A Will Eternal Chapter 683

"Miss Nie has only been here once. I heard from my clerk that you only ordered Americano and cappuccino, so I recommend you to try our Blue Mountain coffee this time. Blue Mountain coffee tastes slightly bitter and slightly sour. The aroma is rich and mellow, which is completely different from the previous slightly sweet cappuccino."

Nie Qianqian nodded as if agreeing, "Well, sometimes people want to taste different flavors."

"Yeah," Serena slowly stirred the hot coffee in front of her eyes, "A little change in style might yield new gains, so Miss Nie, I have a request."

Nie Qianqian looked at Serena in front of her in a dilemma, and she was quite puzzled. She didn't understand coffee and desserts, but Serena actually had a request for her, "If you have any questions, please tell me, Miss Serena, if you can help I will help."

Serena's eyes lit up, and she returned to her smiling face, "This is busy, Miss Nie will definitely not refuse me, Miss Nie, I have to apologize for my behavior before, I was really rude at that time, when I come back I regret it so much!"

"Before I was also unreasonable. When I met you for the first time, I asked you to change your cafe. In fact, your Blue Central European Cafe is really good. I didn't follow the customer's philosophy."

"No, no, no," Serena waved her hand, "Miss Nie may not understand what I mean, I want to say that I went back and thought about it, and I think your design is very good, you can give it a try."

"Miss Serena, have you changed your mind?" Nie Qianqian leaned forward happily, "You mean you can let me renovate your cafe?"

Although Serena was totally unwilling, Zhou Luoli gritted her teeth after she agreed, and forced a smile: "Of course, but only on the southeast corner of the second floor?"

This is already the biggest concession Serena has made. Although it is only a corner of the second floor, Nie Qianqian is already very satisfied, "The design draft I showed you is also for the southeast corner. Don't worry about Serena, we Sure to be the icing on the cake for your café."

Serena really wanted to give Nie Qianqian a big roll of her eyes, but she couldn't help it, but she still couldn't help complaining, this Nie Qianqian really thought she was a big character, so arrogant, if it wasn't for Zhou Ziheng's face In fact, I didn't care about it at all at the beginning, and the renovation of the coffee shop was also in line with Zhou Luoli's plan. Hehe, this woman is actually very stupid, and she didn't even know that she was dumped by her.

Thinking of this, Serena smiled gently, "Miss Nie, I can take a closer look at your design draft, can you explain it to me?" How can she get in the way if she doesn't look carefully.

"Of course, you are now my client. It is natural to understand the design draft." Nie Qianqian is very open now, and immediately agreed to Serena's request without thinking, but she did not know that she was walking towards the enemy's place willingly and step by step. trap.

Serena is like a wolf with its tail hidden. On the surface, it seems to be friendly and chatting with Nie Qianqian, but in fact there is an undercurrent surging behind it.

Unknowingly, half a day has passed, and Nie Qianqian said goodbye to Serena, "Thank you Miss Serena for allowing me to try, I will definitely live up to the trust, it's getting late now, I should go home."

"Then I'll see Miss Nie off," Serena stood up, "By the way, when will Miss Nie interrupt work?"

"A week later, but it can be completed in three days, so I won't disturb you for too long." Nie Qianqian smiled apologetically.

"Why don't we start work tomorrow."

Nie Qianqian suspects that she heard it wrong. Tomorrow? Serena clearly opposed her renovation of her cafe yesterday. She was very surprised to change her mind when she came to her today. She didn’t expect to ask to start work tomorrow. Is Serena in such a hurry, "You Sure?"

"Of course! I just heard your explanation of the design mistakes, and I think it's very creative, and I can't wait to see the finished product." Serena smiled so much that her eyes were almost narrowed, like a little fox, "By the way, Miss Nie, are you going back to the company?"

Nie Qianqian nodded slightly, and Serena quickly walked around to Nie Qianqian, and climbed onto her shoulders intimately, "Then can I visit it? I heard that many design companies have very exquisite designs."

Nie Qianqian even felt that Serena had a split personality, and she couldn't imagine that the smiling girl in front of her was the incomparable young lady yesterday, but she couldn't find a reason to reject Serena, so she brought Serena Came to Star Company.

In Star Company, Serena looked like a curious baby, but for some reason, Nie Qianqian always felt that she didn't seem to be very interested in her company, "Miss Serena, I still have some things to deal with, why don't you let me The staff will show you around."

"It's okay." Serena said generously. Anyway, it doesn't matter to her who takes her on a tour, as long as she takes her to that place.

"Boss, let me show this lady around." Li Zhuda, who was working on the side, saw her boss bring back a beautiful woman from the very beginning when they entered the door. Na's is a charming and flirtatious type, which is exactly in line with Li Zhu's taste, so he jumps out and recommends himself.

Before Nie Qianqian could speak, Serena spoke first, "That's really troublesome brother." Nie Qianqian had no choice but to agree.

Li Zhu took Serena out of Nie Qianqian's office. He laughed silly and scratched his head, "Where does the beauty want to visit first?"

"I want to see where your company keeps materials in stock?"

"Okay, let's go this way! I'll introduce these materials to you."

Li Zhu was very enthusiastic, and the smile on Serena's face deepened.

After visiting the company, Nie Qianqian personally sent Serena out of the door of Xingchen Company, "Miss Nie, it's fine to send it here, you can go to work first."

Nie Qianqian smiled and agreed, but her eyes inadvertently glanced to one side. Her eyes changed slightly, but it was this slight change that was caught by Serena. Serena understood and pretended to leave in a hurry, and glanced at the direction Nie Qianqian looked at just now. ,"It's him?"

Serena walked around and appeared at the corner near Xingchen Company to observe the entrance of Xingchen Company. As expected, Nie Qianqian did not leave. In fact, a Porsche was parked in that direction just now, but Serena knew it was Mo Shangqian when she saw the license plate After a while, Mo Shangqian got out of the car and walked towards Nie Qianqian.

"Nie Qianqian is exactly what Luo Li said. On the one hand, she is Xu Hexi's fiancée, and on the other hand, she is having an affair with Mo Shangqian, but after tomorrow, you will fall into my hands." Originally, Serena still felt a little guilty. , now there is nothing at all, only thinking about how to carry out Zhou Luoli's plan.

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