Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 766 What's the matter with you

Chapter 766 What's wrong with you

Whoops, what are you doing, who is so careless.

"Miss Ross, the famous big star, I want to talk to you two."

"I heard that you have been representing their products for Xingyu Company in Xibu City. Our company is with them and will acquire their company, so I hope you will speak for our company next time, and you will be paid a lot of money. remuneration."

"Miss Zhou, you underestimate me, and I'm not short of money, besides. How could I speak for a company casually?"

"Xingyu will be acquired by us, and we will replace them soon. You have no future if you stay in Xingyu."

"Miss Zhou, whoever I want to speak for is my freedom. You have no control over me. My time is precious, so I won't take it with you."

"slow down"


"Miss Ross, your reputation has just improved in the entertainment industry, so you probably don't want to be rumored about it."

"You, you're too despicable." Ross was very embarrassed by the vile means of atmosphere.

"Despicable but very effective, isn't it?" Zhou Luoli didn't use this method very often.

"Tell me what you want me to do."

"I want you to endorse a batch of products for our company, and you are trying to get Xingyu to agree to be acquired by us."

"This..." Miss Ross hesitated for a long time.

"I'll give you a few days to think about it. When you go back and think about it, come and tell me."

"Boss, look. This is the morning paper for this morning."

"So soon, Miss Ross is standing over there." The boss of Xingyu Company was calm and calm.

"Malicious mergers and acquisitions in the secondary market (without the acquiree's knowledge). They slowly buy our shares in the open market, gradually reaching a dominant or controlling position, and we are about to be acquired." The secretary said dejectedly.

"This may not be a bad thing." The boss smiled, and seemed to have a countermeasure.

"How do you say it?" The secretary still had a dirty look on his face.

It was only after the boss whispered a few words in the secretary's ear that the secretary suddenly realized.

Can Zhou Luoli successfully achieve her goal this time, prompting the company to acquire Xingyu Company in a short time?She is thinking about various problems and collecting information every day, and she is very busy, but she feels very fulfilled.

Ever since Zhou Luoli left, her father's health has not been very good, so the Zhou Group has been handed over to Zhou Ziheng.Zhou Ziheng is still under some pressure. After all, the Zhou family is huge, and there are still many people staring at their property. Before that, at least his father could help him, and the employees in the company are all his old subordinates. Now that his father is not in the company, let's manage it. Still a bit difficult.

After Dad left, the old employees of the company all opposed Zhou Ziheng, and Zhou Ziheng had to adopt a policy.

"I've been busy rectifying the company for the past few days, and I'm already dizzy. Today I feel a little more relaxed. Let's go out and relax."

"What kind of wind is this that brings Master Zhou here." Serena spoke with a hint of enchantment, otherwise why is such a not-so-famous shop full of people every day, many rich people are because of Serena This beauty came to the store.

"Southeast wind, with a hint of tired wind."

"Yo, what's wrong with you?"

"Thinking of you." Zhou Ziheng also began to flirt.

"Less poverty"

"This is the skilmoca I just created"

Zhou Ziheng stirred patterns on the cup with a spoon, and took a long breath.

Well, after the strong bitterness, the mellow aroma is exuded, which makes people have endless aftertaste. It's over, I'm obsessed with this coffee.


9. The bitterness and sweetness of coffee do not lie in how to stir, but in whether to add sugar; a period of pain does not lie in how to forget, but in whether you have the courage to start again.

The spoon stayed in the cup for a while, and Zhou Ziheng said slowly: "I still love the bitterness of coffee, and I am in love with this kind of coffee without sugar, which emits bursts of strong mellow fragrance. It has a bitter taste, but at the moment it enters the throat, I feel a little sweetness, drinking coffee is like tasting the flavors of life.”

"When did you learn to appreciate life?"

"Since I learned to live."

"Now when I go to the office every day, I will make a cup of coffee myself, and then taste it carefully. This taste of bitterness and sweetness is very special. It is very similar to life. Only those who know how to taste coffee can know the meaning of life. Now I am familiar with this It's a feeling."

"Then you hire me to be your secretary, and guarantee different flavors of coffee every day, so that your every day is different."

"Then what about your small shop, or your father's small shop will be moved to our company. Then I can drink every day."

"You think beautifully, you."

"Of course I have to think about it beautifully, what if it comes true."

"Are you busy now? Why don't you accompany me to the horse race? I haven't been outdoors for a long time, and I'm almost moldy." Zhou Ziheng stretched his waist, and the moment he stretched his waist was so handsome.

They changed into their riding clothes and went to the stables together to choose horses.Serena stroked the horse's head, and the horse looked at Zhou Luoli obediently.

"Do you still remember the first time I took you and Luoli to ride a horse?" Zhou Ziheng suddenly remembered.

"Of course I remember. I was very scared at that time, and you deliberately provoked me, saying that I was useless. Later, when I got angry, I climbed up on the horse's back with all my strength. I was uneasy and trembling on the horse's back. You kicked me directly. I kicked the horse, and the horse ran away at a high speed. I could only grab the rein hard, feeling like I was going to die. Then you jumped directly from your horse to my horse’s back. The horse ran for a long time, but I didn’t After the fall, I was no longer afraid. Later, I gradually felt the joy of riding a horse. After all, thank you.”

"Come on, let me see if your horse skills have improved recently."


"Drive" Selina whipped the whip down, and the horse ran fast, and she felt the pleasure she had never had before.

The two horses galloped very fast in the racecourse, their speeds were comparable, and neither Zhou Ziheng nor Serena gave way.

She speeded up, and he slapped the horse vigorously, and immediately caught up with her.

They grew up together, and they quarreled as soon as they met. This has been with them for more than 20 years and has become a part of each other's lives.It seems that I'm not used to not quarreling when meeting each other, and I always have to make money every time before I give up.

"That's right, you've made great progress." Zhou Ziheng praised Serena for the first time.

Serena looked at Zhou Ziheng in surprise.

"What's wrong, what did I say wrong?" Zhou Ziheng was startled by Serena's eyes.

"No, it's just the first time you praised me. I think a Disney world record has been broken, breaking the precedent. It's worth commemorating with your eyes?"

"That's it, then I will boast more in the future."

"Forget it, I still prefer the way you and I can't get along."

"Ah, Serena, you're so ugly today"

"You," Serena whipped the horse's butt hard, and the horse roared directly to the sky.When the first two hooves fell, they almost stepped on Zhou Ziheng, and 3 Serena quickly stepped back.

"Wow, you're really serious."

"By the way, how is Luo Li recently?"

"I contacted her with a company abroad, and asked him to start from the grassroots level and grind her temper."

"This is a pain for Luo Li. She has never suffered since she was a child, but this is also good, let her suffer, and she will know that everything is hard-won."


Zhou Ziheng and Serena walked the horse around the racecourse without feeling tired. It was the first time for them to talk so intimately.Zhou Ziheng also felt that he had completely forgotten all the troubles of being busy with rectifying the company these days, and he was not tired anymore.

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