Chapter 778 Lost?
"Next, Mr. Zhou will give us an annual summary." The host of the meeting simply said a few words.

There was a round of applause from the audience.Many newcomers to the company saw Mr. Zhou for the first time today.Everyone stared at the stage intently, watching Mr. Zhou stand on the stage.

"First of all, I am very grateful to all the shareholders of the company for their support, and I am also very grateful to the addition of several new shareholders this year, which has enabled the company to develop steadily. Let us once again give them warm applause to thank them."

"Dean, are you busy? I want to talk to you."

"Well, Qianqian, I'm fine now, this way please."

"That little girl over there with the dean, is she new here? I heard from her that she and her parents got lost in the park."

"This girl has a complicated background. Her father and mother both graduated from Renmin University. A few years ago, her father and mother came to this city to work together after graduating from university. Later, her father became the general manager of Eric Company. He was born in the year of [-]. Then at the request of his father, his mother resigned and became a full-time wife at home. His mother thought that her happy life was about to enter a new stage, but the good times did not last long. In less than two years , his father had an affair in the company. His mother is still young and tried her best to save this relationship, but it was too late when she found out. His father found various reasons for divorce, and finally, under the pressure of the man, his My mother had to divorce. During the divorce, my father left his daughter to his mother, and also left the house they bought together to the mother and daughter. But his mother has not worked for two or three years. In this city There is no one to rely on." The dean paused when he said this.Love is so unreliable these days.People's hearts are always changing.When a guy meets a young and beautiful girl, his heart will always fall.

"In this society, no one can be relied on, only you can rely on yourself. If you work hard, you will never lose it." Qianqian and the dean were in the yard when they saw these children playing around.

"That's why the girl's mother left the girl here." You gradually feel that such a heart is cruel enough, after all, it is your own flesh and blood.No matter how unbearable it is, at least she graduated from Renmin University, so a daughter can still support her.

"It can't be regarded as lost. Specifically, it should be foster care. This mother has not worked for two years. She is unfamiliar with this place. What is urgently needed now is to find a job. There is no one to take care of the child, so he just I can only put it here for the time being, and he will send a fixed living allowance every month." The store manager is a kind-hearted person, who is already in his 50s, and he always thinks of others.

"Hey, why didn't you see that little chubby guy today?" You asked suspiciously before, since she came here, she always felt that there was one child missing, and she thought about it carefully.

"He's been there all the time, maybe you didn't pay attention."

"No, I can remember every child clearly. I really didn't see that little chubby boy today."

The dean and Qianqian stood up and looked at each other, both feeling that something was wrong.

"Tree roots, tree roots." The dean shouted loudly in the yard, but no echo was heard.

Everyone was in a hurry, and the dean called all the people together to find the root of the tree.

All of a sudden, the yard was filled with the childish voices, which made the dean sweat all over in anxiety. To her, each of these children was like her own flesh and blood.

When everyone was running around in a hurry, Qianqian suddenly thought of a place. He used to take tree roots to a lake next to the orphanage to play.Will it go somewhere?
Today I looked for it with the attitude of giving it a try. When Qianqian walked to the lake, she saw a child squatting on the ground and throwing stones into the lake.

Qianqian slowly approached him. "The root of the tree is awesome. You can throw stones so far. It's an improvement." However, the root didn't look back, and continued to throw his stones there.

Qianqian saw a pile of stones next to her, and suddenly picked up the pile of stones, put them next to the tree roots, and threw them up.

"Tree roots, let's compete who can throw the farthest, okay?"

"Liar, go away, you are all liars."

"Tree root, what's the matter with you? If you have been wronged, just tell auntie."

"I remember you once said that my parents will love me very much, and as long as I work hard, I will be praised by others. But today when the teacher was painting, let him have his ideal home, I am broken, Dad Mom, there is also a lovely house. There is a child who is the same as I drew, and the teacher praised him but not me. Why do you say this? Why are you lying to me?"

"In fact, the tree roots are already great. We all know that an ideal home has parents. It may be that there were too many people at that time. The teacher just selected a few paintings and praised them. In fact, you are very good."

"Tree root, have you seen the willow tree in the distance? Look at the willow tree next to you. What's the difference between them?" Nie Qianqian looked at the tree root firmly.

"That tree is full of weeds, and there are many yellow leaves on the tree. But this tree is full of green grass, and there are green leaves on the tree. This tree looks very energetic." The root of the tree answered truthfully. .

But the fertility of this meadow is the same.The same goes for the level of light.Why is that tree not as beautiful as this one?
Tree Root shook his head, expressing that he did not understand.

That's because people often sit here to enjoy the shade under this tree, and the tree knows how to communicate with people.Trees bring shade to people, and at the same time get people's company.This tree is good at seizing opportunities to express itself, which makes it grow more and more beautiful.

Why did the dean name you Tree Root?In fact, I want to make you like a tree, and I want to tell you a truth.Not every tree is valued.Only through your own efforts to continuously improve your own highlights, will you be discovered by others.Only in this way will you become stronger and more beautiful.

Root seemed to understand, and he nodded.

"Go, let's go back with auntie, the little friends there are still waiting for you, and they left delicious food for you." Shugen happily took Nie Qianqian's hand.

Every time Qianqian comes to the orphanage, she not only brings food and drinks to the children, but also cares about their ideological problems.I will often take them around the nearby streets, tell them stories, and tell them how to communicate with people outside.Also teach them some survival skills.

The children jumped up happily when they saw Aunt Qianqian holding the tree root's hand and returning to the orphanage.The dean was also very excited and said thank you a series of times.

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