Chapter 759 Hurry up and find it

"Xiaoqian, hurry up and find Qianqian for me. If you can't find it, don't come back either." Mo's mother was very angry.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely get Nie Qianqian back and give her a perfect wedding," Mo Shangqian replied firmly.

"That's fine."

Ever since Nie Qianqian went abroad, Mo Shangqian couldn't get in touch with Nie Qianqian. Mother Mo has been very unhappy and doesn't care much about Mo Shangqian. In her heart, Nie Qianqian is already her daughter-in-law. Nie Qianqian is gentle and generous, intelligent and sensible, which is great Where can I find my girl?

"This is a long skirt that my mother bought for Qianqian. If you bring it to Qianqian for your mother, you can say that it is a favor from Auntie. Auntie misses her so much. Let her come back to accompany Auntie. This girl is kind and will definitely come back. "Mother Mo instructed Mo Shangqian.

"It's still my mother's thoughtfulness, I will definitely bring it."

"You're leaving tomorrow, hurry up and get Qianqian back for me."

"Mom, now your future daughter-in-law is more important than your son. If your son doesn't come home for a few months, you won't be so eager to see each other. Now it's Qianqian. You want to see her so much." Mo Shangqian was a little jealous .

"Of course, if the daughter-in-law can't stand it, she will run away with others."

"How come?" Mo Shangqian was very firm.

Mo Shangqian packed his suitcase and went to the airport in a different place. "Qianqian, where are you? You must come back with me this time."

Mo Shangqian had just entered the waiting room when he noticed a girl crying at the corner, so he walked over and patted the girl on the shoulder.Seeing this girl crying so sad, she must have lost her love or lost her job.

"My beloved and I have been in love for more than six years. No, we will continue to love each other without a deadline. However, we have only been together for more than one year during the six years of love, and this year has not been smooth. We I often have conflicts, and it's the same this time, because of some small misunderstandings, he went abroad, and I haven't contacted her for half a month."

"Why do you love each other so much and still fight so often?"

"Love is inherently noisy, parting and reuniting. No one's love is smooth sailing. A beautiful love needs two people to manage it. Only the love that will never break up and last until the end is worth cherishing."

"Can you tell the story between you two?" The girl looked at Mo Shangqian curiously.

"That year she was in her senior year and hadn't graduated yet, and I was already the president of the company. I was going to meet a client that night, and I accidentally crashed a car at an intersection, and was finally rescued by her. I was rescued by her Impressed by his kindness and beauty, I went to their school to confess to him after a few days.... Speaking of the first confession, it was quite funny, she had forgotten who I was, but I successfully asked her out for a meal Food..." Mo Shangqian told the story between him and Nie Qianqian, and the girl felt like she was listening to a beautiful fairy tale.

"You have no contact, what if you can't find that sister this time?"

"I'm sure I can find him. If one day fails, it will take two days. If two days fail, it will take a week. If one week fails, it will take a month... I will keep looking until I find him."

"I love him very much, but when I came to the airport to look for him today, there was a woman beside him, and she asked us not to contact each other in the future." The girl cried while speaking, when she said this It seemed that she was crying more and more, and it was obvious that the girl liked the boy very much.

"Girl, there is still a long way to go in life. In this life, you will meet many people who love you. You can't keep those who don't love you, and you can't drive away those who love you. Never live for others. You have to Live a wonderful life of yourself, so that you will attract the person who is willing to put you in the palm of your hand." Mo Shangqian spoke very philosophically, and the girl who listened to it relished it.

"Do you like that boy?"


"Does she like you?"


"Will you miss him if you don't see him for a few days?"


"Will you miss him if you haven't seen him for a year?"


"What did he do for you that deserves your touch?"

The girl faltered for a long time.I also thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't think of a touching thing that boy did for her.

"Then why do you like him?"

"Because he is humorous, he often makes me laugh, and I am very happy to be with him."

"Girl, don't be stupid. He didn't do anything for you. He just said a few sweet words to you. Every man can do this. He will say it to you, and he will also say it to other women. , is this kind of man worth your doing for him?"

The girl thought about it, she fell in love with him for two years, and every time she came to see him from such a distance, she just saw him once, and he had never been to her own city to see herself. Sad, she is more angry, this man is so heartless.The girl figured it out.She has to work hard and try to make herself better.Find a good man, not this kind of scumbag.

"Thank you, I wish you to find your sister soon, I wish you a long time and grow old together." Mo Shangqian received the girl's blessing before boarding the plane, feeling inexplicably happy in his heart.

He would never take the initiative to comfort the company's employees before, let alone a stranger, and now he finally understands Nie Qianqian's phrase of helping others.

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