Chapter Eight Hundred and Three Heroes
Mo Shangqian felt a sense of accomplishment after seeing these useless cowards who were beaten to the ground.

Among them was a thin man who wanted to get up, Mo Shangqian was about to go over to accept the trick, but the thin man begged for mercy.

"Brother is very skilled, I admire him. I wonder if I can make friends with my younger brother. I don't think my elder brother looks like a local. If my elder brother comes to this country again in the future, my younger brother will definitely treat me warmly. These people who are several years older than Mo Shangqian are fighting for it." As friends with Mo Shangqian, I admire him very much."

"Little brother, you can stay here, such a good hand, our brothers like this, you stay and start a small business in the local area, our brothers help you, your business will definitely be booming "

"To be honest, although I can't see anything these days here, I still feel very reluctant to stay here. I am reluctant to part with these quiet days. The most important thing is that I met such a good apprentice as you."

"Reluctantly, we will come back later."

"From now on, you can call me Xue'er. After leaving the hospital, I feel awkward calling me Master again."

"Okay, Xue'er, this name sounds nice, but you are still my master in my heart. You taught me how to paint, and you are the one I should be grateful for."

Cher, a pure and kind girl.

Then I have to thank a few big brothers, but I really have something to do today, I hope this fat brother will cooperate.Everyone, go back if you have nothing to do. If I have anything to do in the future, I will definitely come to you. Mo Shangqian smiled wryly.

"This young man is amazing. Today is considered to be a hero. Fat brother, you have to study hard." Someone in the crowd said.

"What are you talking about?" Fat Brother squinted at that person with his eyes.

"No, no, Fat Brother is the best," the man smiled wryly at Fat Brother.

Fat Brother smiled at Mo Shangqian again.But Mo Shangqian's face was expressionless.

"Okay, okay, we are all busy at work, let's go separately. The hero and the elder brother have something to discuss, so we won't bother you." So everyone went home and dispersed.

"What orders does Boss Mo have? Just ask." Now the little fat man is being honest.

"That's what you said, and you answered everything I asked."

"Yeah, sure, if I tell half a lie, I'll be struck by lightning."

"Okay, then let me ask you, do you still remember the girl Mo Zixuan who was kidnapped by you more than ten years ago? It was the girl who was left behind by you and worked for you for a few months." Mo Zixuan When Xuan asked this fat man, it was like asking a prisoner.

"Let me think about it, oh I remembered. It was a girl with big eyes and long hair, and she was very smart. Seeing such a lively and lovely girl, my heart ached at the time, so I left him alone. Come down. Eat and drink for him every day. I was very kind to her at the time, but he got lost later."

"What did you say? He was lost. But why did I hear the exact opposite of what you heard?"

"Brother is really like this. I am a rough man. Although I don't know how to take care of people, he will definitely not suffer in my shop. If you don't believe me, you can ask her. It has been so many years."

"How did I hear that you left the little girl at that time? The world wanted the little girl to be your child bride-in-law, and then you couldn't do a good job, and you still didn't give him food. It was because of your various abuses that the little girl couldn't bear it. I just ran away." Mo Shangqian's tone became severe.

"Little brother, so many years have passed, but they are all talking nonsense, or else you can ask the little girl to find out."

"It seems that you will not tell the truth. These words are said by the little girl herself, telling you that the little girl is my own sister."

"Brother, I don't know, this is your real sister. How could your real sister get lost? Why was she kidnapped and sold here again?"

"I want to ask you this again. You specialize in abducting and selling children from abroad, and then sell them to another country. Your methods are really clever, so that parents will never find their children. You know this is very important for a family. How much impact does it have? You also have sons and daughters, why do you have to abduct and sell other people’s children? These children are the treasures of the family. Do you know how sad your parents are when you abduct and sell their children? Why do you want to do this? ?" Mo Shangqian scolded loudly.

"We can't help it. It was also for survival. Our twenty or thirty brothers depended on these for food. Brother, please forgive me. I have already rehabilitated and now I want to run this restaurant well. Please. You must not go to the police." The fat man begged.

"Okay, I don't want to call the police. Then you find me the person who abducted my sister. I promise you will not be implicated. I will give you ten days. If you don't find that person after ten days , I'll go to prison." Mo Shangqian left behind these words.

"Damn, I'm unconscious, and I know the medicine is poisonous, so I vomited it out." Wang Gang was watching secretly at the door, and saw that he had vomited out the edible medicine before, and he was half dead just now. .

He suddenly remembered a person, he also knew a doctor in this hospital.So I asked the doctor for help.She and the doctor changed Mo Zixuan to a special nurse, so he also checked the background of this nurse. This nurse is very fond of money, and he will consider any transaction related to money.

"Lie there, that's my cousin. This is a kind of tonic in our country, please bring these to him later and tell her that this medicine must be taken on time." The nurse took the boyfriend, what if you nor.When I opened it, it was just a white powder.And without any taste.

"Why don't you take it in yourself, why do you let me take it in?"

"Because I just had a fight with my cousin a few days ago, it's not convenient for me to go in now. Even if you help me. Thank you." Then Wang Gang gave the nurse 200 yuan.

"Oh, that's it, then I'll send it in for you."

"By the way, don't tell her that I gave it to her. You can just send it in. Just say that it was prescribed by a doctor. I specially asked people in China to send this tonic. If you tell them I gave it to you. They're still angry and they won't drink it."

"Thank you very much." Wang Gang said to the nurse with a smile.

While walking, the nurse thought about what Wang Gang said just now, and felt that Wang Gang's behavior was very strange.Do you want to send these medicines in?

But Wang Gang didn't look like a bad guy, and there was nothing unusual about the medicine.So I took it in.

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