Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 98 Wang Yue and Wu Jiang are together again?

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you all go well before? Aren't the three of us best friends, buddies and best friends?" Chen Xinyi's eyes were red with anxiety when she saw the two of them were at war.

"Xinyi, you also said that it was the past, the past is the past, and the past is the past after all, isn't that what Qianqian you said? Isn't Gu Nian your past? Do you think you can go back to the past?" A wry smile rose from the corner of Wang Yue's mouth.

"Yue Yue, I don't know what happened between us? Tell me, what did I do wrong that made you hate me so much?" Faced with Wang Yue's sarcasm, Nie Qianqian couldn't hold back the tears.

"What happened? Nie Qianqian, don't say it as if I, Wang Yue, are making trouble for no reason. You should understand what you have done yourself?" Wang Yue seemed to be a little emotional at this time, and her voice couldn't help but rise. several tunes.

The few people who were at war in the living room hurried towards the kitchen, "Qianqian, what's wrong?" Zheng Yu's voice came first.

"It's okay." Nie Qianqian reached out to wipe away her tears, her face returned to her usual expression, but her eye circles were still red.

"Nie Qianqian, are you really good at pretending?" Wang Yue looked at Nie Qianqian and said with a sneer.

The small kitchen was instantly crowded with people. Mo Shangqian looked at Nie Qianqian's reddish eye circles and asked worriedly, "What happened?"

Nie Qianqian hurriedly shook her head and replied, "It's fine."

"Is it really okay?" Xu Hexi couldn't help asking, looking at Nie Qianqian's smile that was uglier than crying, she was very curious.

"Really all right?" Nie Qianqian said again.

Zheng Yu and Gu Nian stood aside, their faces were worried. Wang Yue stood aside and felt that this time was very dazzling. Why did he meet all scumbags, either because of her money or her body? It was with the mentality of wanting to play with her.

But Nie Qianqian is different, Mo Shangqian Xu Hexi Gu Nian Zheng Yu is better than an excellent man, why are all good men fascinated by Nie Qianqian.

"Qianqian, they are all men who like you, why don't you choose between them today?" Wang Yue's face still returned to the previous expression.

"Yueyue!" Chen Xinyi stopped Wang Yue in good time.

"What? Qianqian, do you like being surrounded by men so much?" Wang Yue said again, her tone was still as cold as ever.

"Wang Yue, don't go too far?" Mo Shangqian said in a cold tone, he didn't know what happened between Wang Yue and Nie Qianqian?But today Wang Yue's cynicism towards Nie Qianqian is all in his eyes.

"Excessive? Hehe, Mo Shangqian, don't you want to know the answer?" Wang Yue countered.

Mo Shangqian was dumbfounded. Indeed, there was a trace of luck in his heart at this moment. He hoped that what Nie Qianqian said was his own name, but he was also afraid, afraid that what Nie Qianqian would say was not his own name, so what should he do? ?Can you still stay by Nie Qianqian's side as if nothing had happened?He didn't want Nie Qianqian to be standing next to a man other than him, otherwise he might go crazy and couldn't help but kill that man.

"Ding ding ding..." Wang Yue's cell phone rang, breaking the embarrassment in the room.Wang Yue took out her mobile phone and said in a cold tone after answering the call: "You wait for me at the door."

When the words fell, Wang Yue raised the phone in his hand with a playful smile, shrugged and said, "It seems that we won't hear the answer today. My boyfriend is here to pick me up. Let's go first." Speaking of which, Wang Yue walked out slowly. When he reached the door of the kitchen, he stopped, looked back at Nie Qianqian, and said, "Qianqian, don't you want to meet my current boyfriend?"

Wang Yue's appearance gave Nie Qianqian a bad premonition. She wanted to confirm the guess in her heart, but her feet seemed to be fixed on the ground, unable to move.

Seeing that Nie Qianqian didn't catch up, Wang Yue said to Nie Qianqian who was behind her, "By the way, let me tell you, my current boyfriend is called Wu Jiang." He laughed and walked out.

Wujiang?How could that man who was once Wang Yue's nightmare be possible?Nie Qianqian didn't believe it, she ran towards the door, and saw a Porsche parked in front of Nie Qianqian's house, Wang Yue walked towards the car, the window was slowly lowered, Nie Qianqian looked not far away man can't believe his eyes.It was Wu Jiang sitting there.

"Nie Qianqian, long time no see." The familiar voice came again. Although Wu Jiang's voice had the heroic spirit of a man, it made people hear a hint of cunning.

"Yueyue, are you crazy?" Chen Xinyi also had a look of disbelief, and shouted at Wang Yue who was about to get into the car.

"Crazy, Xinyi, although Wu Jiang is not a good person, but at least I know that he stayed by my side because of my money. This is enough. I give him the money he wants, and he gives me my money." The love you want, isn't it the best of both worlds?" Wang Yue said with a smile, as if she had returned to the days when she was in love with Wu Jiang.

"Qianqian?" Standing beside Nie Qianqian, Xu Hexi glanced at her worriedly. He had already heard about Wu Jiang and Wang Yue. Ever since Wang Yue took the initiative to seduce him last time, he had already noticed the change in Wang Yue. At that time, he only thought that Wang Yue might have given up on himself because he hadn't come out of the shadow of losing his child, so he didn't mention this matter to Nie Qianqian, but now it seems that the relationship between Wang Yue and Nie Qianqian is worse than he thought.

"Yue Yue, are you really happy like this?" Nie Qianqian looked at Wang Yue and asked seriously.

Looking at Nie Qianqian's amber-like eyes, Wang Yue seemed to be able to see the inner state of a person, and said forbearance: "I am very happy now." In fact, how could she be happy, now she has no children, no lover, now Even without friends, how could she be happy?
"It's good to be happy, Yue Yue, remember, I hope you can be happy!" Nie Qianqian couldn't help but shed tears as she said, she felt sorry for Wang Yue, why did such a good girl become like this .

Wang Yue watched Nie Qianqian's tears rolling down her cheeks one by one, got into the car stubbornly, and ordered to Wu Jiang beside him, "Drive." Wu Jiang looked at Wang Yue helplessly, and drove away Nie Qianqian's house, in the rearview mirror, Nie Qianqian is still standing at the door, the sun is shining on her, but she can't feel the slightest warmth.

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