Qiao Mucheng drove the car at a high speed. Before he got home, he saw many cars parked in front and a group of people fighting.

Rainy night, mixed with the smell of earth, filled the surroundings.This breath deeply stimulated every nerve in Qiao Mucheng.

In the chaos, Qiao Mucheng couldn't see who was his person and who was the enemy.

"Jiang Luyao, Jiang Luyao, where are you?" The rain soaked Qiao Mucheng's bangs, and they stuck tightly to his face.The rain drenched his eyes, but Qiao Mucheng still tried his best to distinguish Jiang Luyao's figure from the crowd.

"Brother Cheng, here!" The captain was the first to spot Qiao Mucheng, and after ensuring the safety of the person in his arms, the captain waved towards Qiao Mucheng.

"Why is Qiao Mucheng here?" The person on the other side heard someone calling and looked back to find that it was Qiao Mucheng.Before he had time to think too much, he ordered his subordinates to stop, ran back to his car and drove away.

The captain hadn't handed over Jiang Luyao to Qiao Mucheng's hands, and the opponent had already left.

"Brother Cheng, I'm sorry." The captain carefully handed Jiang Luyao into Qiao Mucheng's hands, and knelt down on one knee to admit his mistake to Qiao Mucheng.

After watching the enemy go away, the bodyguard behind him also knelt down along with the captain's movements.

Kneeling down like this, the icy cold water will immediately soak the clothes, it is icy cold, but these bodyguards have long been accustomed to such a temperature, kneeling on one knee in the rain without even frowning.

Qiao Mucheng carefully picked up Jiang Luyao who was lying in his arms, and told the captain, "Go home!"

The two of them hugged Jiang Luyao and sat in the back seat together. The captain of the bodyguard outside knew that this time the punishment would not be avoided, but the more important thing now was to send Jiang Luyao home safely.

Randomly sent someone to sit in Qiao Mucheng's car and drove home.

Holding Jiang Luyao into the hall, Aunt Gu walked out with a bowl of soup.Seeing Jiang Luyao weakly fell into Qiao Mucheng's arms, Aunt Gu couldn't hold the soup in her hand and fell to the ground, spilling hot soup on the carpet.

"Ah, ah?" Aunt Gu didn't care about the burns on her feet, and quickly ran to Qiao Mucheng's side to check Jiang Luyao's injuries, but she couldn't even catch the shadow, so Qiao Mucheng carried Jiang Luyao back. Arrived at the master bedroom.

"Called Ah Zhe." Qiao Mucheng didn't know how to make arrangements, so he returned to the bedroom and carefully placed Qiao Mucheng under the quilt.

Grasping the hand outside, Qiao Mucheng felt a chill.This is how long it took to be soaked by the rain outside to soak the body so cold.

Holding Jiang Luyao's hand in the palm of his hand, he tried to warm the cold Jiang Luyao with his breath.The temperature alone is not enough, Qiao Mucheng even forgot about taking a bath, rushed into the bathroom and brought a basin of hot water to the bedroom, and wiped Jiang Luyao over and over again with a hot towel.

"Only in such a time can you listen to me quietly and well."

"You have to hold on, there are still many things that have not come to tell you."

Qiao Mucheng just wiped it like this until Ah Zhe arrived with the medicine box.

"Young Master Qiao, it's impossible for you to come to me!" Azhe started teasing Qiao Mucheng as soon as he entered the room.Having been friends for so many years, Ah Zhe knew what happened just now, but it was rare for Qiao Mucheng to look at someone so seriously, and his intuition must be a woman.

I don't know which woman is so lucky to be so favored by the iron tree in Qiao Mucheng.

"Stop talking nonsense and look at her first." Qiao Mucheng put the towel in the basin, continued to hold Jiang Luyao's hand and placed it on his cheek.

"How can I show her if you don't get up? I'm not a miracle doctor, I won't take an oath to diagnose the pulse!" A Zhe put the toolbox in his hand on the table, opened it, took out a stethoscope and a thermometer, and stood aside to look at Qiao Mucheng's chest. Looking at it, he kicked Qiao Mucheng's ass hard from behind.

Qiao Mucheng let go of his hands and stood up, pretending to be indifferent and walked aside, but when passing by Azhe, he never forgot to tell Azhe the warning.

"It's not good, you are waiting for your arms and legs to be broken!"

"Your sister!" Ah Zhe grimaced at Qiao Mucheng's back, with a non-serious expression on his face, but Qiao Mucheng believed in him, otherwise he would not have been invited here.

Although Ah Zhe talked to Qiao Mucheng so casually, he was still very serious when seeing the doctor.After taking my temperature and listening to my lungs, I was sure and rolled my eyes.

After hanging up the fever-reducing potion and salt water on Jiang Luyao, he looked at Qiao Mucheng with a pair of phoenix eyes.

