Chapter 551 Loving Father?Strict mother?
Because Zheng Yu and Li Ru still had work, they took Zheng Keai back the next morning, and Aunt Li also went back to take care of Zheng Kei. The reason why Uncle Li and Uncle Li didn't see each other this time was because they had recently fallen in love with her. What kind of travel? It is said that the two bought bicycles and traveled for half a month. Now they don't know which city they are in.But Nie Qianqian stayed behind, thinking that she could spend time with her mother.

Life in the countryside is slow and clean, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the roar of vehicles. Every day, my aunt, mother and Aunt Li go to clean up their vegetables in the field, while Nie Qianqian sleeps quietly at home until she wakes up naturally. Occasionally, I will follow the ground to work.

Half a month passed, but Nie Qianqian showed no sign of going back. Mother Nie came back from the vegetable field and was busy with lunch in the kitchen. Nie Qianqian walked into the kitchen, hugged her mother from behind coquettishly, and murmured: "Only mother is good in this world!"

Nie's mother smiled gratifiedly, and joked: "If your father hears this, he will definitely be angry!" In five years, Nie Qianqian is no longer the young and ignorant girl she used to be. There is no longer a taboo in my heart.

Nie Qianqian slowly let go of her hand, picked up the cucumber that her mother washed and planted, took a bite, and said, "Dad is not so stingy, but of course I love Dad very much!"

"You, when you were young, you loved to pester your father the most. Sometimes even your mother was a little jealous?" Mother Nie recalled Nie Qianqian's childhood while she was busy.

Nie Qianqian walked to the door of the kitchen, leaned against the door frame, and said, "Maybe it's because Dad didn't like to scold me when he was young!" But if Nie Qianqian angered her mother, it would be a very terrible thing, so Nie Qianqian was somewhat afraid of her mother in her heart.

"Didn't everyone say that this daughter was my father's lover in my previous life? I think my relationship with my father should have been pretty good in my previous life!" Nie Qianqian knew that she had accidentally told about her mother's anger at her since she was a child, so she quickly changed the subject.

Mother Nie looked up at her daughter, and said with a smile, "Qianqian, do you know? In fact, when you were young, your father ordered you to get angry. He said to maintain the image of a loving father in your mind. At that time, we The two discussed it, and one of them had to play a strict role, and the way to decide was rock-paper-scissors, and my mother lost!"

Nie Qianqian was so shocked by her mother's words that she almost dropped the cucumber in her hand on the ground. Looking at her mother's mournful clothes, she never expected her parents to use such a simple and childish way to resolve the roles they played in the family.

"Qianqian, are you here every day? Are you done with your work?" Mama Nie came back early today just to ask about her work. She has been here for half a month and has no intention of going back at all. .

A cucumber was quickly wiped out by Nie Qianqian. Faced with her mother's questioning, she replied: "I want to be by your side more, and I want to make up for the lost time of these five years!"

"Mom, as long as you are healthy and healthy, you should go back to your own work. We will go back tomorrow. You are ready to go back to work in City A! Mom knows that you don't want me to worry about some things, so you didn't tell me. You are an adult now, no matter what happens, your mother will support you unconditionally, you just have to do your own thing!" The loss and recovery of her daughter made Mother Nie think about many things, she is not a fool, what happened five years ago There must be something strange, and Nie Qianqian obviously still has something to hide from her. She doesn't tell her, and Nie's mother doesn't ask.

"Mom, can you stop being so provocative?" Nie Qianqian couldn't help but have red eyes because of what Nie's mother said. She walked forward and hugged her mother again. For Nie Qianqian, this is the only place that can give her a pure land.It is also the only place where she can relax her mind.

In the past half month, Nie Qianqian has considered a lot. First of all, she has to investigate what happened five years ago. What is hidden in it? Who is the person who caused her relatives, lover, and friends to experience these pains?She must find out.

What's more, the concern between her, Mo Shangqian and Xu Hexi should be understood. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, whether it's Mo Shangqian's five years of waiting or Xu Hexi's five years of company, but between them In the end, someone will be injured. If this is really the case, Nie Qianqian hopes that the injured person will be herself.

After lunch, my aunt and mother took Nie Qianqian to pick some vegetables from the field to take back. Nie Qianqian was working hard with her back on the loess, but she thought about the phone in her pocket. Nie Qianqian took out the phone and took a look. Mo Shangqian called.

She glanced at her mother and aunt, put down the small shovel in her hand, walked to the side of the field, and answered Mo Shangqian's call.

"Qianqian, when are you coming back?" Mo Shangqian's voice was cautiously probing. It has been half a month since Nie Qianqian came to Y City. During this half month, she seldom contacted Mo Shangqian. Mo Shangqian was also afraid of disturbing their mother-daughter reunion, so he seldom called Nie Qianqian. The increasingly concentrated love was like water in a tank, and it would eventually spread out bit by bit...

Nie Qianqian wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "It will be a while? Is there something wrong with the project?" Nie Qianqian doesn't have so much, and she still wants to stay here and spend time with her mother, even though her mother has asked her to go back But she still doesn't want to go back for the time being.

"Oh, no, I just asked casually!" Mo Shangqian's voice was full of unconcealable disappointment. He originally thought that after Nie Qianqian recovered her memory, everything would have a new turning point, but now she couldn't even see Nie Qianqian's face. , although I knew I couldn't be jealous because she wanted to reunite with her mother, but I still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, the first thing Nie Qianqian did after recovering her memory was to go to City Y.

"Is your leg better?" Nie Qianqian asked with concern.

"It's much better. I've come back from the hospital, but I'm still wearing a plaster cast, so it's not very convenient to move around!" If it wasn't for the injury to this leg, Mo Shangqian would have gone to City Y without hesitation, why would he need to stay here and be missed? What a pain!

"That's good!" Nie Qianqian replied, it's not that she doesn't miss Mo Shangqian these days, but now they still have a lot of things to face.

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