On Monday morning, Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi, who had already taken a week's leave, got up early to go to the company. Last night, Wang Yue gave them the car keys because they were still some distance away from their company.

After the matter of sending Mo Shangqian to the hospital last time, Nie Qianqian was already familiar with driving, and happened to see Mo Shangqian when the two went out.

Mo Shangqian looked at the car key in Nie Qianqian's hand, and said to Chen Xinyi: "Miss Chen really trusts Qianqian?" After saying this endlessly, he got into the car.

Seeing the car getting farther and farther away from them, Chen Xinyi poked Nie Qianqian with her elbow and asked, "What does Mr. Mo mean?" Nie Qianqian did not tell Chen Xinyi and Wang Yue about the last time she drove Mo Shangqian off. He just opened the car door and walked in, saying, "Leave him alone, crazy."

Chen Xinyi shrugged her shoulders and sat in the co-pilot. Nie Qianqian thought that if Chen Xinyi knew what happened last time, she might not be so relieved to sit beside Nie Qianqian if she was killed now.

Wang Yue drove a pink BMW mini, which was neither too long nor too big, and Nie Qianqian drove it just right. At this time, the two of them seemed to have completely forgotten what would happen in the company in a week.

Recently, the two of them were very busy with Wang Yue's affairs. When they walked into the company's gate, everyone looked at the two of them bowing their heads and laughing at each other, which reminded Nie Qianqian of that incident.

Chen Xinyi didn't seem to know about that matter, and asked curiously: "Qianqian, don't you think they look at us strangely?"

Nie Qianqian knew why they were looking at them like this, and said to Chen Xinyi: "Maybe you think too much?"

In the elevator, Mai Mai and Lingling happened to be there too. When they saw Nie Qianqian, they greeted her enthusiastically, but their eyes swept back and forth between her and Chen Xinyi.

Nie Qianqian and Chen Xinyi didn't know that the company had never stopped gossip about them during their absence this week.

Chen Xinyi's personnel department is on the 27th floor of the building, and Nie Qianqian's secretary's office is on the 38th floor of the building, so Chen Xinyi got off the elevator first, and only Mai Mai and Lingling were left in the elevator.

Standing beside Nie Qianqian, Mai Mai said curiously, "Qianqian, why don't you look down on Mr. Mo and Mr. Xu? It turns out that you are okay with this."

Nie Qianqian looked at Maimai in horror, and was so excited that she didn't know what to reply, but Lingling agreed with a clear face: "Qianqian, don't worry, we will definitely not look down on you because of this matter, love is not good at all. Regardless of age, nationality, and of course gender."

Only then did Nie Qianqian understand that everyone's strange eyes in the morning were not because of their embarrassment last time, but because they suspected their "improper" relationship with Chen Xinyi.

Alas, Nie Qianqian is really "proud" that she can continuously tell the center of gossip for Shangqian Group.

After not going to work for a week, Nie Qianqian spent the whole morning dealing with the accumulated work on her hands. Around noon, Chen Xinyi sent a text message: Qianqian, they misunderstood us as lace, and ended up with two crying emojis.

Nie Qianqian looked at the text message on the phone screen, thinking that Chen Xinyi had probably received the message, and replied: It's okay, the rumor will pass soon.

Chen Xinyi quickly replied: Qianqian, although I don't mind forming a 'CP' with you, what if Special Assistant Zhao misunderstood?The happiness of the rest of my life...

Nie Qianqian typed on the screen speechlessly, and replied: How about I explain to Special Assistant Zhao?
Chen Xinyi on the other end of the phone thought about it for a while, and replied: Forget it, no matter how you think about it, you will suffer more. I didn't expect that I would become the "rival in love" of Mr. Mo and Mr. Xu. You must protect me. Safety.

Nie Qianqian smiled helplessly, and replied: "Okay, I will protect you well."

Rumors will always fade with time. People nowadays are under a lot of work pressure. If they don't find something to talk about, wouldn't their life be too boring.

I have been busy at work all day, and tonight the personnel department has a dinner party, so Nie Qianqian went home first. Mo Shangqian didn't come to the company all day today, and I don't know where he went. I thought I didn't have to cook dinner tonight. But when he got off work, he received a text message from Mo Shangqian: "I still want to eat steamed fish tonight."

"Who sent it?" Mai Bi came over and asked curiously.Nie Qianqian hurriedly took back her phone, and replied without changing her face: "No, a friend, I'm off work." She picked up her coat and bag and walked out.

"Then why are you smirking like that?" Mai Mai asked curiously as she watched Nie Qianqian leave.

On the way back, Nie Qianqian bought a fish, and bought a black-bone chicken and pig's trotters for Wang Yue by the way, so that she could make some soup for her when she went back.

Nie Qianqian went home first, and Mo Shangqian's aunt was already busy in their kitchen. When she saw Nie Qianqian, a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face, and she said, "Miss Nie, you are back." Nie Qianqian no longer remembers about Miss.

"Hello, auntie, I bought a chicken for Yueyue, please cook some soup for her tonight." Nie Qianqian handed the prepared black-bone chicken to her auntie.Wang Yue was still sleeping upstairs, Nie Qianqian put down her bag and walked towards Mo Shangqian's house with a fish in her hand.

Nie Qianqian stood at Mo Shangqian's door and rang the doorbell, and the door opened after a while. Mo Shangqian stood at the door lazily, and jokingly said, "Today is quite decisive."

Nie Qianqian didn't bother with him too much, Jing went straight in and walked towards the door, Nie Qianqian stood by the pool, peeling the scales from the fish she bought.A series of actions are like flowing clouds and flowing water.These are the stunts that have been practiced by Nie's mother for many years.

Mo Shangqian stood at the door and looked at Nie Qianqian, and murmured, "You are really different from her." It was just that the voice was low, and Nie Qianqian didn't hear it.

Nie Qianqian was busy in the kitchen, and the phone on the sofa coffee table vibrated. Mo Shangqian was sitting there looking at the files on the computer. He got up and wanted to give the phone to Nie Qianqian, but saw a message on the phone screen. It was Chen Xinyi's message: Qianqian, Gu Nian is back?
Mo Shangqian looked at the mobile phone in front of him for a long time, but in the end he didn't give it to Nie Qianqian. He sat back and continued to look at the files on the computer screen, but his mind was full of the message just now.

Looking back at Nie Qianqian in the kitchen who is busy, Mo Shangqian likes this feeling very much. Since Nie Qianqian made him dinner, he looks forward to leaving get off work early every day, returning home early, and seeing her in the kitchen early. The kitchen looks busy for him.

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