100 Days of Honey Wars: Dictatorship Boss, flirt

Chapter 120 Abandoned by the whole world

Qiao Mucheng sat on the other side of the bed, working with one hand while paying attention to Jiang Luyao's situation.Even reading a romance novel made her cry.

When I cry, I sleep peacefully.The only way to be safe is to hold his hand.

Busy until early morning, he withdrew his hand from Jiang Luyao's, went to the bathroom, and continued to sleep holding Jiang Luyao's hand.

In his sleep, Jiang Luyao went back to six years ago.At that time, Qiao Mucheng looked at Jiang Luyao coldly, shook off her tightly clenched hand, and strode away.That determined back didn't stop at all.

Jiang Luyao rushed towards the back, roaring heart-piercingly, "Don't leave me behind, Mucheng, Mucheng!"

No matter how much he shouted, Qiao Mucheng's back was so hard, he refused to look back.Jiang Luyao trotted along, and saw a girl waiting by the side of the road. She looked very vague and didn't know who it was, but she recognized the dress.

Isn't that the dress Tang Jiaren gave her in the photo that the woman was wearing?The two walked with their fingers intertwined, laughing all the way.

It turned out that after leaving her, Qiao Mucheng lived a good life, and found another woman to take her place in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Luyao froze his body and watched Qiao Mucheng lead the woman away. Turning his head in the middle, Jiang Luyao was sure that the side face was Qiao Mucheng.

It's true that Qiao Mucheng never loved her. The person he really loved was that woman, the woman who used to live in Qiao's residence.


A familiar voice that she hadn't heard for many years, a voice she missed the most called her name behind her back.

Jiang Lu turned around and saw the person in his memory.

The scene around her suddenly changed. Jiang Luyao saw that this was her home.


Jiang Quanming, dressed in his favorite Chinese tunic suit, stretched out his hand towards Jiang Luyao, "Yaoyao, Yaoyao!"

Jiang Luyao ran forward, but in one place, it was as if he was covered in a glass. When he ran over, the glass couldn't be broken, so he could only look at his father who was close at hand.

"Yaoyao...Yaoyao..." Jiang Quanming kept calling Jiang Luyao's name.Suddenly his face became ferocious, Jiang Quanming covered his heart, and slowly squatted down.

Jiang Quanming has a heart condition and always carries medicine with him.

"Father, hurry up, you have medicine in your pocket, take it!" Jiang Luyao anxiously patted the object in front of her, she couldn't see and touch it, but she couldn't make it through, she could only watch Jiang Quanming get sick, and Can't get special medicine.

"Hurry up, there is medicine in your pocket. Take it quickly, don't stop me, let me go out." Jiang Luyao walked around and found that no matter how many meters between her and Jiang Quanming, there was Two people can never meet together through one thing.

"Yaoyao, you have to live well..." Jiang Quanming looked at Jiang Luyao who was not far away and suddenly laughed, as if he had come to relief.

Jiang Luyao looked at Jiang Quanming's hand that was slowly hanging down, and screamed like crazy.

"No, don't. Dad, why don't you take the medicine, the medicine is by your side." Jiang Luyao knelt there and looked at the medicine bottle that fell out of the ground.

The medicine bottle was small and round, and it rolled in a certain direction until it rolled in front of Jiang Luyao.

I thought the medicine bottle would stop, but the medicine bottle rolled into her hand.

As long as the medicine bottle can reach her, she can go out.But standing up again, there is still no way to get out of this predicament.

Jiang Luyao opened the small medicine bottle in his hand and looked at it.

There is no medicine?
Jiang Luyao looked at the medicine bottle in his hand and threw it out viciously.

Crouching on the ground and crying helplessly, the surrounding scene changed again, and her clothes were wet by the cold rain.Before Jiang Luyao could react, a knife flashed behind him.

This... isn't this the time when he was hunted down during training?

This is just a dream, not real.

Jiang Luyao didn't run away, thinking that this place was really just a dream.A man in black chased after him, raised his knife and slashed at Jiang Luyao's back.

The pain was burning in her back like a fire. Jiang Luyao touched her back and moved it close to her nose. She asked about the smell of blood, and even smelled the smell of death.

It turned out that this was not a dream, but real.

It seems that these people were also sent by one of those enemies.Jiang Luyao turned around and dodged another knife from the man in black, seized the opportunity while dodging, grabbed the knife from the man in black, and killed him with one blow.

When fleeing abroad, I knew what it meant to be the weak and the strong, and if I wanted to survive on my own, I had to be more ruthless than others.

With a long knife in his hand, Jiang Luyao followed the sixth sense and ran in a certain direction, with many pursuers behind him.

Running desperately, the rain hit my body and my face hurt, but these were more important than running for my life.The wound behind her was still aching.Jiang Luyao didn't stop, and continued to run.

Running and running, my physical strength was a little weak, and my speed gradually slowed down.Jiang Luyao ran to the edge of the cliff, secretly thinking that fate was too unfair to her.

