At this time, Nie Qianqian had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought that she could send the kitten to a pet house, so that she would not have to worry about having no way to raise the kitten.

She left as soon as she said that she didn't even take her bag, so she hurriedly carried the cardboard box and set off, as if she had forgotten that it was working time now, and she couldn't go out during working time.

Fortunately, no one cared what she was doing in such a hurry, everyone was doing their own thing, and Qianqian was alone, leaving her work behind and running wildly for a kitten.

Snack bars and clothing stores can be seen everywhere on the street, but there is no pet store.Nie Qianqian thought, when she usually went to work, she clearly remembered that there was a pet shop nearby, could it be that she remembered it wrong?
She hurriedly grabbed a person, and opened her mouth to ask, "Do you know where there is a pet store near here? Please tell me."

Nie Qianqian held back a girl in fashionable clothes. She slapped Nie Qianqian's hand away in disgust and shouted, "Who are you, stay away from me! I don't know any pet shop!"

She walked away resentfully, feeling that she was a bit reckless and scared the other little girls. At this time, a gray-haired old lady walked over. This time she asked without opening her mouth. Twenty slowly walked over , asked with a smile, "Grandma, do you know where there is a pet shop near here?"

The old lady looked her up and down, and said tremblingly, "There is no pet shop nearby, little girl, you remember wrongly."

Nie Qianqian scratched her head strangely, and said, "Why? I often pass by here for work, and I clearly remember that there is a pet shop."

The old lady laughed and said, "It was true that there was a pet shop here, but it was closed because of the recession and it was transferred to someone else. Now it is a barbecue shop."

"Oh, that's it, grandma, thank you, please go slowly."

"Hey, good."

Nie Qianqian sat down on a stone pier, opened the cardboard box, looked at the kitten, and said, "Little cat, it's really hard for me to find a home for you. Tell me, where do you want to go?"

The kitten tilted its head and meowed twice.Start turning around inside the cardboard box a few times.It seems to be dancing for Nie Qianqian.

Nie Qianqian smiled and said, "You really know how to please people. Then I will continue to find you a home that belongs to you. You have to stay in it obediently."

She closed the cardboard box, took out her phone and started searching for pet stores on the map.For convenience, she called a car.

After the taxi took her to her destination, she took a big jump as soon as she got out of the car.That street is almost full of pet stores.All kinds of decorations, signs, and slogans dazzled her.

She found a pet store at random and went in, and asked straight to the point, "Is it possible to foster a kitten here?"

The clerks in this store are lazy, and they don’t get up to greet customers when they come in. They are still watching Korean dramas on their mobile phones.

Nie Qianqian frowned, looked around, and found that there were no pets here, and a few huskies in cages were sleeping, and the cat and dog food on the shelves were covered with dust.

"Take it here and have a look?" the clerk glanced at the cardboard box in Nie Qianqian's hand and said.

Nie Qianqian handed over the cardboard box, and the clerk opened the box with one finger in disgust, looked at it, and said, "Such a small cat? Why is it so dirty?"

When she was about to answer, the clerk waved, "Go back, it looks like a stray cat, why did you pick it up here? If there is an infectious disease or something, I have so many cats and dogs here. Who is responsible for what happened?"

When Nie Qianqian heard this, she became angry, "Who told you that this is a stray cat. This is my cat? He is this breed. The color of the fur is like this. What do you know? No wonder there is no business!"

After she finished speaking, she picked up the suitcase, turned around and left, and the rest of the clerk was stunned for a while, cursed crazy, then lowered his head to watch his own Korean drama, and cracked the melon seeds.

I found several pet shops, but no one was willing to accept them, but it was not like the first pet shop that chased her away angrily, and said to her softly, "Miss, you Your kitten is too small, we're afraid we won't take care of you so carefully."

Nie Qianqian walked out of this pet street helplessly, and squatted on the side of the road in a decadent state. She suddenly wondered if Zhao Tezhu had finished his work and returned to the company?That's too bad, it's working hours!
Shouting bad news, she took a taxi and hurried back to the company.

After returning to the company, Special Assistant Zhao was already waiting for her. Nie Qianqian smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I thought you would be back very late, so I went out for a while."

Zhao Tezhu didn't ask her where she went, but seriously bowed to Nie Qianqian and said, "At work, I suddenly walked away because of family affairs. I'm sorry to leave you alone." people."

Nie Qianqian waved her hand and said, "It's okay, I also sneaked out during working hours. But I can't do this next time. Including you and me."

Zhao Tezhu felt that the girl in front of him was really cute. "So, are you willing to take my job and take good care of Mr. Mo during my business trip?"

Nie Qianqian stood up and kept waving her hands, saying, "No way, special assistant, I'm just an intern, and I have great ability to do this position. And I don't understand many things."

"If you don't understand, ask the seniors in the company, and you will understand slowly. It's a good opportunity to exercise your ability. Many people are eager to try."

Zhao Tezhu tried to continue lobbying Nie Qianqian.

Nie Qianqian didn't appreciate it, she refused again and again, "No, it's someone else who is eager to try, I am me, I am not capable enough, let the seniors do it."

Zhao Tezhu really had no other choice. This girl's temper was too stubborn, so she refused to agree no matter what, so he had to use his trump card, "The last time Mr. Mo was allergic, it seems to have something to do with you, doesn't it?"

Nie Qianqian didn't know that he was actually talking about this, she froze for a moment, and replied falteringly, "Yes... yes, what's the matter, I..."

"I heard that you accidentally made Mr. Mo allergic. So you must know the source of Mr. Mo's allergies very well now, so it's best for you to take care of him. "

She already felt guilty about that matter.Now that he actually uses this matter to threaten her, does he still have a conscience?
Nie Qianqian had no choice but to agree due to Special Assistant Zhao's "excessive power".

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