What happened was like this. About half a month ago, Xiaoyou's aunt fell into a coma.I don't speak every day, just drowsy.But before that, there was a sudden change in the family plan, and the old man and mother passed away one after another.Several uncles kept arguing over the inheritance, and two of them were injured and hospitalized.Xiaoyou thinks these things are unusual, so he finds Jinghong Detective Agency, which is gradually becoming famous in the city center.

Ever since Nie Qianqian was taken away by Xu Hexi, Xueer felt very tired of being alone. Without her little follower, she had to do everything by herself, and eating alone became a very lonely thing.

"Xue'er, are you tired? Otherwise, let's rest for a while before leaving!" Xiaoyou saw that Xue'er was carrying a backpack, with sweat dripping down her forehead.

"How much longer?" Cher asked.

"Actually, it's almost too soon. Bye, a house is my home!"

"Then let's go!" Cher said.

Sure enough, after walking for a long time, I saw a yard, and the houses inside were mostly made of earthen walls and wooden roofs. "Is your house an old house?" Xue'er asked.

"Yes, it's an old house from decades ago. The old man likes this kind of old house, so he doesn't allow it to be refurbished, so he just kept it." Xiao You replied. "The uncles also live together because the old man doesn't allow separation."

I see!One person with one mind, it will be strange if you don't fight!Xue'er took a short break and said, "Take me to your aunt's room."

In the meantime, Xiaoyou's aunt was lying on the bed weakly, and the atmosphere was indescribably weird.Xue'er walked around the house and looked around, but nothing special was found. Bye, some of his uncles were on crutches, and some had their arms dropped on their chests. It seemed that the situation at that time was quite tragic.They gathered at the door and kept looking at Wuli.

Xue'er came out and said to Xiaoyou: "I didn't see anything. I don't understand what your aunt looks like. It doesn't seem to be because of some manipulation. She looks very weird." Xueer remembered the things she met many years ago, so she remembered a person.So she kept walking back and forth in the yard with her mobile phone, and then saw a good signal, Xueer quickly dialed the phone, and after a few rings, a hoarse voice came, "Hello!"

"Orange, it's me."

"Jinghong? You must have something to do with me!" The other side said with a smile after being surprised.

Xue'er smiled and replied: "Yes! I always feel that the smell of this case is the same as yours, so I asked you to let you take a look and confirm my thoughts. If so, then It just so happens that you are a psychic master, and you are totally a match for you." Xueer smiled, and Zhizi heard Xueer go over the matter, so she said, "Then I'll start now, and I'll probably arrive the day after tomorrow!"

"No problem," Cher said, and hung up the phone.

Before Zhizi came, Xueer went to investigate the cause of death of Xiaoyou's grandfather and mother.He investigated the injuries of his uncles, and also secretly observed the relationship between their brothers and sisters-in-law.

When Xue'er stayed here for the third day, a woman with short ear-length hair, wearing a black gauze skirt, and a black gauze scarf on her shoulders walked slowly with a suitcase in one hand.

Xue'er waved and greeted her.

"I kept you waiting for so long!" Zhizi said without a smile but still with a gentle expression.

"It's okay, as long as you're here! Will you be tired?" Xue'er laughed as if remembering something.

"No, this place is very similar to where I live now." Zhizi looked around and replied.

"Oh!" Xue'er felt that this person had been so unique since she knew her.So he said: "I'm tired after carrying it all the way! I'll help you carry it."

"I'm not tired. I can do it myself. I don't have any problem with this amount of activity. After all, I walk like this for a long time every day." Zhizi said casually.

So under the leadership of Xueer, they went to Xiaoyou's residence together.Zhizi put the suitcase in the room where Xueer lived, and went to Aunt Xiaoyou's room without delay.

Seeing Zhizi changed her mind, so she looked around the house.I saw the weasel staying on a hidden beam all the time, with its eyes closed, just like Aunt Xiaoyou on the bed.Uncle Xiaoyou picked up the stick and was about to hit the weasel, Zhizi quickly said, "Stop it, if you startle it, your wife will be lost! Let me do it." Uncle Xiaoyou quickly put down the stick when he heard that, and then Everyone exited the house.It took about a few hours for the Hovenia to come out of it.

"She's already awake, let's go in! But she hasn't eaten for a long time, she just drinks water to maintain her strength. I said that you should make some porridge that is very thin, sticky and easy to swallow and absorb at the beginning, and don't eat too much. Every time Increase it bit by bit, and you will be able to go to the ground soon." Zhizi warned carefully.

A few people went in and saw that Aunt Xiaoyou had woken up, just as Zhizi said, she was still very weak.Everyone was amazed.

Zhizi said calmly, "It was the weasel that held her soul, and she will be fine when her soul returns."

"Why is this happening? It's so scary!" Xue'er touched her skin with bean grains in horror.

"Probably because her aunt's body is relatively weak! A weak body naturally makes it easier for her soul to be occupied."

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Xueer called Xiaoyou out and said, "I think these are just accidents. There is no man-made murder in it." Before that, Xiaoyou had always suspected that the death of the old man and mother had something to do with several uncles. related.

"Really?" Xiaoyou and his group asked.

"Yes. It's probably because it's too coincidental that everything happened one after another in a period of time, so you have this misconception. I'm sure it's not man-made. Your grandfather died every day because of his age, and It is true that your mother passed away due to illness. As for the uncles in your hands, they just got into a dispute because of greed, and your aunt was also hanged because of her weak body." Xue'er nodded and said .

"I see." Xiaoyou obviously breathed a sigh of relief, "If it's because of grandpa's death, it would be cruel for everyone to kill each other because of property."

"This is the suicide note left by your grandfather. I found it in his book." Xue'er took out a suicide note.

"Oh my God! We haven't found it until now. It turns out there really is! This will be great, and uncles don't have to argue about it." Xiaoyou took it over and said, "Thank you."

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