Jiang Luyao finished his lunch under Qiao Mucheng's surveillance and returned to his office. He wanted to talk about things with Qiao Mucheng, but he didn't expect the meal to be so embarrassing.

After Jiang Luyao left, Qiao Mucheng took out the phone in his hand and dialed a number, "Send her an email and send her the evidence."

After speaking, Qiao Mucheng made another phone call, "Look at her carefully, don't let anything happen!"

After doing all this, Qiao Mucheng closed his eyes tiredly.

Jiang Luyao returned to the office and started a new round of busy work.When it was time to get off work, the mailbox prompted a new email.

An email from an unfamiliar number, Jiang Luyao suddenly thought of the email from last time.I don't know if it was sent by the same person.

Jiang Luyao opened the email with the intention of giving it a try, but what he saw was a contract for human trafficking.

The contract was very simple and it was also handwritten, but it was obvious that the person who was traded was Jiang Xinyan, and the manipulator was actually Jiang Wanxia?
Jiang Luyao covered her mouth in disbelief. Jiang Xinyan was her eldest sister whom she loved the most, but she was sold to India, and this person was actually Jiang Wanxia?
This is absolutely impossible!

Jiang Luyao didn't dare to worry about this, but it wasn't just this contract, there was also a photo in the email, I don't know who took it, but it was obvious that Jiang Xinyan was erected, and standing The people around Jiang Xinyan could tell from their appearance and clothes that that person was Jiang Wanxia.

This email only has these two photos, but it is enough to show that the disappearance of the eldest sister back then has a lot to do with the second sister Jiang Wanxia.

But this matter must not be that simple.

Jiang Luyao saved the two photos in his mobile phone, wrote down the email address, and then deleted the email completely.Then shut down the computer and leave.

After leaving the company, Jiang Luyao took a taxi and went directly to Qi Sizuo's residence in S City.It's just that he was at the door but couldn't go in. After ringing the doorbell for a long time, Qi Sizuo didn't intend to come out to open the door.

Jiang Luyao was really in a hurry, so he called Qi Si at the door of Zuo's house, and the phone rang twice before being connected.

"Hey, where are you? I have something urgent to find you!" Jiang Luyao bit her lower lip tightly. She was not sure about the origin of these two photos, and she couldn't believe that Jiang Wanxia was like this. people.

They are sisters, how could Jiang Wanxia do this?
"I'm at home, tell me what's going on!" Qi Sizuo's tone was laziness, and the hoarse voice sounded like he was still asleep just now, and he hadn't fully woken up yet.

"I'm at your door, hurry up and open the door." Jiang Luyao said and kicked Qi Sizuo's door again.

Qi Sizuo came out from the bedroom wearing home clothes, his handsome face was not like he just woke up, his handsome face still showed a look of impatience, after hanging up the phone in his hand, he was still on the sofa , and yelled silently at the gate, "Your uncle Qiao Mucheng, why don't you hurry up and pay me for the door, and pay for my mental damage!
After venting, Qi Sizuo pulled his hair into a mess, as if he had just woken up.

After opening the door, he put the door on the door frame with one hand, "What's the matter, you rushed into my house!"

Jiang Luyao pushed open the door in front of him and walked in directly.Although Qi Sizuo, a big man, is a bit cheap when he is not solving the case, he is still very good in his private life, at least the house is very clean and tidy.

"Hey, why don't you come into a single man's house like this? Don't you come and turn around and your Qiao always demolished my house again!" Qi Sizuo complained while sitting on the sofa farthest from Jiang Luyao.

A pair of eyes looked at Jiang Luyao through the pillow.Although Qi Sizuo knew the purpose of her coming, he just had to wait for Jiang Luyao to speak.

"Don't talk nonsense, he knows and can't do anything. I came today to ask you to help me find out something. When my eldest sister disappeared, I couldn't find any clues. Someone sent me an email today. , it shows the evidence that my eldest sister was sold."

After Jiang Luyao finished speaking, he lowered his head and bit his lips tightly, so that he could explain this question carefully to Qi Sizuo in a sober state.But every time Jiang Xinyan was sold to India, she couldn't continue talking.

Back then at the Jiang family, the eldest sister was the one who loved her the most.I didn't expect the fate of the eldest sister to be so rough.The place where she was sold to India must have had a hard time for her.

Qi Sizuo was not in a hurry, but sat down opposite Jiang Luyao very seriously and waited for her to finish her statement.

"This is a photo. I want you to check for me. Is this evidence true?" Jiang Luyao turned on the phone and handed it to Qi Sizuo, still unable to stop his excitement.

As long as the whereabouts of the eldest sister are known, then there is a chance to find the eldest sister.Although it may be a few years late, it is impossible to keep the eldest sister outside.

