Since becoming a special assistant, Nie Qianqian has arranged various itineraries, social gatherings, and handled every private call every day.

It was Mo Shangqian's meeting time 10 minutes ago, so standing next to Mo Shangqian, I should remember the important content of the meeting, and slowly approve what each department will do and when is the best time to submit the copy.During the meeting, all preparations should be made, and the frequency of phone ringing should be low, so as not to disturb the progress of the meeting.

About half an hour into the meeting, the meeting room was suddenly interrupted by a ringing bell.They were all called by an unknown person. In order not to interfere with the meeting, Nie Qianqian took her mobile phone to a place by the window to answer. "Hello, our boss Mo is in a meeting now, please call back later, thank you for your cooperation."

After Nie Qianqian disposed of the call, she returned to her seat and continued to listen to Mo Shangqian's upcoming meeting, typing in her hands.Bold the key words, and then distribute the tasks according to the department.Less than 5 minutes after the phone rang last time, another unknown person called.Nie Qianqian immediately left her seat and walked to the window.

"Is there anything else you can do? Don't you think it's a bit strange that you called me less than 5 minutes after the last call? I also said that Mr. Mo is in a meeting. Can you be a little bit considerate? It's not everyone's time." Same as you. The meeting is almost over, so please call back in about half an hour, otherwise this will cause unnecessary trouble. That's all I have to say, goodbye."

Nie Qianqian hung up the phone, sat back in her seat and listened carefully, taking notes carefully.Seeing Nie Qianqian's performance, Mo Shangqian was very appreciative in his heart. This kind of dialogue not only did not cause unnecessary conflicts, but also did not cause adverse consequences.

Nie Qianqian was sitting on the chair, pressing the keyboard continuously.Sometimes I still look at the watch on my wrist. After all, I told that person to call after half an hour, hoping that the meeting would end in half an hour.The time passed by every minute and every second, and the second hand turned around and around.Nie Qianqian was a little anxious, what if the meeting didn't end in half an hour, and the third call came to remind her.
Mo Shangqian saw that Nie Qianqian's expression was a little anxious, so he sped up the content of the meeting a little bit, and Nie Qianqian listened carefully.Mo Shangqian talked about the content briefly, and Nie Qianqian thought that Mo Shangqian might see that she was a little anxious, so she said the content briefly.I finally finished the meeting within half an hour, and I sighed in my heart.

Half an hour later, that person called immediately.Nie Qianqian handed the mobile phone to Mo Shangqian: "Here, this person just called you twice during the meeting, you answer it. I'll go and briefly distribute the copywriting tasks they want to write with them." Nie Qianqian gave After finishing the phone, he turned around and assigned various tasks to the ministers of various departments.

Of course, there are only a few people who can make private calls to Mo Shangqian, Xu Hexi, Zhou Luoli, Serena, looking for a special assistant, and Mo's mother, but the voice sounds like a woman, so it's probably just his childhood friends, as for Mo's mother He would contact Mo Shangqian before an emergency, so, reason.

Nie Qianqian organized her thoughts and arranged tasks, "Minister of Personnel, your task is to arrange several tests when recruiting new recruits, and to conduct assessments in divisions. Don't combine all of them together. Then there is the head of the front desk. Remember to observe the person sent by the head of the personnel department for a few days, and then leave if you are satisfied. If you are not satisfied, let her go. Head of the secretary department, you must know the job of a secretary better than me. First, insist on dressing conservatively and don’t let me see it. The button is only buttoned to the second button from the collar. When you return to work, you go fishing after work. Director of the editorial department, you should hand over the copy of the president’s task as soon as possible, and hand in the copy tomorrow, at the latest. Remember to choose The quality is good, the content is formal, and there is no need to hand in any bad copywriting. What the company needs is excellence, not to ask you to shoddy. Don’t make it again next time, that’s it, this meeting is over, feel free to bring up anything you don’t understand.”

Nie Qianqian put her hands on the table and scanned the expressions of the ministers.Nie Qianqian gave herself a thumbs up, it seems that she really has the talent to be a special assistant.

Nie Qianqian looked at the watch on her wrist. After 5 minutes, no one expressed her opinion. "Now that you understand everything, let's adjourn the meeting and remember your responsibilities and tasks."

After everyone left, Nie Qianqian sat on her seat and sighed deeply, "The meeting is finally over, I'm exhausted." After Nie Qianqian sighed in her heart, she packed up the things on the desktop, such as meeting information sheets, pens, and computers.

Walking out of the conference room with these things in hand, it was as if Mo Shangqian was waiting for someone outside the conference room door. "Mo Shangqian, everyone in the conference room has left. Who are you waiting for? Are you waiting for me?" Nie Qianqian teased Mo Shangqian, with the corners of her mouth raised to show that she was in a good mood, with a smug look on her face.

Mo Shangqian said with a serious face: "Yeah, I'm just waiting for your little special assistant. Are you very happy, are you falling in love with me soon?" Nie Qianqian heard the blush on her face gradually turn red , red and about to drip blood.

"Hey, if you tease me like this, you won't be afraid of being known by your beauties. You are not ashamed, but I am." Nie Qianqian carried the things back to her office.After putting it away, I went to make a cup of coffee. Nie Qianqian took the coffee to her office and slowly tasted the slightly astringent coffee to refresh herself.

Then Mo Shangqian came to his office, and Nie Qianqian put down the coffee in her hand: "Mr. Mo, what's the matter? You don't have much to do next, you can get off work freely."

Mo Shangqian nodded: "I know I don't have a schedule, just to praise you for helping me with those two calls during the meeting. You are a genius for being so experienced as a special assistant for the first time. I hope I will leave This time I can see you perform better."

Leave after speaking.It was Mo Shangqian who was so cold.But I don't quite understand him, sometimes his expression changes too fast.But the praise just now really made her float, haha, it's really great to be recognized by him.Try harder next time.

Nie Qianqian was humming a tune and drinking coffee in the office.It feels slightly astringent and sweet, sweet to my heart.I feel like my tail is going to the sky, and if I get praised in the future, it will really float away.Looking at the information on my desktop, I instantly felt much more pleasing to the eye, not as resistant as before.

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