Chapter 589 Dean's Worries

When Nie Qianqian came back from washing, Chen Xinyi had already finished dancing with the children, and the children were going to the cafeteria to prepare for breakfast in an orderly manner. Horn, what are you talking about in a low voice?Because the voice was too low, Nie Qianqian couldn't hear clearly.

Nie Qianqian squatted down, looked at Yoyo's flushed face, and asked softly, "Yoyo, is there something wrong?"

Yoyo's little face turned even redder, and Nie Qianqian couldn't help but feel distressed when she looked at her cowardly look. A child as old as Yoyo was held in the hands of many families to take care of her, but now in this child's In the world, there is only his elder brother.

Nie Qianqian hugged Yoyo, Yoyo was very thin, originally a girl would have a smaller skeleton than a boy, so she held her so lightly that she couldn't feel Yoyo's weight at all.

When I saw Yoyo yesterday, her hair was disheveled and looked a little messy, but today she tied a Chinese doll's head, very cute.

"Yuyou, your braids look so pretty today, who made it for you?" Nie Qianqian changed the topic of Youyou, this child seemed a bit reckless, so Nie Qianqian decided to let her put down her guard against herself first. .

Obviously Nie Qianqian's words also aroused Yoyo's interest, she blinked her big eyes and said to Nie Qianqian: "Aunt Xinyi pierced it for me!"

Nie Qianqian touched her cheek and said with a smile: "Oh, it was Aunt Xinyi who pierced it for you, so did you thank her?"

Youyou nodded slightly, and replied: "Well, I said it, and Aunt Xinyi also said you're welcome!"

"Really, Yoyo is such a polite and good boy!" Nie Qianqian had a soft smile on her face.

It's just that Nie Qianqian didn't expect that her praise not only didn't make Yoyo happy, but her eyes were instantly red and filled with tears.

Seeing this, Nie Qianqian was also a little panicked. Did she say something wrong? She hurriedly said with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry, Yoyo, did Auntie say something wrong?" Seeing Yoyo holding back tears, Nie Qianqian Very distressed.

Youyou shook her head and said, "Mom, you always praised me like that before!"

Youyou's words made Nie Qianqian's eyes red, and she hugged Youyou behind her, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her: "Yuyou, we will be your mother from now on, you can act like a baby to us, tell us about you If you want something, get angry with us and share with us your little bits and pieces, okay?"

Nie Qianqian's words made Yoyo cry loudly, causing everyone who was eating in the cafeteria to look in their direction. Qianqian, who was going to cook for Yoyo, also ran out after seeing this, looking at Nie Qianqian hugging Yoyo In the end, she didn't speak, but her face was relieved. Later, Nie Qianqian found out that Yoyo had never cried like this after her parents passed away, and she always endured whatever happened to her.

Chen Xinyi walked over, looked at Nie Qianqian with red eyes, and Yoyo who was crying sadly on Nie Qianqian's shoulder, and asked, "Who are you? Playing Qiong Yao drama again? Or Korean drama?"

When Chen Xinyi said this, she couldn't help but make Nie Qianqian laugh. This should be called Chen Xinyi's charm. In these years, except for the matter of Special Assistant Zhao, Nie Qianqian has never seen Chen Xinyi sad because of anything. The happy Chen Xinyi also brought more laughter to those around her.

After eating, Nie Qian went to the dean and wanted to talk to her about letting Qianqian and Youyou go back with them...

In the dean's office, Nie Qianqian was sitting on the sofa with a broken leg, while Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue were accompanying the children.

The dean brought a glass of boiled water and put it in front of Nie Qianqian. Nie Qianqian politely reached out to take it, and then the dean sat down on the stool on the other side.

"Dean, I want to discuss with you about Qianqian and Yoyo!" Nie Qianqian said straight to the point.

The dean can probably guess that Nie Qianqian is looking for her today because of Qianqian and Youyou. The dean still sees Nie Qianqian and the others' care for their children.

"Qianqian, just tell me what you want!" As long as it is good for the children, the dean will not refuse, not to mention that the dean thinks that Nie Qianqian and the others are the turning point in their lives for Yoyo and Qianqian .

"Dean, I know that I still don't meet the standards for adoption, but please believe me, I will definitely finish these things soon, and then we can go through formal adoption procedures, but before that, I want to Take Qianqian and Youyou back first?" Nie Qianqian looked at the dean and said cautiously, for fear that if she said the wrong sentence, the dean would misunderstand her meaning, after all, there are many parents who have adopted children in the past few years, and they regretted it after adopting Yes, it would be a lot to send back. For the sake of the child, the dean felt that he had to carefully consider every adoption.

"What are you?" The dean looked at Nie Qianqian suspiciously, although Nie Qianqian and the others were not that kind of people afterwards, maybe because they really saw too much these years, so she had to be a little suspicious.

Seeing the embarrassment of the dean, Nie Qianqian thought that she must have misunderstood her meaning, and hurriedly explained: "Dean, please don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else by taking Qianqian and Youyou back now." I just want these two children to be by my side as soon as possible. Xinyi also told me last night that her mother will come to live for a while, so Qianqian and Yoyo will be taken care of by them first. Qianqian has arrived and it is time to go to school I'm old, I want him to enter the school as soon as possible to adapt to the life of the school, and I will take them over after my matter is resolved! Dean, do you think this is okay?"

The dean looked at Nie Qianqian and listened to her explanation, and couldn't help but feel a little moved. Over the years, there have been many people here, but very few who really care for the children. The dean knows that Nie Qianqian is doing all these things for the sake of the children, but she still I am very worried, if there are some changes in this, it will undoubtedly not be another kind of harm to Qianqian and Youyou, who are originally parents at the same time.

"Dean, are you worried about something?" Nie Qianqian asked, seeing the dean's embarrassed look.

"Qianqian, since you asked this question, let me tell you straight. There are not a few people who take children from our orphanage and send them back. I don't want my children to be hurt like this. Being abandoned by their relatives is not good for their growth!" the dean said frankly.

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