Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 786 Two years in the blink of an eye

Chapter 786 Three years in a blink of an eye
"The wind of memory is warm..." I like to inhale, while listening to the song, while running in the yard.Listening to this song, he thought of Nie Qianqian again. Perhaps the most important thing in his life was being with Nie Qianqian.From the moment he fell in love with Nie Qianqian, he was destined to put all his energy on Nie Qianqian.

Someone said a long time ago, "The deeper the love, the deeper the hurt in the end", and now he finally feels that in this life, except for loving Nie Qianqian, there is nothing else. something happened.He was born in a family with no worries about food and clothing since he was a child. He lived a life of stretching out his clothes and opening his mouth for food. There were always a group of people around him, praising him, praising him, and flattering him.He is always surrounded by honors, the most important thing is that there are a group of beauties around him when he was in school, but it has been a long time, but he is tired of it.He thinks that as long as the things that can be solved with money are not a problem, he can do whatever he wants.He feels that living in this world is really meaningless. Since he met Nie Qianqian, he has felt the novelty of this world, and he knows that there is another thing in the world that cannot be exchanged with money, but needs to be worked hard.In exchange for the truth, he felt that the group of friends around him were flattering and flattering to him because he was rich. Few of them were sincere friends with him. If he had nothing, he would stay in the There will be a few more around him.But in the five years abroad, in the poor days, it was Nie Qianqian who was always by his side. There were many difficulties, and it was Nie Qianqian who was always by his side to help him find a way. Not because of his money, but really consider him a friend.Perhaps it is a kind of sustenance of the soul. In the past ten years, there is only money in his world.He felt that he had lived in vain for the past ten years, because he had been in this world in the past ten years.So he regards Nie Qianqian as the most confidant person, and regards Nie Qianqian as the only soul mate in this world, probably because he needs such a partner so much, and wants to take Nie Qianqian as his own. I use all my affection on Nie Qianqian, and I will get Nie Qianqian's affection and love in return, but no matter how hard I try, I can't get Nie Qianqian and Mo Shangqian's first encounter in five years. He hates the unfairness of this world, so in his heart start twisting.He has been locked up in the hospital for so long now, thinking of this, he feels sad, but he doesn't regret it, he just regrets not being able to be with Nie Qianqian.So he ran desperately, trying to forget everything that happened in the past.

"Hi, hello, is this Gaoli Company? I'm Nie Qianqian from Xingchen Company. I want to find you, Mr. Wang." Nie Qianqian called.Very pleasantly surprised, because it has been three years, I don't know if the other party still remembers me.

"Hello, may I ask which Mr. Wang you are looking for? There is no Mr. Wang in our company now."

"I'm looking for Wang Liqiang."

"Sorry, Mr. Wang resigned two years ago."

"Then who is your general manager? I want to find your general manager."

"What's the matter with you? The general manager didn't come to work today. If you have anything to tell me in advance, I'll tell him when he comes back. I'm his secretary."

"I have something very important, please tell me his phone number, I will go directly to him"

"OK, just a second"

Mr. Wang's resignation is not a good thing for him.He does not know whether this cooperation can reach an agreement.But no matter what, she still had to give it a try. It was not easy for Nie Qianqian to be defeated like this, so he would not give up so easily.

"Hello, I'm Nie Qianqian, the general manager of Xingchen Company. Are you the general manager of Xilian Company?"

"Well, I am, what's the matter with you?" Cai Xinyu was pleasantly surprised when he heard Nie Qianqian's voice, and he randomly answered while covering his nose.

"I have a good business deal with you. Do you need goods from Dijie Company? I heard that Dijie Company has internationally renowned professional designers, and their sales are all ranked in the country. I will definitely sign for you. Make this contract, but you have to do me a favor. I need the information of Dijie Company."

"What if I don't say yes."

"I believe you will think about such a good deal."

"You are really confident"

"I'm not confident. We are all businessmen. You will definitely consider such a good benefit. Call me when you have considered it." Nie Qianqian is indeed a person with high efficiency.

"Wait a minute, you are in Sibu City now"

"You don't have to worry about where I am, I'm waiting for your good news." Cai Xinyu was very good at changing his tone, and Nie Qianqian didn't catch him after he said so much. It seemed that he was hiding well.

Xu Hexi ran for a long time on the sports field, and he felt exhausted and had no strength.He also felt that his legs were weak. When he was in his 20s, he went swimming and swam for more than 200 meters in the water. I don't know if it's old or really useless.He felt as if a part of the leg had been eaten by an elephant, and the remaining part seemed to have been boiled in a pot, half-cooked and fully swollen.

He dragged his legs with his hands to the rest area by the side of the playground, sat down on his buttocks, and rubbed the thigh that was about to break with his hands.

"Morning, I haven't seen you these days."

"cough cough"

"Why, I was trapped by love again, and I still haven't come out." The girl moved over and sat beside him.And the distance to sit was just right in a row with him, and the distance from him was just right.

"Hey, I don't want to talk yet." The girl stretched out her hand to pat him, but it happened to pat his hand on his knee.The girl sensed the temperature and didn't take her hand away immediately. He felt that what he hit was a pair of warm hands. When the girl was about to take her hand away, Xu Hexi's other hand tightly held the girl's hand, "Everything will be In the past." Xu Hexi was so firm when he said this, because he believed in all of this, and he was still full of hope for life.After so many days in the hospital, he had seriously thought about it. After this time, he would start again and pursue a meaningful life.The girl is also much firmer.Because of her boyfriend's abandonment and blindness, she once wanted to commit suicide and punish all the heartless men in the world. At that time, she was also crazy to the extreme, but slowly, she became calm. In fact, she Thanks to this life experience, even though she is blind, she can still calm down and draw what she thinks in her heart. Love is no better than when her eyes were good before.

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