Invincible Chapter 662
Jack put down his hand and looked at Nie Qianqian, "Don't make fun of me. Today I just let Wang Yue play this scene with me because I wanted Casey to give up. At that time, she was the closest to me, so I didn't think much about it!" Jack It is rare to say that this is just enough to prove his guilty conscience.

Nie Qianqian laughed, walked in, sat down at Jack's desk, and was facing him, "Jack, do you still have feelings for Casey?" After this scene, according to Jack's character, if he really had no feelings, he would not do these things.

Jack met Nie Qianqian's eyes, and finally did not argue, "Maybe, but after today, the last bit of affection I had for her has all disappeared. She is no longer the little girl I knew who worked hard for life. The past has long been between us, and it is impossible to go back to the past!"

Nie Qianqian looked at Jack, she knew that what he was saying now was the truth, eight years was enough to change a lot, from deeply loving to not loving, it might really be just a thought.

"That's good. I'm still afraid that you will blame Yueyue for what she did today?" Nie Qianqian said with a smile on her face. Now he is more and more optimistic about Wang Yue and Jack.

Who knew that Jack's face turned slightly red when Nie Qianqian mentioned Wang Yue, and the smile on the corner of Nie Qianqian's mouth involuntarily deepened, saying that Jack was a cold and hard-to-approach man, but the real him not only He is a warm and innocent man, otherwise he would have been in love for eight years. In the three years after the breakup, he always had only one woman in his heart.

"How come? I also want to thank her for helping me so much today!" Jack didn't even dare to look into Nie Qianqian's eyes when he said these words, as if he was afraid that she would see something.

"Jack, you are a good man, and Yue Yue is also a very good woman. I hope you all can find your own happiness!" Nie Qianqian's unreasonable words made Jack panic for a moment, but he still tried his best to maintain this calm look, so that People can't help but feel a little funny.

When they went back that day, Jack and Wang Yue didn't say a word in the car. The strangeness between the two was very strange. Nie Qianqian thought they must be shy.

The job of recruiting has been completed. The total number of employees in the branch is only 20. Besides Nie Qianqian and the others, 16 people have been recruited. Ten of these 16 people were selected at the job fair. Personally, it is decided through the selection of design colleges. Nie Qianqian asked Jack and Wang Yue to participate in the selection that day. I just don’t know if these two people understand their good intentions. She is creating a time for them to get along alone. What about chance?
In the graduation season of another year, Wang Yue and Jack came to a famous design school in city a. Now many talents of design schools come from this school, so this time, in the selection of designers of Xingchen Branch, They boldly want to use these newcomers, because they feel that these people who have just graduated from school are very good, and have not been polluted by the big dye vat of society.

The car drove into the school slowly, and Wang Yue didn't say a word to Jack along the way, and Jack also chose to remain silent. It was their time, and the person who received them was the director of the school. Half a month before this recruitment, Catherine had already Come over and talk about it, the number of participants is even greater, and you can find a job that suits your major as soon as you leave school. I believe that no one will miss this opportunity. What's more, Xingchen's reputation in the industry is very good, and the company's performance in these years It is thriving, and it is even comparable to Shangqian Group in terms of treating employees.

Seeing those young people in front of them trying their best to show their best side, Wang Yue couldn't help feeling: "Looking at them is like seeing Qianqian and Xinyi back then." After saying that, Wang Yue was also aware that she would speak out, and she thought that Jack would definitely not pay attention to her soliloquy.

But he didn't want Jack to glance at Wang Yue, his voice was still as cold as before. "At that time, you should be in the graduation season like BOSS, right?" He was curious why Wang Yue didn't mention himself when he graduated from college.

Wang Yue didn't expect that Jack would pay attention to her words. After taking a look at him, she turned her eyes back to the stage, "I really didn't. At that time, the company at home was pretty good. After graduation, I went to work directly in the company. So I didn’t worry about finding a job, and I often thought that if I had chosen to be like Qianqian and the others, everything might have been different!”

Wang Yue did not expect that she would say these things to Jack. Many times she would indeed think that if she had gone to work in the company, she might not have met Wu Jiang. If she had not met Wu Jiang, she would not have lost that child, and in the end she would not Killing Zhou Qu because of his own selfishness, it's a pity that there is no if and no possibility in life.

Jack looked at Wang Yue. For the first time, he felt that he couldn't understand the woman beside him. When he saw her for the first time, he just thought that she joined the company because of Nie Qianqian's relationship. , he felt that he was wrong. This woman is very capable, just like Catherine, but under her confident appearance, she gives people a sense of loneliness and sadness from time to time. He doesn't know what happened to her?But for the first time in his heart, he felt that he wanted to protect her. Jack was also shocked by his own thoughts. He hurriedly withdrew his gaze, not going to look at Wang Yue, for fear of being noticed by her.

"I think on the road of life, it is because you have chosen something that you will understand something!" Jack's words had a hint of persuasion.

Wang Yue looked at this man, he seemed a bit handsome today, but the little flame that sprang up in his heart was deeply stifled by Wang Yue.

That day they chose six designers in the school, and maybe all of them will be able to stay in the end, or it is possible that among the six, none of them are suitable for Xingchen, and whether to stay or not will ultimately depend on their own abilities.

After returning home, when Wang Yue handed over the materials of the six people they chose to Nie Qianqian, Nie Qianqian didn't show much interest, she just put the materials aside and said, "I believe you and Jack's vision .”

For this big-hearted boss, Wang Yue is very helpless, I really don't know how she made Xingchen into what it is now, it seems that she really answered the sentence: stupid people have stupid blessings.

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