100 Days of Honey Wars: Dictatorship Boss, flirt

Chapter 112 Business Trip, Be Good!

Qiao Mucheng hugged Jiang Luyao along the way, and she curled up in Qiao Mucheng's arms like a kitten until she slowly fell asleep.

When he got home, Qiao Mucheng realized that the woman in his arms had fallen asleep.He did something that moved her so much that she fell asleep.

Picking up Jiang Luyao who was sleeping heavily, when passing by the living room, Aunt Gu happened to be in the living room, "I have a bouquet of roses in the car, take it back and find a vase to put it in. Send it to the master bedroom tomorrow."

Aunt Gu nodded, turned around and went to find the vase.

Qiao Mucheng carried Jiang Luyao back to the room, and untied the clothes on her body. The tube top skirt fell to the ground, and she was wearing nothing under the clothes...

Enduring a certain desire, Qiao Mucheng took off all the clothes on her body, carried her into the bathroom and rinsed her briefly.Just as Qiao Mucheng was about to carry her out of the bathtub, Jiang Luyao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Qiao Mucheng in a daze.

Facing a naked woman with a good figure, not to mention this woman is his wife, how could he control it.

Aiming at those addictive red lips, he kissed, and gradually slid his hand forward from the back until it was firm and soft. That kind of touch stimulated all the nerves in Qiao Mucheng's body, just like the last time Jiang Luyao was drunk. Same.

Qiao Mucheng committed a crime against Jiang Luyao in the bathroom uncontrollably...

How can Qiao Mucheng, who has been abstinent for many years, be satisfied once?Toss until dawn before falling into a deep sleep.Jiang Luyao also fell asleep in Qiao Mucheng's arms.

Jiang Luyao woke up in a daze in the morning, but when he turned over, he felt as if his body had been run over by several trucks. There was not a piece of flesh in his body that was not painful.

"What's going on!" Jiang Luyao sat up and the silk fell off his body, revealing his naked body.Jiang Luyao hurriedly covered his chest with the quilt and looked around the room, but there was no one there.

last night……

Jiang Luyao recalled the way back, and then had a very real erotic dream for no reason.In the dream, she and Qiao Mucheng rolled the sheets, from the bathroom to the sofa, then to the floor and the bed, tossing and tossing until dawn before falling asleep...

Compared with the feeling after having sex with Qiao Mucheng last time, she was sure that what happened last night was not a dream, but a real sex with Qiao Mucheng...

"Jiang Luyao, you are really doomed. You have been put to sleep twice and you still haven't woken up. A bad marriage proposal can make you fascinated. You are really capable!" Jiang Luyao scolded herself on the bed. For a long time, I dragged my sore body to take a bath until I felt comfortable.

After taking a bath, I found that there were traces of love all over my body, and my chest was even more serious.And she also found that the place was a little swollen.

Jiang Luyao scolded while taking a bath, "Qiao Mucheng, you are a stallion, you did it so many times in one night."

After washing, I searched for clothes that could cover up the marks all day and put them on. Sitting in front of the dresser, I saw a sticky note.The font above is strong and powerful. I went on a business trip and returned in 3 days.Get up and apply the medicine.

Jiang Luyao glanced at the ointment on the sticky note, and carefully read the instructions on it. Jiang Luyao's cheeks were almost flushed to the heels.He also knows that he is such a beast, so all the ointments he prepared for her!

Even though he felt ashamed, Jiang Luyao still took the ointment and went to the bathroom. After applying the ointment, he felt more comfortable.

Jiang Luyao looked at the time, it was nine o'clock in the morning, yesterday they tossed until it was almost dawn, and he left without sleeping for a few hours!

What does she care about?Jiang Luyao forced himself not to think about the beast that took advantage of his sleep.

"Aunt Gu, do you have any breakfast?"

Aunt Gu nodded and motioned for her to sit down.Aunt Gu just sat down like a magic trick, with all kinds of breakfast on the table.

Jiang Lu looked at the rich breakfast on the table, and looked at Aunt Gu suspiciously.

"Why so much breakfast today?"

Aunt Gu smiled and patted Jiang Luyao's hand, and wrote in her notebook, "Mister said you need nutrition for the last three days, and you have to do so much every day!"

Nutrition?This is feeding pigs.In his heart, Jiang Luyao despised Qiao Mucheng who was gone far away.

And Qiao Mucheng, who was on the plane to the United States, sneezed one after another.

Jiang Luyao picked out a few of his favorite foods, and after a few mouthfuls, he stopped eating.What happened yesterday was so big, it should be on the news.

"Ah Qi, bring me today's newspaper."

Ah Qi brought a stack of newspapers in front of Jiang Luyao, not getting too close, "Ma'am, which one do you want to see? Chaoyang, sunrise, or Nebula?"

"Give me a copy, huh? Is there Chaoyang Daily?" Jiang Luyao still remembers the last press conference, when Lei Zixiao confessed that his newspaper was Chaoyang Daily, offended Qiao Mucheng, and he was surprisingly alive. Well, fortunately.

"Yes, all the time."

"Let's go for the Chaoyang Daily, put the rest in the living room first, I'll read them later"

"Yes!" Ah Qi found out the newspaper and gave it to Jiang Luyao, and walked to the living room with another pile of newspapers.Looking at the strange wife, Ah Qi also felt strange. In the past, the husband would read all the newspapers at home, but now that the husband is on a business trip, the wife has changed her nature and wants to read newspapers.

