100 Days of Honey Wars: Dictatorship Boss, flirt

Chapter 107 An Uninvited Guest Came

"What are you doing here? You're not welcome here!" Jiang Luyao didn't intend to pay attention, turned around and walked to the living room.

Kang Yatong casually straightened the broken hair at the sideburns, and walked towards the restaurant with a calm smile.After taking a look at the layout of the restaurant, he finally chose to sit opposite Jiang Luyao.

"Aunt Gu, prepare a sandwich and milk. I'll accompany your wife to dinner!" Kang Yatong looked arrogant and arrogant, as if she was the hostess of this Qiao residence.

Aunt Gu took a look at Jiang Luyao, she was just a cook, and she would do whatever Madam said.

Jiang Luyao cut the fried egg on the plate, as if he had regarded Kang Yatong as a whole egg.On the surface, Jiang Luyao still smiled slightly, "Aunt Gu prepares an exquisite breakfast, so that no one will say that we don't treat guests well!"

With Jiang Luyao's order, Aunt Gu went to prepare without saying anything.

Jiang Luyao looked up at Kang Yatong, his big, agile eyes were always shining with a different kind of light.Hidden under these bright eyes is a deep complacency.

Kang Yatong came to demonstrate, but why?She is already married to Qiao Mucheng, so why should she be brazen as a mistress?
Yesterday's humiliation was not enough, Kang Yatong wants to feel it again?
But when she thought about why Qiao Mucheng might be with Kang Yatong for some reason, her heart ached and throbbed.

"Mrs. Qiao is indeed very generous, but it's useless for you to do this. If Brother Mucheng doesn't like you, he doesn't like you anymore. No matter how hard you struggle!" Kang Yatong couldn't hide the smile on her face, as if at this moment Qiao Mucheng The wife is Kang Yatong instead of her.

"How do you know he doesn't love me?" Jiang Luyao turned his head while speaking, and the loose clothes on his shoulders were exposed.And the fair-skinned Jiang Luyao pulled back his clothes the moment his shoulders were exposed.Just such a moment, just enough for Kang Yatong to see what should be seen.

Kang Yatong's expression changed, she looked at the watch on her wrist, ignoring the red mark.

Jiang Luyao didn't know why he had hickey marks on his gangbang. Could it be that that guy really did something that he shouldn't have done while she was sleeping?

I was still thinking about trouble, but this is the best weapon to solve this big trouble.

First send Kang Yatong away and settle the score with Qiao Mucheng.

Jiang Luyao showed her the hickey on purpose, and Kang Yatong knew about it, but she came today with big news to tell Mrs. Qiao.Judging by her appearance, she probably hasn't had time to understand this matter yet.

Kang Yatong forgot all Jiang Luyao's words and actions just now, and frowned when she waited for Aunt Gu to bring the breakfast and picked up the sandwich before she ate it.

"Jiang Luyao, is this how you treat your husband's sister? Is this edible?" Kang Yatong put the things on the plate to Jiang Luyao's side, and the sandwich inside bumped into Jiang Luyao's hand.

Seeing Kang Yatong's action, Jiang Luyao also understood that the purpose of Kang Yatong's visit today was to find her bad luck.But no matter how the guest lost his temper, Jiang Luyao, as the hostess of the family, would not be worthy of the title of Mrs. Qiao if he didn't treat Kang Yatong well.

Jiang Luyao put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up the things in front of him and put them on the plate, "Ah Qi, come here."

Ah Qi was going to take this thing out, but when he heard what Jiang Luyao said, he dropped the thing and ran over quickly.

"Ma'am, what's the matter?"

Jiang Luyao handed over the plate in his hand, and after thinking about it, he said, "I remember you raised a golden retriever. Give it a reward for the things on this plate. It usually works so hard to take care of the house and kill it for me. Killed several people who bullied me!"

Ah Qi didn't know, so he glanced at Jiang Luyao, why didn't he know when the family had a golden retriever?The servants don't have the right to speak, and he can do whatever the master says.

Kang Yatong tightened her grip on the milk cup, and her face became ugly.Didn't the bully make it clear before talking about her?This woman is so ruthless, she took the breakfast she was supposed to eat, but now it's for the dog, and she said it was a reward.Isn't this a slap in the face that she is worse than a dog?

This woman is so vicious.

"I'm sorry, the servants at home are not very sensible and don't know how to serve Miss Kang. Aunt Gu, make a good breakfast for Miss Kang." Jiang Luyao looked back at Aunt Gu and blinked.

Aunt Gu understood Jiang Luyao's thoughts, and returned to the kitchen after making an OK gesture.

Jiang Luyao was eating breakfast leisurely by the side, and he had already made up his mind that this woman would come to provoke him early in the morning. If she didn't stop this little girl from thinking that she shouldn't have, she, the wife, would still How majestic?
In less than 2 minutes, Aunt Gu served another 'breakfast' prepared according to Jiang Luyao's instructions, and put it on the table, taking a step away.

