A Will Eternal Chapter 562
The next day Nie Qianqian slightly opened her eyes and woke up with a splitting headache. It was because of the hangover last night. She still had a leg on her body, which made Nie Qianqian's leg numb. She slowly moved the leg away. , slowly sat up.

Nie Qianqian's eyes widened. On her two-meter bed, Chen Xinyi and Ai Lun were lying sideways. The leg that was pressing on him just now should belong to Chen Xinyi. At this time, Chen Xinyi was facing the direction of Nie Qianqian's feet. But her legs were shaped like a figure of eight.

Ai Lun and Chen Xinyi's heads were put aside, and her legs were mercilessly resting on Chen Xinyi's body. Chen Xinyi tried to take it off in a daze, but Ai Lun turned around and pressed it up again, her face still full of tears. An impatient expression.

Nie Qianqian rubbed her messy hair with her hands, thinking about what was going on in her head, why these two people were sleeping on their own bed, and there were many empty beer cans lying on the ground beside the sofa not far away. .

"How much did you drink last night?" Nie Qianqian lifted the quilt and got out of bed. There were empty wine bottles on the ground beside the bed, but there were no shadows of Catherine and Wang Yue in the room.

Nie Qianqian went to the refrigerator and took a bottle of mineral water, opened it and took a sip. The doorbell rang next to her ears. Nie Qianqian walked over, opened the door and looked, it was Catherine and Wang Yue, who were carrying with breakfast.

"Morning, boss!"

"Morning, Qianqian!" Wang Yue and Kai Catherine greeted with smiles.

"Morning!" Nie Qianqian responded lightly, looked at the breakfast in their hands, and asked, "Are you going to buy breakfast?" Nie Qianqian actually wanted to ask if Catherine and Wang Yue were there last night her room to sleep in!
Catherine came in with a helpless smile on her face, and Wang Yue, who was standing aside, explained: "I slept in Catherine's room last night, and I wanted you to rest alone, but Xinyi pestered you I want to sleep with you, where is Alan? Seeing that Chen Xinyi insisted on staying, she also insisted on staying, they didn't cause any trouble for you last night, right?" Wang Yue's eyes were full of smiles, Chen Xinyi's Wang Yue has always been very clear about the wine quality, but he didn't expect that Alan's wine quality could really compete with Chen Xinyi's.

Nie Qianqian laughed dryly and shook her head slightly. Although she was also drunk and unconscious last night, what Wang Yue said, she can probably imagine what the situation was like at that time?
"Boss, Yueyue, come and eat!" Catherine arranged the breakfast one by one, and said to Wang Yue and Nie Qianqian who were still chatting at the door, and Catherine had no intention of waking up the two who were still lying on the bed .

Hearing this, Nie Qianqian and Wang Yue walked over, and the three of them ate breakfast. Although Nie Qianqian drank a little bit last night, Nie Qianqian still remembered what she said to Catherine and Allen, but seeing Catherine's appearance today , didn't intend to mention it at all, and Nie Qianqian didn't say anything?
After Nie Qianqian and the others had finished their breakfast, Chen Xinyi and Ai Lun slowly got up. Their hair was messy like a chicken coop. How ridiculous the way I am now.

After breakfast, Nie Qianqian received a call from Zhou Ziheng. Zhou Ziheng called Nie Qianqian half a month ago when he smashed into City Y. He originally met Nie Qianqian for dinner, but Nie Qianqian told him that she was not in City A. Zhou Ziheng When she was puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions, but asked Nie Qianqian to contact him when she came back. Nie Qianqian was busy seeing Wang Yue and Chen Xinyi when she came back, so she forgot about it.

"Qianqian, are you back?" Zhou Ziheng's voice was still warm, with a trace of expectation.

"Well, I just came back yesterday!" Nie Qianqian replied lightly, her voice as calm as water. She thought that the person Zhou Ziheng met five years ago was really herself, and the book in his hand was the one she had lost at that time. Book.

Hearing this, Zhou Ziheng's voice was clearly filled with joy, and he said, "Qianqian, do you have time? Let's have a meal together! We haven't seen each other for a long time!" Zhou Ziheng has been busy with the company's new cases recently. Very good, with the addition of Mo Shangqian and Xu Hexi, the opportunities for him to meet Nie Qianqian are much less. He called Nie Qianqian some time ago, but Nie Qianqian said that she was on a business trip. Although Zhou Ziheng was also puzzled, he chose not to ask anything at that time. .

"Okay!" Nie Qianqian responded lightly. After hanging up the phone, Wang Yue sat beside her and asked, "Zhou Ziheng? Zhou Luoli's brother?"

Just before Nie Qianqian answered the phone, Wang Yue accidentally saw the name of the caller on Nie Qianqian's mobile phone. Although Wang Yue had never met Zhou Ziheng, she still knew the future heir of Yuanmao Group.

Nie Qianqian nodded slightly, but she didn't notice that the face of Catherine sitting beside her moved slightly, which was fleeting and quickly returned to nature.

"How do you know him?" Wang Yue asked suspiciously, very puzzled about the fact that Nie Qianqian knew brother Zhou Luoli.

"The first customer after the establishment of my company, we became friends later, and he is not bad!" Nie Qianqian explained.

However, Wang Yue's face was full of disdain, and he said coldly, "For a woman like Zhou Luoli, I don't think her brother is a good person?" Nie Qianqian was kidnapped five years ago, although Wang Yue I didn't find anything, but I always feel that this matter has something to do with Zhou Luoli, so I will inevitably have some resistance to Zhou Luoli's family in my heart.

Nie Qianqian did not expect that Wang Yue would have such deep resistance to Zhou Luoli, she was slightly taken aback, and explained: "Ziheng is different from Zhou Luoli. Although they are brothers and sisters, their personalities are completely different!" For Zhou Ziheng Nie Qianqian still likes this friend very much.

Sitting beside Catherine, listening to Wang Yue's words, she couldn't help being slightly stunned. She always felt that there seemed to be something between Nie Qianqian and Zhou Luoli. After thinking about it, it might be because of Mo Shangqian. After all, an ex-girlfriend, a Current girlfriend.

"Hey, why didn't you call us for breakfast?" Che Xinyi walked up to Nie Qianqian and the others, walking around her feet and holding the chicken nest head, and complained dissatisfiedly as she looked at the almost wiped out breakfast on the table.

Allen came over and said angrily, "Why don't you leave us any, I'm so hungry!" He reached out and touched his stomach.

Wang Yue and Catherine smiled at each other without speaking...

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