France, known as the romantic capital, exudes endless romantic atmosphere.Kissing couples under stylish street lamps, colorful fountains, towering tall buildings, and prosperity everywhere.

I have wanted to come to Paris, the capital of fashion, for a long time.Nie Qianqian still remembers a male classmate in elementary school, when the teacher asked if he had any dreams.Everyone said that they wanted to be teachers and scientists.Only this male classmate said that he would go to France and become an excellent photographer.Taking photos for the best and top models, when I was young and ignorant.

Some people are slightly different, just like breaking the imprisonment.His dream made everyone laugh, what is it.Could it be that she wants to see beautiful women with long legs?Today's classmate has really become a famous photographer.Going abroad, the darlings of the fashion industry are eager to let him take pictures.He can always accurately follow the most beautiful and unique taste of the individual.

Those who say they want to be teachers and scientists and dancers, it seems that only the teacher is easier to achieve.There are no other occupations.This dream of becoming everyone's talking point is a proud display.

The breeze swayed Nie Qianqian's hair, and she stood quietly on the street.People come and go, and everyone has many stories behind them.Obviously, none of this has anything to do with her.Feeling a little anxious in his heart, he looked around, trying to find that familiar figure.The result is still disappointing.

A woman dressed in fashion, with a delicate face and a vigorous walk approached.The lips painted with bright red lipstick did not know what they were talking to the person on the other end of the phone, and the aura exuded made everyone around them couldn't help but watch.Nie Qianqian was also deeply impressed by this kind of charm, and she sincerely admired the delicacy and elegance of French women from the bottom of her heart.

After she passed by, Nie Qianqian realized it later, and her eyes suddenly swept to the mobile phone she had placed next to her ear.Putting his hands on his forehead, he complained that he was really stupid. He could use his mobile phone to contact Mo Shangqian, but he didn't think of it at all.

After poking around in my bag for a while, I finally found my phone.But I found that my mobile phone didn't know when it ran out of power.A black screen made her feel desolate.It's really a foreign country, and all the bad things happen to me.

Looking around at the strangers with blonde hair and blue eyes, Nie Qianqian sighed.Sit where you can sit at the fountain ring, and finally go abroad once.It is also good to enjoy the scenery quietly, the French architecture is distinctive.Nie Qianqian regretted that she didn't bring a camera, otherwise she would have been able to take such beautiful scenery.

The sky is blue and spotless.Nie Qianqian can fully imagine the bright and shining stars shining brightly in the sky at night, each one is very like a Chinese nursery rhyme.

"Twinkle, twinkle, the sky is full of small stars, hanging in the sky to shine brightly, like many small eyes." Nie Qianqian sang this song in her mouth, sang it several times, and replaced it with humming.Some miss her mother at home. She closed her eyes and listened quietly to the regular sound of the fountain.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a very cute little boy.She has watermelon hair, blue eyes, and long black eyelashes fluttering.There were two small dimples on her fair face.Smiling sweetly at her, Nie Qianqian likes children the most.

She always believes that children are like angels.There are no activities in the adult world, clean and simple.With a smile on her face, she squatted on the ground and looked up at him.

Although he couldn't communicate in language, the little boy spoke a few words of French softly.Nie Qianqian didn't understand, but kept looking at him with a smile.The little boy was a little dazed when she didn't respond, and looked at Nie Qianqian with innocent little eyes, as if mustering up his courage.

Kissed her ear, and cheek.Nie Qianqian couldn't laugh or cry, the little angel seemed to treat her like a deaf person.Just when I was about to try to communicate in English, I heard the tune humming in the little boy's mouth, which was the little star just now.

Nie Qianqian, who had a clear mind, quickly understood the little boy's actions, clapped the beat with her hands, and followed his rhythm.Sing gently on the side, after a song.The little boy was very happy and clapped his hands excitedly.

Soon a couple came over and smiled at Nie Qianqian with a little apology and said a few words.As for Nie Qianqian, who is not very good at learning languages, although she is a voice control person, she likes to listen to the pronunciation of various countries.Feeling that language is the most beautiful note, she still couldn't understand a word.

They had no choice but to face them with a smile all the time. The young couple noticed that Nie Qianqian did not speak French.His smile deepened, and he thanked her.He bent down and said a word to the cute little boy.

Little boy, come forward and hug Nie Qianqian.After touching her lightly on the face, he returned to his parents and waved goodbye to her.Watching the family of three leave, she felt a little envious.

After the warm current in my heart passed, there was a slight sorrow, and the father of that cute little angel put him on his shoulders in one fell swoop.It reminded Nie Qianqian that her father had done this too.It's been a long, long time, though.

She couldn't help looking at the sky, which was clean and bright.What about her father, how is he doing in heaven?

I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable in my heart, and stood up eagerly.She was confronted by strangers, and she was worried secretly, how could she ask for help if she didn't know a little French.The fountain sprayed a little big, and some drops of water hit her face, which was icy cold.

The ears are full of laughter and playfulness.She sighed, looking at the excitement around her, she was really not in the mood to laugh.Sitting alone on the steps, he propped his chin and looked forward with empty eyes.

On the other side of the street, a tall, handsome but indifferent man was looking anxiously at this moment.The long legs walked quickly, looking around, as if looking for something.

Passers-by were amazed at the man's charm, and followed his eyes curiously.To find out what he was looking for.Huge city, bustling streets.Mo Shangqian was standing, the anxiety in his heart was surging upwards.Although it can't be seen on the surface, it is still as cold as ever.Only he himself knew that he felt lost and blamed himself for not seeing that figure.

There was a busy tone on the mobile phone, and the female voice was particularly harsh to the ears.Little Nizi should be terrified of being unfamiliar with the place.When Mo Shangqian thought of this, heart-wrenching sadness filled his chest.He pressed his chest silently, the answer was slowly taking shape.

He raised his head and continued to run on the endless street.Look around corner by corner, no matter what.He will find her, for sure.

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