Kang Yatong's face turned darker, but even darker than this was the shapeless, colorless slice of bread.I don't know what the black and autumn patch on it is.

Looking at this thing, Aunt Gu couldn't help laughing, so she turned her head and smiled quietly.

Jiang Luyao's concentration was stronger, and when he saw something like this, he pushed it in front of Kang Yatong without changing his face, "This is the highest level of treatment we give to our distinguished guests, Miss Kang, take it slowly, I still have something to do. "

Because of Kang Yatong's arrival, Jiang Luyao spent a lot of time on her. If he didn't hurry up, he would be late today.

Kang Yatong swept a plate of things to the ground.She had always wanted to live here, but she only came here to eat a few times because of the life-saving grace that time.In the past, she could freely enter and leave Qiao Mucheng's office in the company. Since she came, not only did she lose this privilege, but she was also forced to leave the company.

Why should this woman take away everything that belonged to her as soon as she came? She must force Jiang Luyao to propose to leave Brother Mu Cheng by herself.

"Jiang Luyao, don't you know why I came to see you today?"

Kang Yatong stood up and walked to Jiang Luyao's side step by step, with a bone-piercing hatred on her cheeks painted with coquettish makeup.

"Fuck me!" For someone like Kang Yatong, Jiang Luyao felt that only these two sentences were particularly suitable to reply to her.

"The dignified wife of the president actually said such dirty words, why did Brother Mucheng marry such an uneducated woman like you?"

"Upbringing?" The best joke Jiang Luyao heard this year was Kang Yatong's.

What qualifications does a mistress who has entered the classroom have to talk to her about education?
"What about your upbringing? Did your parents teach you to destroy other people's families, go to other people's homes to sow discord and then take over the magpie's nest? How funny!"

"I'm taking the so-called sister-in-law's assessment as my younger sister. It's obvious that your assessment results are not qualified." Kang Yatong calmly took out a stack of envelopes from her bag, pulled out one of them, Jiang Luyao saw a photo of himself and Lei Zixiao at the beach.

Didn't she want to commit suicide that time, and there are still photos from the previous time. She didn't really want to die that time, but she just wanted to use Qiao Mucheng's guilt towards her so that she could make a last move.

Jiang Luyao stuffed the photo back into the envelope and threw it aside, looking at Kang Yatong with contempt.

"Sister? A younger sister who is not related by blood will take care of brother's housework. You have nothing to do when you are full!"

Jiang Luyao didn't bother to talk to her anymore. If she didn't leave after such an insult, was he too tolerant or was his IQ not online?If the IQ is not online, there is nothing to say. If the IQ is not on the same level, there is no way to explain things clearly.

"Ah Qi, take Miss Kang out later!"


Almost at the same moment, when Jiang Luyao told Ah Qi the end, Kang Yatong caught up from behind, raised her hand and slapped Jiang Luyao on the face.

The slap was caught off guard, and before Jiang Luyao could react, another slap had already been received.

The more Kang Yatong beat her, the more she felt relieved, but she didn't know what kind of foundation this had laid for her future days.Before the third slap fell, Jiang Luyao stopped him.

"Are you done yet?" Jiang Luyao's temperament has never been tolerable. She taught me a little lesson just now, but I didn't expect that the last thing people lack is self-knowledge.

Jiang Luyao slapped Kang Yatong's face four times with his backhand, without the slightest pause. The speed was so fast that Ah Qi, who had been standing aside, couldn't see clearly, but heard four crisp slaps.

Kang Yatong's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that Jiang Luyao hit her just like that.Why did Jiang Luyao hit her? His parents never hit her. Why did Jiang Luyao hit her?
Looking at Kang Yatong, Jiang Luyao knew what she was going to do, took her hand, threw Kang Yatong to the ground, and clasped her tightly with both hands, "Kang Yatong, don't think your mother is Qiao Mucheng Damn, you can do whatever you want. I may not be spoiled by others. If you dare to provoke me next time, then you can ask for blessings!"

Under desperate restraint, Kang Yatong stubbornly refused to cry, "Jiang Luyao, do you think you are awesome? Where were you yesterday? And do you know where Qiao Mucheng is? She knew I was worried about my mother, so she went to the hospital to accompany her Me, but what about you?"

Didn't Qiao Mucheng go looking for him yesterday?How could he go to the hospital to accompany Kang Yatong?Such an illogical thing, you know it was compiled by Kang Yatong as soon as you hear it.

"I naturally trust my husband, and I won't trust you as an outsider."

Jiang Luyao came out of the house, even though he said he believed in Qiao Mucheng.But all the women found their homes, so there must be some substantive evidence to be so arrogant. Today she beat Kang Yatong, and I don't know how Zhuang Huici will fight back!
Zhuang Huici, when she thought of that woman, she had a bad premonition, and this premonition made her very uneasy.

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