Go back and tell Jiang Wanxia the news, oh no, this is what Jiang Wanxia did.If this matter is true, then... is it true that what she said all these years is false.Including the disappearance of Jiang Xinyan, the changes in the Jiang family...

Jiang Luyao didn't dare to think about everything, that a sister who was once so good turned out to be the last black hand who sold the eldest sister...

Qi Sizuo went to pick up a cup of hot water and handed it to Jiang Luyao, then picked it up and looked at it carefully.After looking at it for a while, he said, "This photo is real from the current point of view, but I still don't know if this contract is real. I will show this photo to my colleagues for verification."

After Qi Sizuo sent the photo to his phone, he handed the phone to Jiang Luyao.

"Don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders, and I will give you the answer in three to five days." This time, Qi Sizuo didn't need to delay any longer, as Qiao Mucheng decided to tell her this matter.

"Thank you very much, I'll go first!" Jiang Luyao stood up and swayed accidentally, Qi Sizuo helped Jiang Luyao's shoulders from behind, pressed her on the sofa, and asked worriedly.

"are you OK?"

"I'm fine. Do you have any sugar? Candy cubes or any kind of sugar is fine." Jiang Luyao has a problem with hypoglycemia. In the past, he would put two pieces of sugar in his bag to prevent this kind of thing, but this time he came out in such a hurry that he forgot up.

Qi Sizuo scratched his head in embarrassment, and smiled awkwardly, "Well, white sugar is okay? You know I won't eat that!"

"A cup of sugar water is enough!" Jiang Luyao lay on the sofa as he spoke, still wondering about Jiang Xinyan's incident. If this person knew the news a long time ago, why didn't he tell her earlier? Tell her later, but at this time.

Qi Sizuo quickly brought a cup of sugar water, but he also added a little bit of ingredients in it.Jiang Luyao fell asleep on the sofa not long after finishing his drink.

After covering Jiang Luyao with the blanket, Qi Sizuo ran upstairs to the bedroom and called Qiao Mucheng.

"This incident hit Jiang Luyao quite hard. Why did you choose to tell her at this time?"

"I met Jiang Wanxia yesterday." Qiao Mucheng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, looking at Jiang Hei's scenery, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his eyes were full of sorrow.

"Yesterday? Why?"

"I just want to see what kind of tricks she wants to play. She made it clear that she wants to kill me, and she won't let Jiang Luyao go. She won't let anyone in the Jiang family go. She It's all like this, I want to fight back. I want to protect Yaoyao! But she must be clear about this step."

Now that Jiang Luyao has been brainwashed by Jiang Wanxia, ​​he can no longer see his own heart clearly, nor can he see Jiang Wanxia's real face clearly.If she wanted to protect Jiang Luyao properly, she had to go through this process.

"Is this woman Jiang Wanxia crazy? That's her sister, she just has the heart to do that." Anyway, they have a family relationship, so why would Jiang Wanxia do this.

Even if he hated the fact that Qiao Mucheng didn't love her, would he not even care about his own family affection?

"Don't you remember? She sold Jiang Xinyan to India back then. She is a heartless woman, no one can stop her madness!"

"Yes, that's how she is. By the way, Jiang Luyao fell asleep at my place, come and pick her up!"

Less than half an hour after putting down the phone, Qiao Mucheng drove to Qi Sizuo's house, hugged Jiang Luyao in his arms, and walked out in stride.

After walking to the door, Qiao Mucheng stopped while hugging Jiang Luyao, looked at Qi Sizuo coldly and said, "From now on, don't let her sleep with you!"

Looking at Jiang Luyao's sleeping state, Qiao Mucheng knew that he was not sleeping normally. If he didn't think that the person who did this was Qi Sizuo, he would have turned his back on him long ago.Although Qiao Mucheng knew that Qi Sizuo would move, no one would move Jiang Luyao.Otherwise, he wouldn't be so relieved to let Qi Sizuo take care of her.

It's just that from time to time, Jiang Luyao is more feminine now, not to mention that his figure is also protruding, whether he is sure that Jiang Luyao is still Qi Sizuo's favorite.

"I'm not that hungry. If I really want to do something, do I still need to call you?" Qi Sizuo was really convinced. If he wasn't afraid that something would happen to Jiang Luyao if he left him, he would He won't let Jiang Luyao fall asleep with him.

"It's good that you know who she is!" Qiao Mucheng left without looking back after finishing speaking, and Qi Si, who was arrested, almost demolished the house in a fit of anger.

Carrying Jiang Luyao carefully back home, just as she was put on the bed, Jiang Luyao woke up, saw himself waking up in a familiar place, sat up with some doubts, "Why am I here?"

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