"Master Qiao, I'm a doctor, but I'm also a doctor with principles. If you don't come to me for such a small cold that is not difficult, okay?" When seeing this woman for the first time, Ah Zhe knew that there was nothing wrong with this woman.Just because of the morality of a doctor, he still showed her seriously.

It's just that even a doctor who just practiced can understand this disease, so he has to be tortured all the way.

Why bother?
"Ah Qi, clean up Ah Zhe's guest room!"

"Yes, sir." Ah Qi glanced at the angry Dr. Ah Zhe, and left with a smirk.

Every time Ah Zhe came here, Qiao Mucheng would piss him off, but the two of them had been friends since childhood.From this point of view, it is the fate that the two cannot break up no matter how much they fight.

What's more, every time he came here, it was Ah Zhe who provoked the cold Qiao Mucheng. Even though he knew that Qiao Mucheng would not give him good looks, he was still willing to tease him.But the two of them will not be really angry.

Even if the quarrel is so intense this time, no matter what the other party has, they will rush to the scene as soon as possible.

"Remember, all three bottles have to be transfused! Hey, I really can't worry about it!" A Zhe finally ordered, just like Qiao Mucheng's parents, and walked out with a sigh.

After arriving at the guest room, Ah Zhe carefully looked at the furnishings here, grabbed Ah Qi and asked, "This room in your house is different from before!"

Ah Qi covered her mouth and smiled secretly, of course it is different here, the old furniture was all thrown away by the wife, there is not a single thing here that can be regarded as left over from the past.

"What are you laughing at? Ah Qi, what are you hiding from me? Is it about your wife?" Ah Zhe sat on the bed and stared at Ah Qi without blinking, with a hint of threat in his eyes breath.

"Master Ah Zhe is really smart. This is indeed related to Madam, because this room was remodeled by Madam!"

"Remodeling? I heard it right. With your Mr. Qiao's temper, it is a miracle that someone dares to touch the furnishings in his house and still have a chance to keep them in stock." A photo frame was placed on another cabinet, and Qiao Mucheng banned him from entering Qiao's residence for a year.

He can vividly remember what happened that time.

"Well, you heard it right, it was transformed by the lady you saw just now." Ah Qi couldn't help admiring her after she finished speaking.At the beginning, the only one who was able to jump Qiao Mucheng's feet was the current one, but at present, this special position has been replaced by his wife.

"Who is this lady of your family? That elm bump in Qiao Mucheng finally knows how to open up." A Zhe didn't know much about Jiang Luyao's question.He just returned to China last week. He went abroad to study eight years ago to study medicine in order to continue to benefit mankind.

"You will know in the future." Ah Qi will not tell Ah Zhe, if he waits for his wife to wake up in the future, maybe there will be a good show to watch!
In the bedroom upstairs, Qiao Mucheng sat on the sofa and watched the progress step by step, and couldn't help but watch it a few more times.

When watching it for the fourth time, Qiao Mucheng felt that the infusion was too slow after that, but he didn't dare to speed up the infusion of the medicine on his own, after all, this is related to life.

"Ah Qi, ask Aunt Gu to come up and watch her."

After explaining to Qiao Mucheng, he went downstairs, walked through the corridor of the house, and walked to the place where the bodyguard lived.

At this time, no one went to sleep, and no one changed out of their wet clothes. Everyone was anxiously waiting for Qiao Mucheng's decision.

When he saw Qiao Mucheng, he stood in front of Qiao Mucheng, bowed his head and deeply repented, "It's all because the subordinates are useless, and made Madam suffer such difficulties. No matter how to punish, the subordinates don't have a single complaint!"

"No complaints." A large group of bodyguards behind stood here, looking at Qiao Mucheng with deep apology.In the hearts of the bodyguards, it was because they didn't protect them well that Jiang Luyao suffered such difficulties.

"When did the wave of people who attacked you appear today?" Qiao Mucheng didn't think this was the biggest problem.The biggest problem was that he had just arrived, and the group of people retreated suddenly as if they had foreseen it.

If this person is not here for him, then he is sent by someone related to him, and there is only one person who can do this.

Qiao Mucheng didn't want to think about everything in the direction of that result, but he was so restless that it would be difficult even if he didn't want to pursue it.

"Ten minutes before you appeared. At first Madam wanted to go for a walk alone. We persuaded her, but Madam didn't listen to us. Instead, she ran forward excitedly as soon as we appeared. Afraid that something might happen to Madam, hurry up I am busy calling you, but these people who came to attack us are premeditated, they are well-trained, and every time they attack, they are facing Madam."

"Sure enough... I just don't know what a complete cessation is."

"They are very heavy strikes. Although they use sticks, they are fully prepared for every attack." The captain analyzed carefully and quickly came to a conclusion.

"Their goal should be..."

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