Escaping for his life, he managed to escape to a cliff.She should buy a lottery ticket, so that she can probably win the jackpot.

Jiang Luyao fled to the side, and he had no strength for a long time. Jiang Luyao was holding a knife, and his red eyes revealed countless murderous auras.Jiang Luyao fought the man in black desperately.

They kept creating wounds on her body, but they didn't get any benefits, and they all lost their heads.

In the end, when there was only one person left, Jiang Luyao had no strength left to fight again. Jiang Luyao stood there and glanced coldly, "You are the only one left. If you run now, I can give you some more money." Give me a chance to live."

The man in black did not heed Jiang Luyao's advice, but continued to press forward step by step.

Jiang Luyao didn't have the strength, but still persisted. Xiaobu slowly retreated and reached the edge of the cliff. The man in black seemed even more excited, and came towards Jiang Luyao brandishing a knife.

When Jiang Luyao turned around, the man in black was so inertial that he couldn't stand up and fell off the cliff.It's just that Jiang Luyao didn't expect that her clothes would be caught by the man in black and they would fall into the abyss together...

"Don't...don't..." Jiang Luyao woke up yelling, this time the nightmare was the sum of the previous two days.The dream of the previous two days was half done, and was woken up by Qiao Mucheng, but this time it was completely finished.The events of the past six years were picked up by this dream for her to relive again.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here!" Qiao Mucheng hugged Jiang Luyao in his arms, and patted his back lightly to comfort him.

After a long while, Jiang Luyao came to his senses and withdrew from Qiao Mucheng's embrace. Looking at Qiao Mucheng's gentle eyes, it seemed that he had returned to six years ago for a moment.

Six years ago was their best time. They were together desperately, but after all, they paid the price.

Qiao Mucheng's comforting and gentle eyes were the best poison. Jiang Luyao was fascinated by watching them. Thinking of them, he panicked for a moment.

This was the way Qiao Mucheng looked at her six years ago when there was no accident at home.

There was clearly concern in his eyes, but was deeply buried by the stubbornness in front of the eyes.

Jiang Luyao's brain was out of control, and he hugged Qiao Mucheng's head with both hands and kissed it.Just like how Qiao Mucheng used to be, the little tongue played with Qiao Mucheng's mouth for a while, biting Qiao Mucheng's thin lips.

The mouths of the two were mixed with each other's saliva and blood. This kiss was not gentle but full of longing.

Qiao Mucheng took Jiang Luyao's tongue and danced lightly, turning over and pressing Jiang Luyao down. The two entered into the battle enthusiastically...

Afterwards, Jiang Luyao tiredly closed his eyes and fell asleep leaning against Qiao Mucheng's arms.

Qiao Mucheng kissed Jiang Luyao's forehead in distress, and closed his eyes with his arms around Jiang Luyao.

Waking up in the morning, Jiang Luyao's sore body hinted to her what happened last night.

The two woke up at the same time, and when Jiang Luyao looked up, he met Qiao Mucheng who came early in the morning.

The atmosphere is honey\juice embarrassing.

Jiang Luyao sat down and pulled the quilt tightly over his body.And the two of them were just a quilt, and when Jiang Luyao dragged it away, Qiao Mucheng's body naturally disappeared.

Qiao Mucheng was lying naked on the bed, Jiang Luyao turned his face away and didn't look there, although he could see everything at a glance.

"Why are you shy? Didn't you enjoy using it last night?" After Qiao Mucheng said this, Jiang Luyao's face turned even redder.

Hearing what he said, it seemed that she had forced him.

"You don't have to deny it, it's because you raped me." Qiao Mucheng got up unhurriedly, naked, and somewhere in his crotch was trembling.

Jiang Luyao looked at Qiao Mucheng in surprise and wanted to say how did you know.

"Impossible, how can I..." Before I could say anything, my eyes accidentally saw...

"I like to watch it so much, I'll be generous and let you watch it for a while." Qiao Mucheng walked to Jiang Luyao, who buried his head in the quilt.

"Impossible, if I rape you, you can push it away!" Anyway, Jiang Luyao would never believe it, nor would he admit that he raped Qiao Mucheng.

"I have no reason to refuse what my wife wants to do. Just like what Mr. Qiao is going to do, Mrs. Qiao can't refuse a reason."

"You are shameless..."

It was a long time later that Jiang Luyao showed up. At that time, Qiao Mucheng had already showered and changed his clothes.

"You don't have to go to the company today, I have a party tonight, try to come back as soon as possible!"

"Oh, actually, you don't need to report to me."

"..." Qiao Mucheng didn't say anything, just put on his tie and walked out.

Jiang Luyao was the only one left in the room, thinking about everything from last night and some things that came to his mind.

Meng only remembers seeing her father, and the rest is not impressive.As for the rest of the matter... Jiang Luyao no longer had the time to think about it.Quickly ran into the bathroom.

At this moment, Jiang Luyao did not expect that a small life was silently developing in her womb...

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