Chapter 794 Abducted?
Mother Zhou called Mo Shangqian.

"Shangqian, can you come and see Ping An? He said he missed his parents. Now that the child is grown up and can talk, he has the right to know who his parents are. Now that Luoli can't go back to China, he can't let the child grow up. There are no parents, no matter whether you have feelings for Luoli or not, this child is innocent, you should take some time to visit him and let the child know who his father is?"

"Okay, don't worry, I'll go to see Ping An when I return home in a few days."

"Thank you so much. Shangqian, can you do me one more thing."

"Auntie, you said"

"Can you take your child to visit Luoli abroad when you have time? Since the child was born less than one year old, Luoli has gone out. The child is now so old. As a mother, I understand the heart of a mother, even if No matter how wrong Luo Li did, she must miss her child very much."

"Auntie, I can't promise you this. I can't let the child know that she has such a mother who does whatever it takes to achieve her goals. When I return to China after a while, I can take over Ping An."

"What are you talking about, Ping An is the grandson of our Zhou family anyway, and your uncle and I have nothing to do, let us take care of it first. Just come and see the child when you have time."

"Auntie, I'll talk about the child when I go back to China. There are still things that need to be resolved abroad."

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you lost a younger sister many years ago. Now there is news. How did the investigation go?"

"Thank you, auntie, for your concern. My sister has been found. Let's investigate the murderer who abducted and sold my sister."

Hearing Mo Shangqian talk about this week's mother was shocked, it's over, it's over, he won't find out himself.

"What, you, sister, were trafficked back then."

"Well, what's the matter with you, Mother Zhou? Why are you stammering?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I just drank some water and choked on it."

"You have to be careful and drink slowly."

"Well, good, remember to come back and see if you are safe." Zhou's mother hung up the phone in a hurry, the caterpillar in her heart seemed to be resurrected from the dead, and began to squirm again, her heart was in a state of agitation, and now she has found Mo Zixuan , If they have recognized each other, shouldn't they go to the boss next?For God's sake, they couldn't find the boss.

While packing his clothes, Xu He recalled the days in the hospital, recalled the day when Mo Shangqian sent him here, he was like a prisoner who was about to be imprisoned, he struggled desperately, but still couldn't get rid of this The life in the cage, with the resentment and self-blame for Nie Qianqian's domination, and the hatred for Mo Shangqian who took away her beloved woman and sent him to this ghost place, he couldn't eat for the first few days Pharynx, sleepless nights.The whole person is like a walking dead.He hates his incompetence and laughs at his status quo.Sometimes sad, sometimes happy, in the eyes of all the staff in the hospital, he is a complete lunatic, a mentally ill person with abnormal nerves, distorted thinking, who can no longer live a normal life and may endanger people around him at any time.He is always under the supervision of medical staff, like a tiger that has just been hunted back from the forest and locked in a cage. Accept his fate and stay in this cage for several months, or even years, until his heart completely returns to a normal person, and he can calm down when encountering things, that is, the tiger in the cage no longer has the ability to bite people. , to release him from the cage.Thanks to Dr. Li's teaching these days, I still remember that on the first day when I first came to the hospital, I threw all the things in the house that could be dropped on the ground after entering the house. It was Dr. Li who went in and told him a story about love.

Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl. The girl was very beautiful, but her family conditions were not very good. The boy’s family conditions were average. On the first day of high school, the boy saw the girl at the school gate. The girl A smile left an indelible shadow in the boy's heart. Later, the boy took the initiative to find the girl and confessed to the girl. The girl did not agree, but the boy was still nice to the girl as always, every day Get up early in the morning to buy breakfast for the girl and send it to the girl's class. The boy is always the first to appear in front of the girl when there is something for the girl. In the end, the girl is moved by the boy. The boy often saves food and money. The girl went to the restaurant to eat delicious food. The girl always said it was too wasteful. The boy bought hamburgers for the girl with the money saved for a week. At that time, there were only one or two KFC restaurants in the county, and high school students could eat them. A hamburger is the dream of many people. The boy saw that the girl ate it very similarly. The girl said let the boy taste it, but the boy said he had always eaten it before. In fact, the boy has never eaten it. He just watched it. He is also very happy watching the girl eat happily.The boy often used the money he saved to buy clothes for the girl. All the classmates envied the girl, saying that it was a blessing for the girl to have such a good boyfriend.

Xu Hexi was still throwing things on the table, tears streaming down his face, like a defeated general who dared not report to his superiors and could only vent his anger on his battalion commander.

"Young man, you should sit and rest for a while. This place is not like home. You may not be able to get used to it without the good food at home. You should save your energy. Besides, this is the house in the future. You put the food here If you fall to pieces, you still have to clean it up yourself in the future, so everything in this world has a reason. You are responsible for the consequences you cause yourself. The world is fair, if your results are not satisfactory to you. That can only show that your choice at the time was wrong." Dr. Li saw Xu Hexi's uncomfortable appearance, and he could feel it, because he had felt the same way.

"You know what a fart, you know I've been in love for five years, I met this one true love in my life, and I gave her all my love, but what I got in the end, she didn't love at all I, I have always been deceiving myself, we used to chat late at night, work together until two o'clock in the evening, she was always with me when I was sad, I took it as her love for me, but in the end she said she didn't love me , She loves Mo Shangqian, her leader, and my meticulous care and consideration for her is not as good as that leader who comes to her and leaves when he is called, and who often criticizes her." Xu Hexi is still very happy. Crazy and can't stop.

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