With the singing of the band, many people gradually piled up around.The atmosphere became more and more lively, blocking Nie Qianqian's view of the band.You can feel the joy of music even at a distance.Sometimes, music can touch the tentacles deep in the soul and save the beginning of a life.

The forest not far away is lush and green, and the white cobblestone path winds with no end in sight.The blond-haired and blue-eyed children are chasing after each other, and their playful laughter is as clear as the ringing of bells.Nie Qianqian looked at them with a small smile, feeling that the whole world is beautiful.

Suddenly feeling someone sitting down beside her, she looked up and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was the lead singer.With a fair complexion, his eyes are very deep when viewed up close, as if there is a light shining inside.With the luster of sapphire, Nie Qianqian sat quietly, not daring to speak easily.

"Are you Chinese?" The substandard Chinese words caught Nie Qianqian's ears.

Her inexplicable excitement made the lead singer smile shyly, and explained: "I think you look like an oriental girl, very beautiful."

"Thank you." Nie Qianqian clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkled, and praised, "Your song is also good, good."

The lead singer seemed to be a very shy boy. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Can you speak English? My name is Steven."

"My English name is summer." Nie Qianqian smiled shyly. She has always been unconfident about spoken English.

"A beautiful name." Stephen praised, not seeing such pure eyes for a long time.Especially her clean eyes looking at herself intently, listening to him sing.You can clearly see seriousness and appreciation in her eyes.

This is really exciting, just a few words of communication.Let Nie Qianqian feel that she is not a language scumbag. When it comes to learning English, she still needs a good company.

Nie Qianqian communicated at a half-baked level for a while, ending with Stephen returning to the band.She stood up, flexed her muscles, and looked at the sky that was gradually getting darker. The stars seemed to be rising soon.

At this time, the street is already flickering with lights, colorful and really beautiful.The wind was blowing, and I felt a little cold.Nie Qianqian hugged her shoulders and couldn't help but wonder if Mo Shangqian was anxiously looking for her right now.

Mo Shangqian ran a few blocks, but still couldn't find Nie Qianqian.The mouth was slightly pursed into a line, and the sharp-edged face became more and more indifferent.With a clear mind, there are loudspeakers on the side of the road, advertising.

Looking at the speaker, Mo Shangqian's lips curled up slightly, forming a beautiful arc.In this strange place, loudspeaker just can convey the wide source of sound.He approached politely and wanted to buy the horn.

The shopkeeper looked at Mo Shangqian in a daze, not knowing what he meant.

Mo Shangqian said in French: "Hi, can you sell me your speaker?"

"Oh, sir, although I don't know how useful it is to you, it seems to be very useful to you. Just give it to you." The shopkeeper noticed this handsome man from the very beginning. It seemed that he was looking for what.It must be very important to him to think about what was lost.

Mo Shangqian nodded his thanks, took out the money from his wallet and put it on the stall, and got what he wanted.The slender fingers pressed the switch key, and tried to exhale twice.

A magnetic and pleasant voice came out of the speaker, and "Nie Qianqian" flowed on his lips.There was a hint of anxiety in his calm voice, and passers-by on the street looked at him one after another.Full of doubts and amused, Mo Shangqian could clearly feel that these people's puzzlement even tinged with a hint of ridicule.

But he didn't care at all in his heart, he was full of anxiety, and he didn't know if the girl Nie Qianqian was crying or not.There seemed to be a fire in the bottom of my heart, and I was anxious and panicked.

The huge park is very well designed.Every place is just right, winding rockery, gurgling clear water.Verdant shrubs are scattered on the ground.The buildings in the distance are macro and gorgeous.

Looking around at the surrounding scenery, I watched it again and again.No matter how cheerful his personality was, he gradually became irritable.She suddenly thought that the lead singer just now could speak Chinese, but she didn't ask him how to get there.Nie Qianqian tapped herself on the head, turned around and walked back immediately, wanting to go back to the band and ask Stephen.

To my disappointment, the venue that was still lively just now was empty.She sighed, turning around to leave.But he was held back by a little boy.

The black-haired, brown-eyed boy showed his chipped teeth when he smiled and said, "Are you sister Summer? I'm Lele. Brother Stephen from the band just bought a bouquet of flowers for you, as well as a lunch box."

Nie Qianqian squatted down and smiled, "Baby, why are you here alone? Where are your parents?"

"My parents work here." The boy pointed to the restaurant behind him, "I have been performing with the band and can dance."

"That's great." Nie Qianqian squeezed his little cheek, took the things in his hands, and put them on the ground beside her. "Can Lele tell my sister, where is Stephen? Why did you give my sister something."

Lele covered her mouth and smiled: "Stephen went to the next place to perform, which is far away from here. At this time, he has already taken the subway and walked a long way."

"Well, thank you Brother Stephen for me, okay?" Nie Qianqian slightly bent her little finger and pulled the hook with Lele.

"Well, okay." Lele showed her gaping teeth, "Are you Chinese?"

Nie Qianqian smiled and said, "Of course."

"I knew you were, my sister is so gentle." Lele kissed her lightly on the face and waved to her, "Sister, I'm going back to my father, or he will be anxious later."

"Okay." Looking at Lele's bouncing figure, Nie Qianqian had a gentle smile on her face.She knelt down and picked up the flowers and bento.Standing on the street a little at a loss, accepting something from a friend I just met not long ago.It made her feel that something was wrong. The bento contained authentic Chinese food, so she must have put a lot of thought into it.

I thanked Stephen in my heart, and the action of tasting the food did not stop.There is a saying that is good, only good food and love can live up to it.

The flowers are tulips, blooming gorgeously.The blossoms are bright yellow in color and exude a sweet fragrance.Nie Qianqian walked alone with the flowers in her arms, but she came across a cemetery.

Standing in the park, she placed the flowers in front of the cemetery and bowed politely to show her respect for the lost lives.It is said that when life is unsatisfactory, you can go to two places to experience it.

One is a cemetery and the other is a hospital.In these two places, you can feel the fragility of life, and have the closest contact with the thin but invisible life membrane.

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