered people to beat me, and even... asked her subordinates to rape|rape|me!"

"I haven't run away since then. No matter how I run away, I am no longer the clean me I used to be. When I arrived in India, the old man wanted to be with me on the first day... I tried my best to refuse, but what I got in return was a severe beating. , I didn’t have the strength to resist the beating, and in the end, everything happened.”

"Every time he comes back from gambling, he will vent on me, beat, scold, and rape|rape, he does this every time, even when he comes to my aunt, he can do whatever he wants, and he never cares!"

"I lived a life like this for a year. I didn't expect that God didn't think I was miserable enough, and even made me pregnant. During my pregnancy, the old man stopped beating and scolding me, but he still beat and kicked me. Then the child died. I was born prematurely. I still don’t know where my baby is, if it’s still alive.”

Jiang Xinyan cried and fell into Jiang Luyao's arms, sobbing non-stop.

Jiang Luyao patted Jiang Xinyan's shoulder to comfort him, "It's okay, when I get home, tell Qiao Mucheng that he will definitely find it. By the way, how did you come back?"

Jiang Luyao touched Jiang Xinyan's face. Just as his hand touched it, he subconsciously bounced it away.

"How about it, do you find it ugly? That's why I turned on the light for you to see. I am no longer the Jiang Xinyan six years ago. Now I am ugly all over the body. Walking on the street, everyone will Think I'm a weirdo and stay away from me."

Jiang Xinyan's tone was full of loss and despair for life.Maybe if it wasn't for Jiang Luyao, if it wasn't for the fact that she had a son in the place she hated, maybe Jiang Xinyan couldn't think about it long ago and went to the Paradise of Elysium.

"Sister, I just didn't know you would be beaten like this. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to make you look bad!" Jiang Luyao said as he touched the scar again.When he touched one, his hatred for Jiang Wanxia increased a little. Just like that, Jiang Luyao touched all the scars on Jiang Xinyan's face.

Jiang Luyao's heart has long lost half of her gratitude and affection for Jiang Wanxia, ​​and she is so full of hatred that she can't wait to kill Jiang Wanxia now.

"Elder sister, don't worry, I will definitely avenge this revenge for you! Tell me how you came back?" Jiang Wanxia kept Jiang Xinyan there, just because she was sure that no one would be able to find her, and no one would be able to find her. .

Those who can bring Jiang Xinyan back must have backgrounds.

"You are very familiar with this person. When I left, I left my clothes. I wrote the letters YD on it. Then he found me after many inquiries and tried his best to rescue me!"

"The person you're talking about can't be him!"

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