Chapter 754 I'm Alone

Soon, another month passed, and the competition would start tomorrow. Mo Qianqian packed her luggage and went to the competition venue alone.

"Daughter, just give up the competition. Our Zhou Group doesn't need the 1 million customer funding. You have a big belly, how can you go to the competition? What if something happens?" Zhou's mother was worried. looking at the daughter.

"Mom, can you tell that I'm pregnant? If you can't, that's right. No one knows that I'm pregnant, and I can participate in the competition normally. And I've finished the preliminary round, how can I give up so easily. "Zhou Luoli is still very firm.

"Don't be stubborn anymore, a girl is seven months pregnant, how can she still run around? I don't worry, I won't let you go." Zhou's mother was already angry.

"Mom, I have to go to this game, I can't give up. If I give up, everything I have done before will be in vain."

"You can't go."

Zhou Luoli roared for a moment, feeling a pain in her stomach.

"Mom, my stomach hurts so badly" Zhou's mother immediately sent Zhou Luoli to the hospital.

Your daughter's fetal position is not correct, because she is exercising too vigorously or being too emotional, she may be born prematurely, and needs to be hospitalized for observation in advance.

Do not exercise too much during this time.Pay more attention to rest, drink more nutritional supplements, and make up your body more.

Zhou's mother felt very angry. The baby was about to be born, and it was really frustrating to participate in any competition, so Zhou's mother sent someone to tell the people at the competition site that Zhou Luoli was framed by Nie Qianqian and was now dying, so she gave up the competition.

"This is the semi-final site of the green building design competition jointly organized by Golden Sun and Green Wave. This semi-final is very simple to say, but also very difficult to say. This time our competition venue is the entire campus of Golden Sun In the yard, we buried the gifts of the Golden Sun in the yard. We will send everyone a topographic map, and then the person who finds the most tops will win. The time limit is 3 hours, and six people will be left, and the rest will be eliminated .This is mainly to examine everyone's ability to inspect the terrain and judge ability. Alright. Now the game begins."

Before the host's words were finished, everyone jumped up and ran forward. Nie Qianqian found it strange why there was no Zhou Luoli.Seeing everyone going their separate ways, Nie Qianqian yelled, there is one under the big locust tree, so everyone flocked to the big locust tree again, and finally dug out one, and everyone scrambled for it. For this gift, don’t you Let me, I won't let you.

And Nie Qianqian was very excited watching this scene.She went to another place freely, and soon dug up six gifts.She is very happy.

Our first player is back, just 1 hour and 36 minutes from the start of the game.Let's take a look at the results of this contestant, wow, she found a total of six gifts, congratulations.Today, who will be the winner, we will wait and see.

"Ask this contestant to rest on the stool next to him first."

Nie Qianqian took a closer look at the map, and found that there was also a suspicious place near the stage, so he picked it up with his hands and found another one.

The competition time is coming to an end, please return to the starting point.

Nie Qianqian laughed when she found out that several people didn't have any presents.

Well, the semi-finals of the green building design competition have come to an end here, and I will announce the results next.

No.1 in this competition, Nie Qianqian, general manager of Xingchen Company, seven gifts, took 1 hour and 36 minutes, congratulations.

No.2, Xu Tiancheng, general manager of Shangyu Group, 5 gifts, three hours...

The host continued after announcing the results.

"Next, let's ask No.1 of this competition to tell us how she got the most prizes in the fastest and shortest time."

"Our green building design must be environmentally friendly and economical, and gifts must need space to hide..." Nie Qianqian talked eloquently, which drew rounds of applause from the audience.

"I didn't expect to become the general manager at a young age. Today's performance is really extraordinary. I admire it. Then, can our Nie Qianqian stand to the end?" The host is very optimistic about Nie Qianqian, who is smart and smart.

"There is one more thing I would like to ask. Zhou Luoli, who won No.2 in the preliminary competition, sent someone today to say that she was framed by you and is now dying. She has been lying in a hospital bed and cannot participate in the competition. Can you explain?"

"This matter must be a misunderstanding. I came to participate in the competition, so I don't have time to frame her. When I go back and find out, I will definitely give an explanation to the media and everyone."

At this time, in order to expand the incident, the media all came to pick up gossip. "Some people say that you and Zhou Luoli are rivals in love, and the hero is Mr. Mo from Shangqian Company."

"This matter is also a misunderstanding. Mo Shangqian and I are truly in love. You can ask Mo Shangqian to testify. Moreover, Mo Shangqian and I have been together for more than five years, so we are not rivals in love."

Mo Shangqian watched Nie Qianqian's answer on TV and clapped his hands, because Qianqian could still speak.

Everyone in Shangqian company exclaimed, the general manager and Mr. Mo have been together for more than five years, it's unbelievable that the hidden secrets are really tight.

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