Chapter 782 Only by Helping You Can We Live Together
Xu Hexi was about to lie down on the stool in the pavilion, as if enjoying the warm afternoon, but was awakened by the scenery in front of him.With long straight black hair and a slender back, he is carefully drawing on the drawing board stroke by stroke. This should be the most beautiful scenery in the garden.

Zhou Ziheng seemed to strike up a conversation with the girl, but found that the girl didn't care about his existence at all, and was completely immersed in the painting.So Zhou Ziheng snatched the pen from the girl's hand.Xu Hexi held the pen between two fingers and shook it back and forth, and put one foot on the stone stool behind the girl, completely looking like a young master. "It's hard to change the country, but it's hard to change the nature." Xu Hexi is still Xu Hexi back then, he likes to watch the excitement, likes to eat, drink and play, and doesn't ask for worldly knowledge.

""The Fable of the Blind" is also known as "The Blind Leads the Way"" English translation The Blind Leading the Blind, The Parable of the Blind, if I remember correctly, this should be created by Dutch painter Pieter Brueghel citing Bible stories A vivid and witty oil painting figure.And some people consider Bruegel's painting to be one of the pinnacle works of European painting in the 16th century.It is Bruegel's artistic characteristic that profound philosophy resides in authentic and credible artistic images. "A girl was concentrating on painting this picture, but she didn't pay attention to Xu Hexi's words.

In the Bible story, Jesus said to the Pharisees: "They are blind to lead the way. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit." The folk proverb in the Netherlands also said: The blind lead the blind, and it is bad luck together.In the painting, Bruegel depicts such a vivid scene for us: six blind men support each other and move from upper left to lower right along the diagonal line of the picture, but they do not know that they are in danger. The first one in the lead The blind man has fallen into the ditch, and the next one is pulled off balance, and the same fate awaits the other blind men.The painting permeates the artist's disappointment with the revolution in the Netherlands and his philosophical thinking about the fate of mankind, which has universal significance in life and society. "Xu Hexi was more interested in the Bible before, so he was also familiar with this painting, so he showed off.

"Bruegel's image language is very appropriate and profound. A group of blind men full of personality and self-righteousness walk shoulder to shoulder without any doubt. The background is a peaceful and quiet nature with towering churches and neat green trees The farmhouses, the cattle under the trees are quietly grazing, a group of happy swallows are playing and chasing around the church, the world is so beautiful, but the blind see nothing, and they still stick to their own way of life blindly, As long as the leader falls, the group behind will surely fall into the pit. Because they can't figure out whose fault it is, they have to complain to each other. This is a warning issued by the painter to the fate of mankind: a country, A nation must not be led by the blind, otherwise it will be in great trouble." The girl continued.

"Hey, I said, now that the country is developing so well, you are still interested in discussing who will lead the country here. Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"Aren't you out of your mind when you come here?" the girl retorted.

"You, okay, you're amazing." Zhou Ziheng pointed to the girl's forehead, but had nothing to say.

After talking to the girl for so long, the girl never looked up at Zhou Ziheng.He stared at the painting without moving.

"Hey, the blind man in the original story is obviously not standing. No matter what you draw, you are standing standing."

"Look at this road, there are potholes in the middle. If one person is sure to fall, if these eight blind men walk this road hand in hand, then if one of them falls, the people in front of him and the people behind him will fall. Wouldn’t the people in the house pull him up, and he wouldn’t be killed.”

"Oh, your painting is not about the blind leading the way. Your painting is to show that the blind are together and they need to support each other to get through the difficulties." Not bad, not bad, very realistic.

"Who is that?"

"Isn't that the proprietress of the Light Time Cafe?"

"Why is she here?" Everyone talked about Zhou Ziheng bringing Serena in.

"President Zhou. Who is this?"

"Everyone sit down first, Zhou Ziheng motioned for everyone to sit down."

"This is Miss Serena, the proprietress of the Light Time Cafe on Furong Street. I brought her here today to announce two things. First, during this year, the company's personnel have undergone large-scale changes. , the company also has a lot of problems, so I have to deal with a lot of things every day, and I am often tired and annoying. Thanks to Miss Se's constant encouragement and concern, he always cheers me up when I need help most, and when I am desperate Let me see hope. Without him, I think I might not be able to persevere today. So I am very grateful to her, and today I formally hire her as my personal secretary. And I will transfer [-]% of the company's shares Give it to her. I just want to inform everyone. I hope everyone can cooperate with my work. Secretary Li, plus the new shareholders this year, please report the market share you occupy. "

Serena was momentarily surprised. "Zhou Ziheng, did I promise you to be your secretary?"

"Hey, don't say you didn't say it. You said it when I went to your shop for coffee last time. Would you like me to tell you the original words?"

"You take it seriously, I don't know anything about business."

"You should understand a little bit. After all, it's the proprietress, and you are doing business there. We are also doing business here. The essence is the same."

"I'm not afraid that if I sign a contract with hundreds of thousands, I don't think your company is enough for me to toss for a month."

"Who said I let you be my personal secretary at work, I let you be my personal secretary for life."

"You, you cheated those shareholders."

"When you are not busy in the store, you can come to my office to help me with my work. I work, and you serve me tea and water, so my work efficiency will be higher. The instinct of the secretary is to help the manager share the work. Is there Secretary Li?"

Serena cast a bright smile at Zhou Ziheng, "When did you become so caring about people?"

"Be my girlfriend." Serena was startled by Zhou Ziheng's sudden words.

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