Jiang Luyao flipped through the newspaper, and sure enough, he saw the headline was a photo of her and Qiao Mucheng kissing in front of the media.The headlines of the news are also very exciting.

Qiao Mucheng, the president of the Imperial Group, changed his previous style and proposed to show his affection.

Jiang Luyao looked at the photo carefully, and saw a leg in the corner, which made her stop her gaze.

That tattoo seems to be the one on the second sister's ankle.

When Jiang Wanxia was born, there was a red birthmark on the back of her left foot. The birthmark could not be blocked by wearing shoes, but it was easy to be interpreted as the heel was worn out by wearing shoes.So Jiang Wanxia tattooed a snake on his heel for a change.

A black snake hovered around his heel, and since he couldn't see the red birthmark, seeing that snake would still make people feel nervous, not daring to act recklessly.

Jiang Luyao looked at the photo carefully, but couldn't recognize it.Newspapers are all in black and white, so birthmarks like that will be a bit blurry, so you can only recognize them roughly.

Holding the newspaper, Jiang Luyao ran back to the bedroom, took out the computer and checked today's news, the photos he saw on the Internet were in color, and the woman with only half of her leg exposed couldn't tell who it was at all.

After Jiang Luyao zoomed in on the photo, he found that the black one could only see that it was a tattoo, but he really couldn't see what it was tattooed on.

"The location of this tattoo is almost exactly the same as that of the second sister. Could it be that the second sister has returned to China, but isn't she in the United States?" Jiang Luyao thought for a while in doubt, but couldn't understand anything.Log in to the mailbox and see four unread emails lying in the mailbox.

Except for one advertisement accident, all others were sent by Jiang Wanxia.

The first is to remind her not to forget her family feud.The second was to ask her why she didn't reply to the email.And the third letter is urging the plan to proceed.The relationship is already there, and it will be easier to steal the contract of the Imperial Group in the future, but now that the relationship is like this, it is necessary to add fuel to the fire.Conceiving a child as soon as possible is the real business.

Jiang Wanxia never cared about her well-being, but only cared about whether the plan went smoothly.

Although it is right to do so, but she is here alone, and she has to face those annoying women all the time, she is really tired.

He briefly replied to the recent situation, but he didn't say anything about having sex with Qiao Mucheng.I wanted to say one more word and ask if she came back.After thinking about it, Jiang Luyao deleted that paragraph before sending the email.

For the last month, she won't have to worry about her, and she won't complete the tasks Jiang Wanxia gave her, and she also has things to do as the vice president, which is pretty good.

After returning to the bedroom and doing this for a while, Jiang Luyao was sleepy again.Some things are too hard, and this body can't change.It is said that men are the ones who are tired of doing this, but the sequelae of women are also very serious. Why has no one ever said it?

Jiang Luyao lay on the bed, fell asleep after thinking about it.When I woke up again, it was already five o'clock in the evening.

I went downstairs to look at Aunt Gu, and there was still a while before dinner.Jiang Luyao just wandered around in the garden.Suddenly glanced at the corner, and a figure drifted past.

Jiang Luyao chased after him, but finally let him run away.Ah Qi ran out from the side, watched Jiang Luyao run again, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter? Ma'am, what's the matter?"

Jiang Luyao stopped when he heard that Ah Qi was coming.This shadow always appeared in Zeng's yard. What was it for? Was it to follow her, so she ran away when she found it.

"Did you see that black shadow just now?"

Ah Qi took two steps forward in the direction Jiang Luyao was pointing at, looked at it carefully, then shook his head, "No, there's nothing over there, ma'am, you read it wrong, right?"

"I saw it last time, did you hide people in this house?"

"Ma'am, you're overthinking, there will be no one else left after we leave this house. Aunt Gu's meal is ready, let's go back to eat!" Ah Qi tried her best to divert the topic, not wanting Jiang Luyao to continue asking this question question.

But the more strongly opposed the topic is, the easier it is to arouse people's curiosity.But Jiang Luyao was not embarrassing Ah Qi either. Since he didn't say anything, it must have been Qiao Mucheng's death order not to say anything, and she didn't force it anymore.

Back at the restaurant, sure enough, Aunt Gu had prepared the meal.There is also a large table of dishes, no matter how you look at these dishes, they are nourishing for the body.Just one dish of black chicken soup is enough tonic. What is Qiao Mucheng doing?
"Sit down and eat together, I can't eat alone!"

Ah Qi waved her hands and insisted not to sit down. Ah Qi didn't sit down, so Aunt Gu would not sit down.Jiang Luyao slammed his chopsticks on the table, "I can't speak well in this house?"

"Madam, don't be angry, we are not qualified to serve at the table, we should just eat later!" Auntie Gu also nodded after Ah Qi finished speaking.

"I'll let you eat, sit down!"

Ah Qi still wanted to persevere, but seeing that Jiang Luyao was already very angry, he simply gave up and took Aunt Gu to sit down for dinner.

The phone rang, Ah Qi went to answer the phone, and quickly walked over and handed the phone to Jiang Luyao.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Do you miss me?"

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