Chapter 592 Congratulations
After getting the consent of Qianqian and Youyou, Nie Qianqian took the two of them to the dean's office. The dean saw that Nie Qianqian walked in with the blushing Qianqian and the smiling Yoyo. Whatever happened, I was very happy for Qianqian and Youyou, the two of them finally found their own home.

"Principal, Qianqian and Youyou have already agreed, they want to talk to you!" Nie Qianqian also had a big smile on her face. The two children felt that they were destined for each other from the first time they saw them, but they didn't Thinking that these two children will one day become his own children, it seems that this fate is really such a wonderful thing.

"Qianqian, Yoyo, then Auntie will go out first!" Nie Qianqian knew that the dean unreservedly gave her love to Qianqian and Youyou when they needed warmth the most, so the two children who were the dean's children It is also very important to him, and the dean is also very important in the hearts of these two children.

Qianqian and Youyou nodded, Nie Qianqian nodded slightly to the dean, and walked out, she even closed the door intimately, Nie Qianqian stood at the door, and heard Qianqian and Youyou crying from inside the room, as well as the dean's comfort The children in the yard were playing with the new toys that Nie Qianqian bought carefree, looking very happy.

Although these children have no blood relationship with the dean, she treats them as her own. If possible, Nie Qianqian thinks that the dean would not be willing to give these children to others.

Nie Qianqian heard something about the dean from the hospital staff. I heard that the dean used to work as a staff in another orphanage, but who knew that the orphanage would say that these children without father and mother were paid a high price. Selling to those who need children, and don't ask the other party's identity and identity, only accept the money, the dean, as a worker in the orphanage at the beginning, was soft-spoken, and it was useless to stop it many times. In the end, she originally wanted to report the crime of the dean However, the dean locked him in a warehouse that had not been used for a long time, and he never saw the light of day.I heard that a very serious incident happened in that orphanage.

A little girl who was sold there later committed suicide by jumping off the building. When those people saw the little girl's body, they all sighed, because the child had countless wounds, big and small. There is no perfect skin, bruises everywhere, and the little girl who is only ten years old has been sexually abused for a long time. Later, the police found out that the little girl was adopted, and the man who adopted the little girl It was because he had just been released from prison for the crime of rape. This incident caused quite a stir at the time. The man did not have the right to adopt at all. After the man was arrested, he also confessed to this, saying that it was a flower I bought it from that orphanage for 3 yuan.

Later, the dean of that orphanage was arrested for this, and the remaining children were transferred to various orphanages. The current dean was later rescued by the police. After learning about the little girl, the orphanage Growing up is very painful, she still remembers that she tried her best to prevent the dean from taking that girl away to that man, because the first time he saw that man, he would look at the hospital worker with lustful eyes It's just that she didn't think about it at the time, he didn't even let a child go.

Although the dean was rescued, she swore that such a thing would never happen to him again. No matter what happened to these fatherless children, no one would stand up for them. Later, she established this family Orphanage.

Nie Qianqian was also very shocked when she heard the courtyard worker say this. She didn't expect such a thing to happen to the dean.

When Qianqian and Yoyo came out of the dean's office, their eyes were red like little rabbits. Chen Xinyi called her mother in advance, and her mother also brought forward the date of coming to City A, so Nie Qianqian and the others decided to send Qianqian and Yoyo to the hospital first. Go back, settle down, and then go to the original kidnapper's house.

After dinner, Nie Qianqian came to the dean's office to go through the procedures for adopting Qianqian and Youyou. Although she is not yet eligible for adoption, some procedures still need to be completed.

After the formalities were completed, the dean looked at Nie Qianqian, his eyes were reddish, and he held Nie Qianqian's hand tightly, begging, "Qianqian, you must take good care of these two children!"

Nie Qianqian nodded heavily, "Principal, don't worry, I will take good care of these two children!" Although she can't replace their own mother, she will definitely not let them suffer any grievances.

The dean patted Nie Qianqian's hand in relief, reached out and wiped away his tears, and said: "I can still remember the appearance of these two when they were sent here, the modest and stubborn one who was only a little over four years old Hugging Yoyo who is only a little older, no one will let him hug him, like a frightened deer, even a little wind and grass on his forehead can make him look panicked, God let them try the warmth and warmth of human relationships prematurely , forgetting that they were still children.”

From the dean's few words, Nie Qianqian could already imagine the scene at that time, the parents passed away, the relatives were indifferent, and there were only each other left in the world. For Qianqian at that time, Yoyo was the most important thing.

"Principal, don't worry, I will bring the children back to see you often, and those children!" Nie Qianqian knew that every time a child was taken away, a piece of flesh would undoubtedly be scraped off the dean's body, but for these children Well, even if she was covered in bruises, she would not hesitate.

Nie Qianqian admired the principal, she dedicated her youth and her whole life to these children, how many people in the world can do such a thing.

"Qianqian, I am very relieved to entrust these two children to you, because I know that you will treat them sincerely, and these two children also like you very much, I know, I believe they will be very happy with you! "Seeing that Qianqian and Youyou can meet such a good person as Nie Qianqian, the dean is also very happy for them.

Nie Qianqian nodded, thanking the dean for his contributions to these children over the years. Nie Qianqian took a check of 20 yuan from her pocket and handed it to the dean.

"Dean, the money is not much. Xinyi, Yueyue and I gave it to the children. I can't help much, but I hope they can live happily before they meet a good family." Nie Qianqian from the hospital The workers heard that this orphanage is facing the danger of closing down recently.

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